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Do you find BJDs calming?

Mar 9, 2009

    1. OH yes! When I am lonely or upset or have suffered from a particularly nasty panic attack, Aine gives the second best hugs in the world! (Second cause my mom gets first. ;))
    2. I find them very calming, well unless they don't work with you while taking photos or dressing then they are quite frustrating XD
      But handling them, doing their hair or faceupping is very calming to me and makes me able to clear my mind or focus just on one thing.

    3. Yeah they are, I cuddle with my dolls when I'm stressed or upset, they're always there to listen and they won't judge me or yell back at me so its lovely to be with them. I've been like that with all of my dolls though, these dolls just seem so much more better to rant/cry/stress relief with ^_^ I know that Mei sits in my arms while I cry and when its not that I will pose her and just talk to her. As for Yuki...she seems to careless (little girl sculpted dolls don't get that their all powerful goddess/person they live with is upset thing I think X3)
    4. Most of the time my guys are very calming :D I carry one with me everywhere in the house XD
      Its really satisfying to make things for there characters, if I'm sad I hug them and keep one on my bed, and when I have trouble sleeping if I have one of em nearby I fall asleep pretty quickly :D
    5. While I do not cuddle or talk to or baby my dolls, and I do not sleep with them, I find them incredibly calming.

      All I have to do is just stare at them for awhile, or touch my SD's hands (or in my Pipos' case, hold her in my hand) and I chill out a bit. If I have had an excessivly stressing day I pose them and it gives me a sense of order that I am currently missing in my own life. If I have to much energy to burn or are fustrated at a lack of immediate change in my life (patience is a virtue, but sometimes it drives me insane while I push the ball to get it rolling) I find making them props, dioramas, (trying to)make them clothes gives me something to direct my energy at that won't drive me up the wall with a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

      I strangely enough do enjoy having my SD chill out nearby me. I don't do it often as my roomate is kind of set off with dolls and the fact that she is able to accept my hobby so well despite her fear makes me take her comfort level into account. Mind you I will be living alone again soon, and I have a feeling my Nigel will be sitting nearby me more often.
    6. Not at all when I got my first BJD. The stress and anxiety.. I don't want to break it! Oh no I fu**ed up the face up! Elastic Broke! I Need this I need that! So much Money!

      After a while I just figured "Hey this is MY doll". I learned how to do face ups, sew, and restring. Best of all I learned how to improvise and be creative.

      Now its very calming. I cant look at my dolls and not smile.. It's impossible. They're just too perfect now. They're miiine. Forever.
    7. I definitely find a sense of calm when I am "playing" with my dolls. I can start changing clothes and feel the stress of the day leave me. I'll come home from work, look over at my dolls, and smile. (sometimes a beer helps too. :)
      I've always played with dolls and when I was lonely, I had my Ginnies. So for me, I think they still provide that nurturing and comfort I felt from them when I was a child.
    8. I find mine super calming, especially if I'm really upset. I'll grab Kaizer at night (he stays on my bed anyway) and just hold him until I fall asleep. Even just holding him with no one else around always feels a ton better, because I know no matter what, he won't betray me or hurt me like many people would.

      Cloud makes me sad, though once he's complete I have a feeling he'll be even more comforting than Kaizer is, because Kaizer's not the sympathetic type, but Cloud can understand another's pain. I'm rambling now. >>;
    9. Actually yes! I've actually done it in the recent past, since I got him, but while I've had Liina, I've had a few panic attacks, and a few times I've caught them early and spent an hour and a half sitting in my room with him in my lap, just stroking his hair while I let the tremors and the hyperventilation pass. It was quite calming and soothing, the slow repetitive slide of his hair under my hand.

      I was glad for it, because panic attacks usually mess me up for the next 24 hours or so, and I recovered much faster those times! I think he's just very calming all together. He has a very calm, neutral expression. now any time I start to feel upset I grab him from his chair and start petting his hair. ^-^; I find it relaxing.
    10. I don't have my own yet, but, I've seen a couple "IRL". And I totally understand what you're talking about! There's this whole ethereal vibe to them that's so calming.

      I even find that just looking at pictures of them sets off the calm, "glowy" feeling of admiration. xD I don't know how to explain it, but there's just something about BJDs that stop me in my tracks and get me to just stare for a bit. Specially with the more realistic molds, like the Mecha Angel boys and Rainy girls.
    11. Sometimes when I play with them they're calming and they definitely cheer me up. Even just looking at them cheers me up immediately sometimes.

      But I think the time that BJDs calm me down the most is actually when I'm making clothes, books, accessories, etc. for them (photoshoots and faceups don't count--these times are usually the most frustrating for me). Then after I'm done, there's a giddiness in putting the finished product and my dolls together.^^
    12. I find them very calming...in varying stages of calming. :)

      Very calming:
      When I work on their face-ups. It's so calming that when I'm upset or angry with certain things, I just forget them in the process. And when I'm done, I get the sense of accomplishment accompanied by, 'what was I upset/pissed about at first again?'

      Quite calming:
      Cleaning them when they get dirty, brushing and combing their wigs, using a soft brush to brush away dust particles and also mini photoshoots for them. Styling wigs and posing them.

      Talking to them, teasing them and cuddling them. Or just plain staring at them.

    13. Well, they're calming as long as I don't have to give them a face-up (a single fingerprint can ruin my calm mood) or struggle with getting their clothes on or lashes going off.
      Otherwise they're really calming when you play with them I think. ^^

    14. I do find them rather calming - if I've had a stressful or really busy day, or am feeling otherwise tired or 'harried' for any reason, all it takes is fussing over them for a while before I'm in a much better mood. And by fussing, I mean aimless putzing around with them - looking, changing clothes, adjusting positions etc... It really doesn't take very much. :sweat
    15. I do tend to be attracted to molds that have a serene expression, I don't like those who look snarky or stubborn, I get enough of those kinds of people IRL. I also try to achieve a soothing look in their paint, I don't care for bright colors or harsh lines (on my own dolls). I want them to be a refusal of the brash outside world's "hurry, worry and consume" ethos.

    16. yes! i do. when i am feeling awful, just looking at their peaceful faces, and pleasant stares makes me just want to continue looking at them and thinking about them. they are so comforting. i don't usually hug my dolls and stuff, but i do have them on my burea in my room. from that spot i can see them regardless of where i am. i feel like sometimes they are watching over me, not in the sense that they have souls and all that. just that, like with most dolls in my opinion, there is an intimate relationship you share with them. i don't know how to explain myself really. but i completely agree.
    17. Yeah actually I do. I can be such a spazz sometimes (ok a lot of times!). I can say that since I received my first doll, I've been a lot more zen. So much luv <3
    18. Both calming and distracting, no responsibility, doll land is one of the best places in the universe to unwind.
    19. The truth is that I was still much work with them, sew, make-up, fix, prepare for some events.
    20. I have found that I'll be in better mood if I have one of them with me all the time. I think they actually kept me claim and happy. I am really enjoying the time that I spend for them (like sewing, change their clothes, face-up, etc...) or with them (as simple as I can see them in my room)