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Do you have a bjd ambassador?

Jul 27, 2011

    1. I'd bring my DoC over my SD because I find the SD size scares some people while the MSDs are big enough but not like BIG :XD: I also like to dress him up in a set of nice layered kimono and some jewelry because that lets people make the cost leap more smoothly I feel, and with a kimono it is easy to take off or push aside the folds to show off the joints.
    2. Remedy, my Volks Kun, won my mom over in a big way when she saw her for the first time, and even moreso once she saw how I put her together (wig, eyes, the whole shebang). But she's a really sweet, feminine-looking doll, and wouldn't be appropriate for some, like my friend who fell for my more quirky Guppy, who is a Domadoll Cooki. I would not use my Lusion Dahlia because she's too freaking huge and she tends to freak out the non-doll folk around here.
    3. Myles is my ambassador now, lol! He is the smallest, easiest to travel with and tends to grow on you..;) people think he's cute and tiny (and he also has the nicest wardrobe) so he ends up being the doll of choice when ever I leave the house to attend a gathering or something :)
    4. I would use my zaoll luv. She is not quite SD so her size isn't intimidating. She is a she...which I find is more excepted than my boys :sigh People just don't seem to understand the whole pretty boy thing and I hate having to explain it. Also she is more proportionate than my other SD girl, so I don't get all of those 'legs for days' wise cracks that people can't seem to get past...you know, there are real women that ARE built like that, THEY ARE CALLED MODELS. I usually don't show my dolls to people that wouldn't understand, they usually have a total disregard for my feelings, and men in particular don't understand.
    5. I don't really think that MSD's are like barbies... mostly because they're still a good 10-15 cm taller, which might not seem like a lot, but barbies are only 30 cm tall so MSD's are a good 150% larger and thicker - and they also tend to have much bigger heads. I definitely noticed that people notice MSD's a lot more than tinies, that are closer to barbie-size.

      Right now I only have one, so he's it for now. I don't know how it'll go over with him though, since he'll have fantasy eyes and face-up, and some people tend to get unnerved by that. However, what I noticed is that there's two big things that would affect my choice in choosing an ambassador. On the one hand, the bigger dolls definitely attract the most attention, and are consequently the easiest to justify price with (since they're er, big and heavy). My tinies almost always get overlooked in favour of the local fullset Sard (not that I mind, heh. That also means I get the least negative attention too) because he's big and impressive. On the other hand, a lot of people get really freaked out by big, realistic dolls. My mother hated my Lati, and I didn't even show her my Chrom in person. She said they looked dead. However, she was definitely a lot more appreciative of my tinies, saying they looked like "little candies", and not having any issues of my bringing them along or having them sit in the same room as her. Because they're cute and chibi-like, and therefore less humanoid, so they're less intimidating.

      ... I guess MSD's are the best option, eh? They're not too big and not too realistic, generally, but also not too small and easy to overlook/compare to other common dolls. It's funny, too, because when I had my MSD was when I had the largest number of people approaching me to ask questions about them. Although my previous tiny did convert three of my friends to dollydom, hehe, but I tend to be friends with people who are similar to me, so they just couldn't resist the cute.
    6. I usually start off with Aiden, my crobidoll yeon-ho since he's by baby. I have gotten very nice reactions when I've brought Chase out, my Luts '10 event head. Once I finish Axel, he might be my new favorite, so he'll be going out more, but I think MSDs are the perfect choice for people getting a sense of the hobby, but most of my dolly friendly friends like the SD size since it just fits perfectly on your lap.
    7. Shillelagh is my pocket politician for BJD's most of the time. She is small and cute, which wins a large amount of people over, and they aren't as afraid to play with her. Great for a large mixed group.

      If I am going to a smaller group where I know most of the people will be geeky I bring Frygg. She is my most complete and original looking doll, and she wins the creative types over in less then a heart beat. I like to show off how smooth her posing is, how much personality she shows, and how UNLIKE what most people think of when they think of 'dolls'. Shillelagh is like a little piece of candy, but Frygg is the one that grabs hold and hauls them in like fish.

      Nigel hopefully will also be able to be an embassedor soon enough, but right now he is still in the long process of being 'finished'. Once he is... well... no one will survive the onslaught!