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Do you kiss your dolls?

Feb 26, 2023

    1. There is a really old discussion on this topic but it's locked. I find myself giving my dolls a little kiss on the head here and there. Then I look around to see if anyone saw me. LOL Is that strange?
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    2. I am a serial doll smoocher. Do not let me hold your cute doll if you do not want it smooched.
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    3. Haha I've been known to give a little smooch in the head every now and again. Sometimes they just look so good you have to do it! When the faceup is complete, the outfit is better than you invisioned, and not a hair out of place on the wig?? :love
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    4. This is a fun topic :blush I don't kiss them at all (I think my cat needs too many top of head kisses for there to be any left over) but I do pat them on top of the head sometimes which I find very satisfying :XD:
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    5. Sometimes! Since I use chapstick often, I only kiss their heads directly when I haven't put any on. Usually I would have to already be handling them, which isn't too often as I just keep them on display on a shelf. Most of the time, however, I'll kiss my fingers and then lightly pat their heads for an indirect kiss :whee:
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    6. I tend to pat them and praise them. All my kissed go into my cats, who I am sure would rather have me kiss the dolls haha
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    7. Oh definitely. None of them are immune.
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    8. Yes! :D I kiss their little foreheads, pat the top of their heads, brush their cheeks, hold their little hands, give them big hugs... I am such a cuddler LOL.
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    9. I don't personally do that, I am not a physically affectionate person. The only ones I've ever kissed and huged are my cats, and I still do so of course. I never liked touching other people nor being touched by others. I don't like holding my plastics toys for prolonged periods of time. I am a germaphobe, so kissing them would be gross to me, and I would have to wipe them with stuff that would more than likely ruin the paint. I just never felt that need nor desire to do so.

      I don't see it as weird that other people want to do so, I have read people being physically affectionate to their dolls quite often. I just happen to be a huge weirdo. (:
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    10. I don't handle my dolls all that much at the moment, I'm too busy finishing all their customization and clothes. And all my dolls at the moment are 45cm so I'm not sure if I'll ever kiss them, I feel like there's not enough head space lol. But I can see myself eventually kissing one of the larger dolls I'm getting.
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    11. I do! But only if I'm not wearing lipstick/gloss/balm, and only on top of the head, not directly on the resin. They also get lots of cuddles and hugs. <3
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    12. I'm more of a pat your head type. LOOOL. But definitely some hugs.
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    13. I do! I kiss them on the cheek mostly, but sometimes I try to kiss their tiny noses. I like just holding them too. I've put a lot of work into them, and they're gonna get snuggled!
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    14. LOL this is such a cute thread! I kiss them on the head like I do for my cat!
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    15. Gosh, no way. (Why would I ever want to kiss plastic toys? :ablink:) I don't hug my dolls either - the thought never even crossed my mind until someone mentioned it in the BJD Discord server I was in. I found it such a strange notion that I polled the server... and was astonished to find that quite a few people indeed hug their dolls! I'm not a cuddly type at all, so that may be why.

      I do like touching my dolls' heads though, and changing their poses a little bit whenever I walk past. And contemplating their faces. I can lose hours just staring into their eyes and faces.
      #15 aihre, Feb 27, 2023
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
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    16. I am more likely to blow them kisses than actually put my lips on them... though depending on which wig Vince is in, he's suffered the odd smooch.
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    17. Yes, and hugs!!
      Just make sure I'm not wearing any lip balm :lol:
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    18. I hug them mostly like my plushies, but an occasional kiss in the top of the head every full moon or something :lol:
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    19. I just like to hold them on my lap, pat their heads and hold their hands! A kiss seems a bit too dirty/oily ? to me. Maybe if their wig isn't specially styled I could see a kiss on the top of the head, so long as there's no lip balm lol
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    20. I honestly cannot recall a time i've kissed any of my bjds but I have smooched a reborn doll or two on the cheek. I don't think it's strange if people choose to do so or not to do so.
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