1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Family A Discussion - part 2

Jan 12, 2015

    1. Try asking Newcloversinging too if they charge for color matching or not. But probably all dealers do charge a fee for color matching.
    2. Going directly to DFA's personal Taobao store it does mention on this page that there's a 100 yuan charge for color matching, DFA dfaBJD bjd娃娃68叔叔体二段体 三段体单体素体-淘宝网. But, that's about 15 USD not 80. I'd definitely check with NCS to see if they're pricing is better.

      It's possible I wasn't charged extra because I bought during a sale/promotion.
    3. Thanks so much for your taobao recommendations. I saw in the previous taobao link that you posted that they charge 200 yuan for special skin (That's what I understand based on google translation).
    4. For 爱の发源地BJD娃店 shop I believe the special skin in this case refers to fantasy colors like grey, lavender ect., and tan/dark resin colors. If you get any color that's in the "normal" resin range there's no extra charge. If you google translate this page for the DFA 68cm body, you'll see that all white/normal resin options have the same pricing, it's only when you select any tan options that the price raises. The base price is 290 USD for the body.

    5. The option “add 7 piece set of body DINGDING makes me laugh so hard
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    6. Yes, the DF-A is only slightly smaller, I was amazed myself :O
    7. I wish that their 70cm body is similar size to DF-A 75cm body. It's slightly smaller/slimmer.
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    8. Yeah it seems like the proportions should be switched IMO: the 70cm being a bit slimmer and the 75 being beefier
    9. Hi! It got stuck shipping for ages but here it is! (DF-A 68 boy body, Ringdoll K)
      [I'm new to posting, if I'm breaking any rules with too many photos please tell me haha]

      Excuse the snow! The house has poor lighting hahaha.
      See the album for more- Comparison

      I wouldn't say it was a *great* match, the ringdoll is a little more yellow and I think a little darker, but with a wig on it's pretty acceptable. For anyone considering the 68 boy body and a ringdoll head, the neck is a little tight on the left and right, it doesn't have full range of mobility turning sideways without wanting to spring back up, though it does move a little. I think I'm going to sand mine tbh!

      The body is gorgeous though, I got it for its androgyny, and I really love the slim waist, and the delicate fingers. Proportion wise I think I would prefer if the head were a little bigger, but I don't think it looks too pin-headed. (I'm actually going for a butch lesbian look lmao, the head was perfect but boy bodies are SO big, even this one :'O)
      It took about 3 &1/2 months from ordering to arrive - Also for more of Billie see my insta: Login • Instagram
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    10. Thank you for the comparison pictures!! Billie looks nice! :D
      The color difference doesn't look too bad! With a wig and clothes I hardly notice it at all, which is what counts for me! :) I can order the body I had in mind for my Hui without much worry now :celebrate

      Thank you again for the pictures!
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    11. No problem! I hope it arrives fast, when you order <3
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    12. Does somebody have a picture of the resin colors of DF-A. I want to see how their light tan looks like but I cannot find an example. Thank you in advance for your help :)
    13. Did you check the previous pages of this thread or the waiting list? I am pretty sure there was someone that owns a tan skin Heiju
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    14. Thank you for the advise. I was able to find a pic with all the resin colors :)
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    15. Hi, I’m considering to buy a jointed hands from Doll Family A (the hands for 68cm boy body). But I couldn’t find anywhere the skin comparison for DF-A. Does anyone have a Luts Ns and a DF-A please? Because my body is Luts SSDF in Normal (70cm). Should I buy a normal yellow or normal pink? I do have a DF_H body in normal pink at home don’t know if DF_A and DF_F have the same resin color, pls?
    16. @GreyNia

      I put a comparison between a Luts and DF-A head in here a while back.

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    17. Thank you Bickazer, It's wonderful to have your help with the resin colour choosing, I may not order the DFA-yellow since they are a bit different in your picture, I will consider the white resin instead. Oh, by the way, your Luts head is so cute with his helmet ❤️
    18. I'm loving all of the comparisons!
      I actually just got my shipping notice for my Dollfamily A Jiuyu! It was literally the fastest notice I think I've ever gotten. I ordered him on February 9th, and my notice was sent this morning. So March 30th. :sweat
      I was looking through the resin comparisons too, they're interesting. I actually have a Ringdoll Raven on order and a Luts 2020 Winter head. I'll see if the resin on the newer heads match any better when my DFA comes in.
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    19. I'm seriously considering getting Dimon (in tan) but I'm flip-flopping between the 70cm or the 75cm body. My heart says go 75cm but my brain says 70cm. But by chance does anyone have experience with the 75cm body?
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    20. I have a dollfamily A 70 cm body for my switch boy. I can't decide right size of clothing? :aeyepop:
      Which size better fit 70cm body? Any website recommendation. :whee: