1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Discussion for Coco Tribe Ruby - Refined bunny!

Apr 26, 2009

    1. My ruby~both ruby=///=
    2. Wow I love Ruby! I think Ruby makes a wonderful wife for Dali!!
      That would be a cute couple don't you think??
    3. I think so - the basic grey Dali would be wonderful next to Ruby :)
    4. Hey, I thought I'd revive this thread since I just ordered a wake up Ruby. What clothes besides kira kira and pipos clothes fit these bunnies?
    5. I want one of these so badly!! I need to stop spending my money on other doll related things. Willpower, I need to find some!!
    6. blythe and also luts animals and yellow sp clothes also fit our bunnies!
    7. yeah so today I orderd a bunny not ruby but a ricci on a new mature body 17cm......she will be so cute. ricci is OT here? well anyway I orderd from angeldolls uk....so not sure how long it will take before she arrives...I don't think they have the mature body, so they first have to order at kirakira I think.......
      I do love all the ruby bunnies, but well those teeth from ricci.........................I think blythe/luts and yellow sp are only for the 21cm body?......perhaps lati yellow dresses will fit the 17cm body, lati chest is 8,5 and bunny's is 9 so a bit stretchy or not to tight tops?..........another question what size shoes does she fit? are rubyredgalleria for riley ok ? does anybody has her foot size?
    8. Hey Wilkies! I'm pretty sure all the Coco Tribe bunnies, including Ricci, are on topic here. I think Cesar (& possibly Milo?) aren't. We don't have a mature Ricci in stock right now, so I have sent your order to KiraKira already & asked if preparation can begin! KiraKira are great, so hopefully not too long a wait. :)

      Ricci is more rare around here (compared to Ruby), so I hope you'll post a few pics. <3

      I think Sin at KiraKira recommends Rosen Lied Mondays Child, DollZone Animals & Bisou Ai outfits as good fits also for the Coco Ambers. I'm not 100% sure about shoes though, I'll see if I can find out for you.
    9. cocotribe does such beautiful anthros! i just wish that i loved that fox more. i may actually cave in and get a ruby of my own.. i love how dreamy and soft her face looks. love the eyes that come along with her too. <3
    10. thanks for the information.....and I don't mind waiting :)
      And sure I will post pictures here .....she will be my biggest anthro doll, but the most sexy one.....I hope the mature body will look good. at first I thought it would be strange to have an anthro with breast, so wanted to order a normal one, but she is going to be a mature bunny so why not a sexy one?
    11. Congrats Wilkies, I think she will be very cute and nothing wrong with a mature rabbit, think Jessica ;)
    12. so it is almost end of june.....do you know if they ship dollies to you end of a month, or do they have a different schedule?
      Just curious to see my bunny :)......no need to feel rushed, but you know how dollie lovers are.
    13. Hey wilkies, I'm PM'ing with more info in a bit. :)

      And I agree with kayjay, think Jessica! I think a mature anthro is pretty cool myself. They don't quite represent actual animals (on all fours type of thing) so they don't necessarily have to be all childlike. ^_^

      Our Ruby is on a mature body actually. I just love her. <3 meet Princess Tang:

    14. oh she is pretty...she looks very special with the face-up and the outfit..
    15. yeah my bunny is here, she is a very pretty thing.....thanks sarahrachael......and as promised pictures:
      [​IMG] more on my flickr.
    16. Glad you love her! She is so cute~
    17. I told myself that I was not going to get an anthro... but Ricci and Ruby from Coco Tribe are driving me crazy!!!

      I was wondering - does anybody have comparison pictures of a Coco Tribe on a 17cm with a YoSD (or LTF or similar-sized dolls) and also a 21cm body with a YoSD? I can't figure out it I want the 17cm or 21cm...
    18. Arella, I can show you 17cm with a LTF in a few days. I'm abroad atm & don't have those 2 little ones with me! Should be able to do on Sunday unless anyone beats me to it. :)
    19. SarahRachael, that would be awesome! I'm kinda gearing towards 21cm, since somebody went me her picture of an LTF and a 21cm Ruby together to me... but that might change when I see a picture of an LTF and 17cm Ruby together lol Looking forward to it!
    20. I've been browsing this topic quite a bit. I love cocotribe bunnies, especially Ruby. I ordered Ruby two weeks ago from Kirakira and hope (s)he will be here on time for Christmas! :D
      I would probably stalk the order status once a day but the site isn't letting me log in.

      Ruby will be my smallest bjd and first anthro.
      Hope to see more pics of Ruby here!