1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Discussion for Coco Tribe Ruby - Refined bunny!

Apr 26, 2009

    1. My mint Ruby arrived a week ago, just in time for Christmas! <3

      [​IMG]Blue Bunny by suruni, on Flickr

      He is awesome! The colour is so beautiful, I love it!
      I already gave him a face-up but haven't had the time to photograph it yet.
      Thank you kirakira! :D
      #101 suruni, Dec 27, 2010
      Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
    2. He's very handsome! The mint resin is so pretty :D Congrats!
    3. [​IMG]

      my cutie Hani!
    4. Ooghhuhug- I need more money- cause I need to have a Ruby. A PINK one.
    5. i waiting for a ricci in pink skin :)
      i'm so exited !!
    6. These bunnies are so refined. <3
      I really love the face, they're like little ladies. The outfits for them are to die for~
      Been poking around the site and the "Wake up Ruby" is beyond adorable.
    7. Ah, all the Coco Tribe dolls are super cute!
      I love their limited edition resins! I had issues with their website, but it seems to be all back in order now, thankfully.
    8. pink swan I constantly had problems with their site but didn't have any problems with my order. They do answer e-mails though so I hope your problem will be solved soon if it's not solved yet. A pink Ruby would be so adorable! :D

      My blue bunny boy got a new face-up a while ago, I really love him ^^

      [​IMG]Sirius by suruni, on Flickr

      He's a sad little bunny, haha xD.
      #108 suruni, Apr 10, 2011
      Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
    9. surini, he's adorable!
      What a creative and adorable faceup! He looks like a little cloud with all those soft blue hues and the white dots. I really like the mint colour. But such a sad face, makes you want to reach out and hug him. He's a cutie! :aheartbea
      Yes, problem solved. They were just moving their website (it will be a different URL).
    10. :D I am really loving these bunnies right now! suruni yours is gorgeous!

      Does anyone know where I might find a comparison of all the resin colors? I'm very interested in violet...or maybe strawberry. I really can't make up my mind...and I might have the money to order soon so I need too!
    11. That helps a lot pink swan! Thank you!! I can't wait to see yours...I'm thinking I want strawberry now. 'Cept I can't decide between Wake up and Normal Ruby Xo
    12. Haha! I know! I had a hard time picking one too! I went with a Normal Ruby in the end since I wanted the dreamy look. I think you can't go wrong either way. Both of them are just too precious! Would be nice to have more people with a Coco Tribe in here! This thread needs more picture spam! :aheartbea
    13. Hello! I am strongly considering getting a little Ruby, because she is so cute! I am however torn between the 17 or 21cm. What would you experienced anthro-owners advise? This is a totally new size to me, up to this point, the smallest doll I have is Yo-SD size.

      It would be good also if owners could share if the Coco Tribe anthros can wear Blythe clothing - I've always thought Blythes were super fashionable!
    14. I was actually planning on ordering Ruby this weekend on the 21cm body...but the site seems to be down :(
      Anyone have luck getting on??
    15. I've been trying for the past two days too, to no avail. :(
    16. agh it's so frustrating!! I literally went there to buy Ruby and was denied XD
    17. Oh, it's been broken for MONTHS. You actually have to order by email. That's what I had to do (back in April, I think?). They're working on a new website. I take it it's not done yet. But yes, just send them an email with what you would like and they will reply back to confirm/give the paypal address. ^^
    18. The site's completely down...I don't have an email address or even a listing of what I would like to buy or prices...There's nothing.