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Do you fall in love with a sculpt just becasue her/his profile(side face)?

Jan 12, 2016

    1. Hi everyone. This is the first time I start a discussion thread here. I haven't seen any thread about this topic yet. If there was one, feel free to remove this one ^^.

      Recently I just realised that most of the dolls I like had one thing in common - they all have very beautiful profiles. Their frontal faces might not be the most perfect ones, but I just can't igonore their profiles. If I am not satisfied with one sculpt's profile, I will not buy her/him for sure.

      I'm going to choose Switch Milhwa ( the original version ) as an example ( I don't own him though). Almost all my friends don't like his frontal face ( hope I'm not being offensive to those who love his frontal face ). However, no one says no to his profile. For me, Milhwa probably has one of the most charming profiles among all the sculpts I've seen.

      In my doll collection, CP Lu-wen definitely wins the first prize.

      Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?

      (Sorry for my poor english. :doh)
      #1 Zhenwu, Jan 12, 2016
      Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
    2. This is how I feel about AprilStory Joshua!! His face seen exactly from the front is a little odd, but as soon as his face turns a bit, he's beautiful. And his profile is so pretty and delicate! I really like sculpts like that in general - ones that "transform" and surprise you when you look at them from different angles, I guess? I don't know if I'd buy a doll just for the profile, but I definitely like ones with interesting profiles more.

      I actually have a doll right now that's kinda the opposite, though. Amriel (Impldoll Avery) is beautiful from the front, but he has that sort of unusual profile Impldolls seem prone to...
    3. Wow Joshua's profile is SO PRETTY!!! Normally a front face like his won't catch my attention but his profile is just excellent!!!
      I can't find a picture of Imple Avery's profile. But his frontal face looks really cute!!!:D
      • x 1
    4. I wouldn't say that profiles trump a front view for me, but, honestly, they are almost as important, especially the nose. If I can't handle the profile, it's a deal-breaker. I like a certain sort of nose, and profiles really expose the shape of that feature. So no, I won't buy only based on profile, but it is something that is important to me when making my choice.

      As for the most beautiful profiles, I'd have to just list the dolls on my wishlist. Maskcat Ronia, Maskcat Evelyn, Dollmore Zihu, Iplehouse Kid Angela, DIM Flowne, Supia Hayul, and Supia Emma..

      As for dolls I'd like to see more of, Souldoll Crispin falls under that category. I want to see some owner photos of her profile and with normal-looking eyes before I decide on her.
    5. I agree with you on the nose part. For me nose may be the most important feature on a sculpt. Like, it is much easier to mod eyes and lips if they are not the type you like for 100%. But modding nose into a specific shape is way more complicated. just my opinion. xD
    6. My Volks Garnet. She looks totally different in profile - like a different doll. I'm totally in love with her because she can look so different, depending on from which angle and under which lighting you look at her! Almost like two completely different dolls. There are moments when I look at her from one angle and go "What did you think? Paying so much for such a - well, not pretty doll?" and the next moment I'll see her from a different angle and go "You really ARE the most beautiful doll I've ever seen."

      Also, not the entire face but the profile of the nose is really important to me. If the nose is too pointy in profile or I don't like its profile, chances are I won't buy the doll.
    7. I'm surprised to hear that cuz Garnet is rare to see . I've hardly seen any comment on her. Perhaps people haven't discovered her variability like you do yet. A changeable face always gives us surprises and makes a doll more attractive. :D
    8. Well, Garnet certainly doesn't have that typical "cute girl" Volks look. :) I guess that's why she isn't as popular - she's just got a quite unusual look for a Volks doll. Originally, I wanted to turn her into a boy but then I found this head here on DoA with that gorgeous face-up and now she's my supermodel. :)
    9. Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?
      Probably a little less, but it's still important. I mostly photograph my dolls from the front, so that is top priority, but a flat or awkward profile will ruin a doll for me. I once owned a sculpt who was very attractive from the front, but in profile, it was obvious he had nearly no chin at all, a very shapeless forehead with no sculpted brow area and his ears were positioned much too far forward. It eventually drove me to sell the doll.

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?
      Maybe, if the front view is also pleasing.

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?
      Migidoll Ell. Actually, most Migidolls. They have nice chins and noses. I'm a sucker for larger noses and strong chins. Iplehouse sculpts are good too. Little Rebel Aleksander is also a fave. That bumpy nose!
    10. I actually prefer a good profile to the front view of a face myself. i think it's because I am the same way about my own face. I hate it from a front-view, but I like my profile. Long noses go down way better from the side. Maybe I'll attempt to sculpt my own face, but make some improvements to the front view. Hah! I am really liking my soom sullivan's profile, I need to take some pictures of it. I know I owe some pictures of him to someone.
    11. CloakedSchemer Ha ha same here ;)

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?

      For me it is: Crobidoll Lance (It may be a while for me to get the money together, but i would definitely purchase him!), Luts Cian and MA Abby

      [​IMG] [​IMG]
    12. Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?
      I care about the profile less compared to the front of the face, but an awkward profile can be a make or break for me.

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?
      I love Soom Hyperon's profile. His nose is beautiful :aheartbea I also really like Soom Phonolus' profile. They both have strong features and look amazing from the side in my opinion :)
    13. Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?
      It depends on the individual doll. Many of my dolls have beautiful profiles, but my two Souldoll boys (Paris and Lune from 2004) have weak jaws that almost ruin their profiles. So in their case I love their faces more from the front view. I do have to like the overall face of my dolls.

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?
      My Volks and Dollzone dolls have my favorite profiles. They tend to have very distinctive noses.

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?
      I fell in love with Dollzone Leslie mostly from his profile shot on the DZ website. I love his nose and his jaw.


      Linda S.
      #13 galatia9, Jan 15, 2016
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
      • x 1
    14. Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?
      I need to like both, really.

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?
      I don't own him, but I always think Unidoll Jace has the most beautiful profile of any BJD. I love my Iplehouse Bichun's and Tedros's profiles, as well as Volks Yukinojo, Dollstown Mui, and nearly every Hypermaniac doll (especially Omicron and Sirang).

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?
      No, but I've sold dolls because I hated their profiles! (Supia Zion, I'm looking at you.)
      #14 Cynthia in FlintHills, Jan 15, 2016
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    15. Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?
      I never really thought about this because I love all my dolls' faces in any way. I love their frontal faces and profiles equally...but when I make a purchase I usually look at the frontal face...then again, if I see a profile I don't like I will not make a purchase *coughssmartdollscoughs*. I think it will have to be 50/50 for me.

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?...nothing comes to mind...

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?
      Hmmm I don't think so, like I said before, it has to be 50/50 for me.
    16. Leslie's profile is the one I would die for! :D
      I think most of the realistic style sculpts all have at least bearable profiles. There is a bigger chance that they have super delicate profiles.
    17. I love dolly Profiles. I am a huge fan of awesome noses, so Profile is very important to me when purchasing a doll. My top favorite is Iplehouse Arvid, But I also really love DollShe David and Grant. I bought David bases solely on his profile.
    18. Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?
      Never have, but can appreciate a good profile, especially when I love the frontal view.

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?
      I reaaaally doubt it, especially because I've never seen a doll with the type of profile I love most of all. I'd have to mod it myself to achieve that.

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?
      Crobidol Lance ♥♥♥
      • x 1
    19. Do you care about a sculpt's profile more or less than the frontal face?
      I don't really see them as separate entities; both the frontal view and the profile are aspects of the sculpt so if I don't like one, then I don't like the whole sculpt. Both are equally important to my feeling about the sculpt, but I suppose if I had to prefer one or the other, I'd say the frontal face is slightly more important.

      Will you buy a doll only for the profile?

      Nope. See above, both are important to me.

      Who do you think have the most beautiful profiles?

      Holy cow, DollClans' Vezeto! The second I saw his profile (that nose!) it was a moment of "oh lord, be still my heart". All the DollClans sculpts have very striking profiles, but Vezeto is just glorious. He's very striking from the front as well, but his profile is what truly shines. I'm dying to get my hands on him eventually.
    20. I agree with you, Jace has a great profile!

      Dodge (my Jace) played a gangster for Halloween one year. He has unusual dark default coloring in red and black, instead of the more common browns and tans. (His mustache is temporary!)

      Thank you so much! He does have a killer profile.

      Linda S.