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Do it yourself or pay someone else?

Jun 28, 2009

    1. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?

      I love doing face ups- I find it both frustrating and exciting at the same time, it helps you bond with your doll to bring them to life! I have some limited that came face up-ed too.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?

      I have only only ever sent one doll off- becasue I was struggling with his character and wanted to take the stress away!

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?

      I love art and painting and wanted to try it so I bought an obitsu head to practive on- I have now done over 20 face ups :)

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?

      No, I have done my own I wasn;t happy with and re did them, but factory ones tend to be well done, saying than my AOD chen (who I sold) had a very amateur face up.
    2. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      I prefer to do them myself, but not always. If the doll already comes with a face-up I don't make a fuss about it, but in the case of my Volks FCS, since the make up option wasn't extra, I decided to have Volks just do it instead of getting another artist to do it like I had originally planned.(I loved the face-up they did btw)

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      I actually have a few people I keep in mind, in case I want to have a face-up done, but never just once person in particular. I tend to stick with people with a similar face-up style.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      I do most of the face-up myself because I like it and want to get better at it. I actually started doing my own because I wanted to take in commissions for face-ups, but I've decided I like doing them for fun instead.

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
    3. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      I'd usually rather do my own. Faceups are one of my favorite parts of the doll hobby!

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      To be honest, there are so many artists I look up to and whose works I adore, that it would take too long to name them all!

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      Usually because faceups are what helps me bond with a doll. Doing the faceup myself helps me find the personality I'm trying to convey, and it's a part of the hobby I really enjoy. Trying to get just the right expression in a faceup can sometimes be easier to do myself than try to convey to someone else.

      That, and after the initial investment on materials it's usually a lot cheaper. :sweat

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      I'll admit, I have bought secondhand dolls that had company faceups and wiped them to do my own. It wasn't that the faceup was bad... as a matter of fact they were a darn sight better than my own. It just wasn't right for the character I had envisioned. I'd rather have a so-so faceup done by me that embodies the character than a beautiful faceup that doesn't match the personality I have in mind.

      That being said, I do have one doll with a company faceup that I just couldn't bear to wipe. Partially because he is a very limited doll, and partly because the faceup was already perfect for his character. :)
    4. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      When I ordered Moswen, I got the default face-up as I knew there was a several month waitlist for the face-up artist I wanted to do him. I didn't want to have a blank doll for all that time. The free head I got with him is blank and while I will be sending him out for a face-up (by the same artist who did a fantastic job on Moswen), I have gotten used to his blank face.

      At no point in time have I ever considered doing my own face-up. I have enough trouble applying make to my own face. I don't even want to attempt putting something on a doll's face.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      Elisa_maza did Moswen and I'm on the wait list for her to do Jaiseki (my blank doll) and I might see if I can squeeze in Kijika to get his face-up redone if the current default face-up doesn't click with me for his character. There are other wonderful artists I'd like to have take a crack at some future dolls but it's all about their availability, location (I'll only send my dolls out to place in North America) and price.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      The default face-up was okay for Moswen but he required extensive striping over his whole body including the face so getting a new face-up was pretty much a given. I'm not 100% sold on Kijika's default face-up but I ordered him with it anyway as I didn't want to have 2 blank dolls for a prolonged period of time before I could get them into the artist I wanted. I'm hoping it'll grow on me, but wouldn't be heart broken to have his face up re-done.
    5. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      Do it myself, without question.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      NA, I can duplicate almost anything so if I REALLY like someone's work, I simply translate it to my own style.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      Because I'm an artist by proffession, and spent a year and a half getting paid buckets to paint miniature Warhammer figurines for friends, then friends of friends, then people who simply SAW my work. I also majored in painting and sculpture in art school, so I have the ability by the bucket and the tools already to hand.
      The idea of paying something else to do something I can do quite easily myself seems quite silly ^^

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      Yes, my Sabine was second hand, and her faceup was default and a bit bland. A lot bland actually, and her eyelashes were coming off- that and she has a red wig, and her eyebrows were dark brown and looked out of place. I simply removed it and did it again myself.
    6. My questions are:

      1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      ---Usually the company faceup is what hooks me about the doll, unless I see it on the second hand and really like its custom face up. I'm weird, I can't think of anything just looking at the blank doll head.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?

      -- Not really, if I have something in mind then I can look for an artist whose style I think best suits the look that I have in mind, I guess and hope they're able to work with me.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      -- I tried it because I thought it'd be fun to learn. Though I suck hardcore.

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?

      -- From the company. I was a bit pissed that it wasn't what I was expecting, so my friend volunteered to fix it for me, and I've been happy ever since. If it's from someone else, I either try to work it out with that artist or find someone else.
    7. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      I would rather do my own face ups (although my first doll did have a company face up).

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      I havn't really looked around, but a BJD friend of mine happens to do face-ups, and I like her style.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      I was kinda forced to do it. The default faceup kinda.. wiped off?

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      Not really. I Have not quite gotten that kind of problem yet. I guess it's because I have respect for any kind of work taken to do a face-up.
    8. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      So far all of my dolls have company faceups... it's just easier and the faceups were part of what I liked about my first two dolls (the incoming Glot I wasn't too amazed by her faeup but I thought it might be too hard to find someone else to do the body painting/blushing and faceup so that they matched well). One of them has a sort of.. company premium faceup by Viya as opposed to the "general" company faceup so I guess in a way it's halfway between company and artist faceup? :lol: I definitely want an artist faceup for the next doll though, I have something specific in mind for her and I don't think whatever I do would look as nice as the faceup artists I like. I'd like to try one of these days but, well... these dolls are not only expensive but also pretty precious and I like them too much to want them to look bad. I think I'd be able to do a decent faceup with some practice but still, I'd rather have the work done by someone I know will do a good job, and have a beautiful doll in the end.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      Ladious is my top choice... Rabiruna is maybe my second choice? But hopfeully Ladious will be taking commissions whenever it is that I order the girl I want custom faceupped.

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      No... it's one of the things I'd worry about with a custom faceup though, especially if the artist doesn't speak English as a first language... I worry that some details may get lost in translation. :sweat
    9. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?

      I always do my own, there is only one exception to this rule so far, that being a limited doll with a company faceup that I just purchased off the marketplace, I love it so he will be keeping that faceup until it wears off

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?

      If I WAS to have a custom faceup done I would be looking at the work of someone like Sdink for my more normal dolls, possibly Ravendolls, and Pepstar for Corpse, I just think that style is perfect for him

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      I am an artist, I have been working with similar mediums my whole life, and repainting china dolls is actually what got me into BJD, so deffinitely doing it myself appealed. However.....I am also terrified of trying to describe to people what I want for the doll, most are easy, a few are not

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      Well I have never commed a faceup, I have bought dolls with factory faceups and with one exception I have wiped them, not because I did not like them, but because they were nto right for the character. I have, however, done faceups I am not happy with, and these I watch for a while, then redo if i can
    10. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?

      I can't do face-ups so that's not an option :3 I usually like a doll based on the company face-up (or at least influenced by it) so I most often go with the company face-up. However, where I don't care for the face-up or can't afford it, I get someone else to do it (as I mentioned - I can't do it myself :lol:)

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?

      I would get any and all of my fantasy face-ups done by pendrithgirl as I know first hand how awesome she is at them, and I love her style. For natural face-ups, I would probably still use pendrithgirl, unless there was someone else's style I particularly wanted for that character. Loving her style has the added bonus of her being nearby, but that's simply a convenient extra, rather than a deciding factor :3

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?

      N/A (though I'm going to try to learn!!)

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?

      Yes, but I didn't fix it. :lol: I meant to, but... it didn't seem that important to me :lol:
    11. Yey i love questions :D

      1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?

      Oh gosh, if i can get the company to do it i'll take that. Usually i put in a custom request but i don't mind recieving the default. I do love commissioning people though, it's nice to have exactly what you want done and there's some amazing talent out there. If i had the materials and the time i'd give face-ups a shot myself, but i like supporting the talent.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?

      *cough* Quilibet I've been watching her progress since her post in the critique forum and over the years she's improved immensly. I have two dolls with face-ups by her and both are just stunning in person. Photos don't do her work justice and she's so versitile! Shameless Plug!

      Also gonna shamelessly plug Crobidolls amazing face-ups. I'd buy another crobi just for their work anyday.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?

      I've done a few face-ups myself in the past. It was mainly due to financial troubles and just the fun of giving it a go~

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?

      Oh yes, i got a terrible face-up from a commissioner before. The girl actually blushed my dolls head so much it didn't match the body anymore AND it stained. I was so pissed but i didn't realise the damage till i tried to clean it off. I sent the doll off to another commissioner withen a few months to get it fixed.
    12. When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      I never allow the company to do it. The one time I bought a full doll second hand and he came with a company default face-up I asked the seller to wipe it off for me before sending him out and she very graciously. For right now I enjoy working on and practicing my face-ups myself as I go by the rules of 'practice makes perfect' and I'd really like to improve enough to make my dolls look perfect by myself seeing as face-ups are so important. For two of my dolls that had exceedingly difficult qualities however like white/french resin or airbrushed resin I did send them out to professionals as I knew those were simply aspects of them I wasn't willing to wait around to learn how to work on.

      If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      Nope. I look for artists on each specific doll so I search for someone who can capture that dolls style. However, what is most important to me is first I look for artists I like within my own state, and if I find none then at least within the same country. Even though there are some artists I adore from different countries I just don't feel comfortable sending my dolls' heads out so far, especially with how easily things are lost in the post.

      If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      I like to do my own not only because it helps me bond more with the doll as I work on him, learn more about his sculpt and see what does or doesn't suit him (which can reveal some interesting things about his character), but also because I'm overly picky about making them perfect. I'm very obsessive about detail and being in control of every aspect of my dolls and face-ups are one of those things that are so exceedingly important to a dolls overall look so I want to be able to have as much input as possible.

      Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      I'm currently having this issue in that one of my two boys who has had a professional face-up I am on the fence about. I loved it when I first saw it but the more I have him around the more I wonder if his tattoos are appropriate for him. However, it IS a very beautiful face-up, it was a bit pricey and I'm not so willing to just wipe it off and send it out again and throw away all that money. Since I've only had him a few days like this I'm waiting and hoping for it to grow again on me since I still love about 95% of the face-up...it's only that last 5% that's giving me issues. So I guess my answer would be to wait it out for a bit-face-ups are too expensive to just erase so quickly.
    13. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      I would like to do it myself, but I haven't gotten to the point where I'm good enough to do it by myself. So for the time being I send my heads out to get done.
      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      Yes, there were two people and I got a slot on each of their list.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      I just wanted to see if I could do it. I was think of offering my services, then I realize no one would want them.

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with?
      Yes, there was entirely to much blushing, and it looked like they had some rare disease. And then even wore it was orangey brown.
    14. 1) If I could do them well I would prefer to do my own faceups.
      2) I LOVE Ravensdolls.
      3) NA
      4) Yes, my Pullip came with a stinky faceup (her eyebrows made her look angry, she is not an angry doll), I did the faceup myself, but one day I may send it off to someone to do, since it isn't the best.
    15. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      I ordered Tomato with the company face-up since... well she is my first doll and I liked Blue Fairy's simplistic face-up a lot and would love to see it in person... but I knew I was going to re-do her faceup before I ordered her. But when she arrives her face was just so far off from what I wanted her to be I had to wipe her to properly bond with her. Since then I ordered everything blank and do them myself... well and save some money too. :>

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      I love a lot of the faceups I have seen on the forum, other people, company defaults, they are all so nice! Personally if I were to send something out I would never have known who to choose!

      If money isn't an issue I'd love to order the faceup, look at it in person, then wipe it and do it again. But it seems such a waste.. :<

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?

      For one, it seems like the funnest thing. To properly translate what you have in mind to what shows up on their faces. I am not super good and I know that, but they ended up looking somewhat like what I intended them to. Except for Tillo, who had 4 faceups since I keep changing my mind and he keep having freaky accidents. XD

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?

      Well. Does it count that when I did Tillo's first faceup in a rush since I want him to have a face. Then I looked at him for a few days and I decided he looks ugly and need a new faceup? XD
    16. My questions are:
      1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it? While I'm learning to do things myself finally, I still prefer someone else to do it. I try a few times then pass it off. I don't get company ones any more since I think they look so bland.
      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind? Timchener for always now! She just did my last new girl, and uh, totally in love with her.
      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own? Because I want to do everything by myself. I'm still at the point when I do them myself, I have to eventually pass the head off to get someone else too do it nice, though.
      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it? I've gotten it from the company. I just wipe and either send it off, or do it myself, decide I'm still unjhappy, and send it off again XDDD
    17. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      Honestly, I'd do my own. I'm pretty artistic and I like to try new things that and I already have alot of art supplies so why spend money on something when I have the materials and drive to do it myself? Besides, between me and my sister, Tasha something amazing would happen 9she's a BEAST with pastels)

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      umm if I wasn't paranoid about the postage, shipping and mailing and arriving safely thing I'd prolly send my baby to Morbidollz or Stella di Carta i love their work. But most likely i'll have help from my darling sister when spooky comes:)

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?
      umm seeing that I'd never done a face-up yet..the only reasons I can think is one: it's a very good bonding experince two: it'd make the doll much more personal three: it's a good learning experince and four: It's alot cheaper, especially since I have the pastels, paint and water colours, and brushes already here. All I need to do is get some MSC or Testors and some gloss and that's everything!

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      uhhh N/A since my dolly ain't here yet.
    18. I often do my own even though I'm less than pro at it, because I enjoy it and I know how I want my characters to look. That said, sometimes on the secondary market I will buy a doll that has a really pretty custom faceup rather than buy the same sculpt new. I still can't bring myself to ship their heads off to anyone, so I've never commissioned a faceup before (though there's always a first time for everything).
    19. Well right now I only have my first BJD at home with me and I just got her yesterday. But I do have preferences just by looking around and what I want to do with her.

      1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?

      Definitely either do it myself or have someone else do it that I know. Right now my doll's face up is going to be done by Demi669 or if I can convince her, to let me try it. It looks similar to how you would do make up, of course she'd be right near me to help me. If that doesn't work out, we'll search around to see if an artist can do her face up.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?

      No, at least not anyone here that is offering to do face up commissions.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?

      I'd like to experience creating Chrisael all on my own (with Demi's help of course). It would be more sentimental if I were apart of the process completely instead of just putting the final pieces together.

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?

      Since Chrisael was bought plain and she's my only one, I have to say no and that I can't fix a problem that doesn't exsist for me.
    20. 1) When it comes to face-ups, would you prefer to do your own, let the company do it (when that's an option) or have someone else do it?
      I prefer to do my own face-ups now. It took me a while to feel comfortable with doing my own, but after I tried it was totally worth the stress!! And I feel even more attached to the dolls when I've done most of the work myself.

      2) If done by someone else, is there a certain artist you have in mind?
      In the past I've ordered the dolls with the default face-ups. But I've never been happy. I haven't tried sending a head off to an artist yet. I might eventually, but for now I'm happy with the work that I do.

      3) If done by you, why did you decide to do your own?

      Because I'm a pretty picky person and its easier for me to just do what I want rather then try to explain it to another artist. ~Also I don't think I have it in me to be separated from a doll long enough to send them away for work :sweat

      4) Have you ever gotten a face-up you weren't happy with? (Either by the company or another artist) And if so, how did you go about fixing it?
      I kinda already answered this, but no, I've never been happy with a company face-up. I usually wait until I can't take it anymore and get rid of the entire face-up and start from scratch! The first time was scary but I'm over it now :)