1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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DoA Limited Edition "Forest Shadow" Homme Fer

Aug 16, 2011

    1. We are excited to announce that the DoAxDollheart collaboration, the Homme Fer, is being released in a new color for our 7th anniversary! The Homme Fer design was originally released in 2009 as a collaboration between armeleia and the designer of the original Dollheart Fer.

      The Forest Shadow Homme Fer!

      More photos on Dollheart.

      We ordered based on photos of fabric swatches... and the color we chose was much greener than it looked in the photos! :sweat While we don't have a shadowy pewter-gray Fer to match our theme, Dollheart really outdid themselves with this muted green offering. The outer jacket is a soft gray-green lined with a subtly metallic blue suiting; the undershirt is black with glimmers of sparkling green and delicate green and black ruffle detailing.

      In addition to the images available on Dollheart's site, please reference this natural-light photo for more accurate color.

      The Homme Fer is DoA's exclusive design, so we are the only ones who are allowed to offer it.

      Ordering Information

      This is a limited edition of 40 sets.
      They will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. The official release date is 7pm EST on Friday, August 19th. Payment is due within 24 hours of ordering; no layaways. An order form will be made available upon release.

      This outfit is sized for 60cm BOY.

      The price is $99.90 + exact shipping.
      All domestic orders will be shipped USPS Priority with insurance; international orders may be shipped USPS Global Priority or EMS with insurance. Due to having had 3 orders go missing in the previous release, insurance is required.

      Payment will be accepted via Paypal.

      There will initially be a one Fer per person limit. If they do not sell out by Monday, August 22nd, we will allow members the opportunity to purchase a second if they are interested.

      The Fers are ready to ship, so there will be no production wait for them. The Homme Fers will either be shipped on September 1st or within a week of when they are sold out.

      Thanks for your interest!

      SOLD OUT

      SOLD OUT AS OF 12:11AM EST. You may still try to submit an order, but you will be put on the waitlist.

      If for some reason you cannot access the form (it has unfortunately been known to happen), please PM armeleia immediately with your shipping address, shipping method (Priority or EMS), and Paypal address.

      We will send invoices within 48 hours (but hopefully less than 24) of when you place your order.
      Please do not place an order if you do not intend to pay within 24 hours of receiving your invoice.
    2. Do you order this through DoA, or Dollheart?
    3. It's through DoA. The order form will be available on Friday at 7pm EST. :)
    4. Can you please confirm the size of the Fer? Dollheart shows it as MSD on their site but the model looks larger, more like an SD13 or SD17.
    5. "This outfit is sized for 60cm BOY. " from the description above
    6. Love the colors. Is the vest/top thing black or very dark green? (so hard to tell on my monitor). Very pretty!
    7. Oh wow, what a great outfit. I might have to do some stalking on Friday!

      Forgot to ask, are the orders going to be first submitted or first paid for? So if someone submits an order but doesn't pay after a certain amount of time (right away? three days? etc), will they be removed and a new order taken in it's place? Sorry if that didn't make sense.
    8. Where exactly will the order form be? Here in the news forum? Sorry if I seem dense, but I've never ordered anything like this, so I'm clueless. Thanks for your help! :)
    9. It is SD13 boy - the model is Jollyplus Gise. I'm not sure why the site says it's MSD.

      It's hard to tell, even in person... it seems to be black with metallic green threads. When you tilt it in the light, the color shifts slightly. I loved the black Homme Fer from 2009, but the fabrics in this one are so decadent by comparison.

      It will be first ordered. If people don't pay after 24 hours of receiving their invoice, it will go to the next person.

      The form will be on DoA and it will be linked from this thread. We will post the thread, then people will place their order with their address info, postage preference, and paypal address. We will invoice within 24 hours, then the buyer has 24 hours to pay for his or her order.
    10. Can you please tell me in which subforum on DOA it will be posted?

      I'm also confused about "7pm EST on Friday", I tried to google it but did not find the way to convert it into my local time. The EST is for Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5 hours, right? New York is in that time zone, right? So it's the same as 7pm in New York?
    11. Yes, New York is in Eastern Standard Time (EST). :)
    12. If it helps, New York is currently on Daylight Saving Time. The release time is August 19th at 11:00pm GMT.

      This thread will be updated (and bumped) when the outfit is available.
    13. i think its gorgeous! i just don't have a boy that will wear it. nothing for girls????
    14. Nope, not this time. :)
    15. And no hope for a smaller size ? :(
    16. No, sorry. This is one size only.
    17. Wow, looks amazing!
      Am I right that only the OUTFIT is beeing sold? Without the doll?
      First I thought outfit and doll are limited and for 99$ and I was like w-w-wtf?! O.O haha

      Am I looking right that the full set with doll is 9999,00?! O.o So confusing!! Heeelp ~~ @_@
    18. The price is $99 for just the outfit.
      The price on Dollheart is simply a random place holder. Information here is the primary source- thank you.
    19. Was this a mistake, as it is currently past 11pm GMT... I set my alarm especially to put my order in for this, but I can't just stay up another hour waiting, and it will likely sell out by the time it hits morning here... absolutely gutted. :(
    20. We're not on GMT at the moment, we're on British Summer Time (GMT+1). It's only 10.15 by GMT.