1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Family A Discussion - part 2

Jan 12, 2015

    1. So a while back I ordered some practice heads through Alice’s Collections and they arrived a few weeks ago—finally had a chance to open them today and... they stink. Both of them. Very strong sharp resin/chemical smell kind of like wet paint. Even my husband who was sitting across the room while I opened my mail suddenly looked up and said “what is that SMELL? :ablah:

      Has anyone else had this happen? Does it go away? Should I contact Alice’s Collections? I’m afraid to touch these heads with my bare hands...
    2. @Havra Not with Doll Family or Alice's Collections, but I have had it happen with a doll head I ordered. I left the head out in open air for a few days and the smell did fade over time, but I can still smell it faintly if I open the head up and smell directly inside. As far as I can tell, the smell hasn't transferred to any of my other dolls.
    3. @Audrina Mystique Thank you for your input. I put the heads in the garage overnight, unwrapped, so they could air out. I was pleasantly surprised this morning to discover the smell was gone. I’m thinking it was just new heads sitting wrapped up in an airtight box for weeks before being opened. I think the natural offgassing must have slowed/stopped by now.
    4. @Havra I'm glad I could help!
    5. Hello, I'm still new to BJDolls so I'm sorry if this is already answered but I could not find a straight one. Felt I could find it here but maybe I'm looking too hard but anyways.
      I understand that the Doll Families are the same company but different artists? Do they use the same resin as well or is there some skin tone difference?
      I ask because I have a DF-A tan head ("1/6 Little Peach head" ?), that I'm finally looking to use and am leaning toward a DF-H body (Chubby 1/6 body) of course also tan, but I know tan is a real big range to match out in the BJD world. I've looked at several pictures from the two forums but I'm still iffy on it, plus lighting always makes a big difference.
      If DF-A's skintone is too different I'll settle for just buying a DF-A body.
    6. @PixieVenus DF-A and DF-H are not the same company and I believe (although someone correct me if I'm wrong) that none of their resins match each other perfectly.
    7. I have both DFA and DFH dolls and I can confirm that at least their normal pink doesn't match perfectly. They have different resin too, DFH tends to be more shiny while my DFA is more matte.
    8. @Cloudedmind Ah okay! I was under the impression they were the same company due to how it's described on the wiki page for it here.
      @Rurimas Ok thank you! If their normal colors don't even match than their tan most likely won't.
    9. Yeah, both company tans are probably not a match. But I'm sure you can ask for color matching, I saw someone that did it for an hybrid between dfa and dfh. The thing to note is that DFH tan is known to be on the shiny side, while I never heard so for DFA tans
    10. @PixieVenus I think they were at one point a single company with two lines as the Wiki says but my understanding is that they split into separate companies many years ago.

      DF-A and DF-H were both included on this list of companies which offer resin matching services for an additional fee if you're set on a DF-H body. Not sure if its outdated though! I'd check with the seller you're thinking of buying the body through.
      Custom coloured BJD
    11. DF-H and DF-A still offer resin matching services.
    12. Has anyone tried the newer 65cm male body with the 58-62cm heads?
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    13. Can anyone compare DF-A normal pink and volks normal skin?
    14. also interested in this for Merlin
    15. I have a Dollzone Snow at home I can try on my 65cm DF-A body if you like? He’s intended for 62cm bodies
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    16. @IzabethS Sure that would be great, thank you. :)
    17. I would also be super interested in seeing this !
      Thank you in advance.
      • x 1
    18. Hello! I have been wanting to make a hybrid body match for my Switch milk tea rose 65cm head. I want a body that is slightly shorter than their 65 boy. I like both the Doll Family H 62cm body and the Dollzone 62cm body.
      However, I'm having a really hard time finding color comparisons for ANYTHING to the milk tea rose.
      What do you guys think? Would the DZ pink skin or the Doll Family H pink skin be close enough to blush match?
    19. @Gypsum DFH does resin matching so you could get the body resin matched to milk tea rose. I don't think DZ's pink or DFH's own pink resin is a close match to milk tea rose. Also, what head are you thinking of putting on the bodies? I have a DFH 62cm body and a few Switch heads.
    20. @Gypsum - As stated DFH can just make the body matched to milktea rose. Regarding your question I have a Switch milktea rose head and a DFH normal pink body and the milktea rose is darker than the normal pink, the head can not be blushed to match unless you paint over the entire thing.