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Do you collect furniture/props or room settings for your dolls??

Oct 15, 2008

    1. I am curious here, and am learning so much about the world of BJD's thank you all for this wonderful forum. I'm so glad my friend recommended me browsing here to pick up some knowledge.

      I've browsed various blogs and ingenious room scenes where people actually have a cabinet or room scene set up as a dollhouse for their BJD's - no matter what the size- and it intrigues me. As a huge collector of dollhouses, doing a dollhouse or set of rooms in this scale is really fascinating, from a miniature standpoint! I recently got into 1/6 scale and found the amount of detail challenging to achieve to make it look 'real'....

      So the question is- what sources do you use to collect furniture for your dolls? Wallpaper, trims, pillows, etc. Do you make your own, or buy what is available? For instance, I cannot sew very well, so I buy alot of dolly clothing. Do you have a permanent place set up for your room settings, and do your dollies have stories?

      One of my reasons for asking is I know, absolutely know, my doll will want furniture- so if she /he is big, I will probably be buying some American girl furniture, since that seems to be some really nice quality furniture. I was lucky recently to buy some chairs that are Victorian, from an estate sale, that look good with my big doll I display in my dining room- and she is about 24 inches tall, not a BJD though.
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    2. Well, I started to, but it just got out of hand, and I ended up with no room., although I can see the appeal to do that, I find with SD sized dolls it's not really practical.
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    3. I go to antique shops and goodwill to buy doll furniture! You get some really neat stuff for really good prices! Most of the furniture I have now is made of wicker except for one table... it seems to be the only type of furniture I can find lately:sweat
    4. But if you can make a room for your doll somewhere, I think its definetley worth it. It really is fun to look for ways to decorate it and to personalize it. it adds to the dolls character!
    5. I said I would never do it, and now I've got a small cabinet / chair thing sitting in Shin's shelf. Space is extramly limited, so I'm keeping to two per doll, although they both have to be able to hold clothes and accessories.
    6. No, I just don't have the space for any real dollhouse-ness.... I have a small apartment & big dolls. Dolls take priority over settings. But I would love to have real settings: whole rooms, appliances, interior design, wall textures, everything! Like Mercy's photostories; she is Teh Ultimate 1/3 Shopper. :abow: jmkmini's 1/4-scale worlds, and Tinoose's Tiny worlds, are also incredible feats of trompe l'oeil via props.

      Most of my boys do get good scale-sized chairs & sofas to sit on, however. Furniture makes them take up LESS room than they would if they just sprawled on a shelf. The 60cm+ tall boys are mostly leg; so you can fit more of them together if you get those long legs folded out of the way. I'm still seeking a chair high enough for Mecha Angel, whose legs are seventy miles long... I hear I should seek out old salesmen's samples from antique-markets & fleamarkets. Others I know go to American Girl for ~1/3 settings and furniture.

      And I DO collect small accessories/props/tchotchkes: things like weapons, cards, watches, cocktails, etc. They come from anywhere... junk-shoppes, hobby stores, keychains, other dolls, etc. They're easy to store and transport, and they're irresistible. They also add a LOT of realism & life to the even most rudimentary photoshow, even when shot against the backdrop of a bookcase-wall or fabric drape.

      I've just bought big shelves from Ikea, so some of the boys will be moving into their own "dorms" next to my books-- even if they aren't the fullsized rooms/settings I would like. They'll have to sprawl on beanbags until I get more chairs, but now there's no reason NOT to decorate each one. Postcards, card-sized flyers, & band stickers make great rock-posters for dolls. Samir & Stavros already seem to be fans of the Damned, Impaled, and Ludicra, because those were the smallest flyers I had lying around... XD
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    7. Currently, when I've a little 'free' cash, I go around second hand stores, yardsales (though the season for them is now over) to specifically look for dolly sized furniture and props for my current boy and future girls and boy. I'm going to wind up with a big, plastic tub that I'll keep it all in until I have room for, or a need for it. I've a small living room I can use for photostories and photoshoots indoors, but it's also where my son plays a lot, so I can't leave my doll things out or they go missing. So far I've picked up some wicker stuff, some basket style plant holders that I need to make cushions for, some small, wooden candle holders, a tiny vase (though it's a rather LARGE vase for my 1/4 boy!) and some metal candleholders and metal shower 'baskets' that I'll be making stone or glass tabletops for to use as coffee and end tables. I've also found some great wooden furniture...but wasn't about to pay the price for the stuff, since I can have my dad show me how to use the tools (which he has) to make such things myself with scrapwood from his haunted house.

      So...in short...no, I haven't got a space for permanent setup of my doll (soon to be dolls, I hope!) as a set of doll sized rooms, or a house, but I DO still collect all the furniture and props for such a thing, and keep them tucked away until I need them for a shoot or photostory, until I can get into a larger house where I can set aside room just for my dolls and their stuff.
    8. Hahah! :lol:

      I wasn't searching for any furniture exactly, but ended up buying a chair from the marketplace as it was being sold for a great price and was in the UK, too (always a bonus!). I'm really pleased I got it now, since she looks so cute in it ^_^

      She also did have a pillow that I bought at a recent convention. Unfortunately I left said pillow at said convention and now she is pillow-less and sadder because of that. (I should sew my own).

      I like having props and stuff ... even just a few of them. I really like mini things ^x^

      I would scour eBay perhaps, for more unobvious items? Or keep an eye on the marketplace here :)
    9. I don't have much room at home but I do collect enough to make them a living room setting. I have couches, wallpaper even a working lamp, and other little extras. Antique stores are good for this.
    10. I don't really have any real furniture for my doll I always want to spend money on clothes wigs and other dolls but I did make him a bed/carrying case out of a quillow (quilt/pillow) that I made in Jr High.
    11. Having a collection of doll-sized furniture is something that's on my list of things to do. Really I don't have much stuff but I'm always on the lookout for chairs, tables, dressers, etc that are doll-sized. I've accumulated a lot of little 1/3 scale props like food and such but not much of anything furniture-wise. My boys just sit happily on their space on the shelf for now. c:
    12. Frankly I would love to collect furniture and props/room settings for my dolls, if only I had the room. I current have one very large bench and a chair for SD, and a few smaller bed/chairs for tinies, and that alone takes up a lot of room I don't really have. ^^;; But I would love to make them all at least one proper room.
    13. I love props and set-pieces, and my crew have about a ton of them... but I don't have any permanent rooms set up for them. Instead, I use two spaces for sort-of seasonal display settings that I change every couple of months. That way, I get to play with all of the miniature "toys" we've picked up over the last few years, without the guys and their stuff taking over my entire house. Which they would, if I let them. :lol:

      When I switch over from one set-up to the next, I store the unused props and furniture in rubbermaid boxes in my upstairs closet. That keeps them out of the way and safe from cats.

      The most numerous props we have for the 1/3-scale dolls and their 1/4-scale kids are musical instruments (With several musicians and a resident composer in the crew, that was kind-of inevitable.), archaic weapons, Asian-styled set pieces, and kitchen items. (Crane's fault, those. My little resin Iron Chef has somehow ended up with enough cooking gear to set up his own Kitchen Stadium. :doh)

      The two Banjis, being very close to 1/12-scale are flat-out spoiled. They have their own house. :| I made them a shadowbox-style dollhouse, and stocked it with regular dollhouse miniatures, which I love, Re-ment goodies and all sorts of odd little things, from Mushi's fridge-magnet moon lute to Issun's tengu fan, which started out as a cell-phone charm.

      I went into Ross the other day, looking for cheap towels to use for car-washing, and the two of them ended up with a near-perfectly scaled vintage race-car and red triplane. They're way too stinkin' easy to find "toys" for. o_O
      #13 Brightfires, Oct 16, 2008
      Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
    14. I really can't indulge the big ones much because my house is very small. I do have a chaise and a table with a few chairs, but since I don't do photostories for the big dolls and mostly photograph them outdoors, I really don't need elaborate props. I've always loved miniatures, though, long before I had tiny ball-jointed dolls, so the little ones have dollhouses with all the trimmings. If I had a bigger house, I would probably have lots more stuff for the big dolls. It's only the lack of space (well...and money) that holds me back.
    15. My mom obsessively hunts for furniture for my dolls, leaving me enough money to buy clothes and the like. Unfortunately, there isn't much room in my room for it all, so I just pick and choose my favorites and store the rest in our extra room until I need it for photoshoots.

      I have 4 beds, three benches (including a zebra print sofa), a cabinet, and four chairs.

      If you're looking for things, thrift stores (if you have those) and yard sales are magic for doll items.
    16. I would really love to have a real House for my BJDs. Yea, A House :) if possible. Right now, I'm collection sofas, beds, tables,etc..... I have just bought a set of sofas, and Re-ment "princess tea party" sets, and searching for a good living room table for my 1/6 Girls.

      With me, have all size bjds (1/3, 1/4 and 1/6), it's really hard to decided which size should all those staffs be, and even harder to match the styles, but I'm still trying :)
    17. I don't collect furniture, but I've got a few small props - seashells and things like that.
    18. I think if someone had the room to do something than hay why not just gives your dolls more of a life of there own at lest that's what I think ^^
    19. I think if someone had the room to do something than hay why not just gives your dolls more of a life of there own at lest that's what I think ^^ I myself have dabbled in making little bench or couch for a MSD. But I think Im better at making comforters & pillows & thing like that.
    20. I don't want a dollhouse sort of thing for my dolls. It would be rather odd to me to have a dollhouse for 60 and 70cm dolls. :lol:

      At the moment I don't have any furniture for my dolls. I am thinking about maybe making some sofa's for them, but nothing more.

      For me, they don't really need furniture.