1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Discussion for Coco Tribe Ruby - Refined bunny!

Apr 26, 2009

    1. Ya, i'm not experiences with knowing when strings are too loose or too tight but I did feel she was strung loosely.

      With the body I didn't take the string out, I just tugged at it and make a second knot lower below the first. Ears I took out and re-knoted that one tighter. The arms I didn't do anything yet, there a little loose but good enough for now. But nor can she lean on her arms or anything at all. Just hold light stuff.

      I might do something with the arms tonight.
    2. since someone asked me for one, a comparison between Dali and Ruby:

    3. *me is still in love with the ruby* >w<
    4. hehehe, she does have pretty toes too. and mighty thighs :sweat
    5. Haha ya, I love her hips too. x]
    6. so the new bunnies are available ... any thoughts?
    7. I really like the grey resin.

      I'm still waiting for the open-eyed Ruby, which Junya said will be released next month. I'd really like a Coco Tribe bunny... I'm just waiting to see which one! (I hope open eyed Ruby comes in grey!)
    8. Edit:
      Appearently the sites Url changed enogh to render my saved one incorrect address


      *looks through everything now*

      and why open eyed ruby next month? :<
    9. actually open eyed ruby will be released next week <3
      we're now busying at taking official pictures for her :)
    10. Junya: YAY x3 Thanks!
    11. Yay! I can't wait to see open eyed Ruby!!!!!!!
    12. I checked out their website, and they also have a cute piggy. He's not nearly as cute as Alice Cherry Blossom, but he's a lot cheaper and still very cute.

      I have Coco Tribe Patrick....the piggy...and he is just adorable....CUTE face....and he fits into some of the Sugar Mag outfits...the boyish ones that is....He likes to play with the Alice Cherry Blossom Family Kids....and CCC Bubu ( my Hamlet) but i quite different from them overall.....BUT WHAT A SWEET FACE he has!!!!
    13. Wow, she looks great all dressed up, reminds me of the sort of thing you find in a very nuce country store ^_^ I really like her expression.
    14. I was checking the site and preview pictures for Wake Up Ruby are up!!!


      She is so cute, much better than I was expecting! I love her eyeshape -- it is unique and innocent looking. It's decided: when I get the money I have to get her!!

      Coco Tribe keeps getting better and better. I hope they release more dolls in the future that are as cute as Ruby~
    15. oh, she's adorable!!! They need to put up some more outfits though, i like the one she is wearing in the photos :)
    16. Oh... the wake up ruby is cute... but... its Not Ruby. :(
      I'm just a bit disapointed.

      I feel like the face has been changed too much to be the same character is all..

      Oh well... no open eyed ruby for me I guess.
    17. Oh I love her! She's a little less refined, and a little more cutesy, ya know? Ugh! I want all their bunnies!
    18. Those bunnys are beautiful! I like them a lot more than the other bunnys I've seen. Those pics are great!
    19. I really like her. Junya says several new outfits will be relased soon.
    20. this is my favorite bunny bjd so far. i love the little tongue. need that on a cat bjd too.