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Doll in Mind girls Flora and Cordelia ~Update

Mar 7, 2007

    1. Do you think Dim will sell just the heads?
    2. They already do :)
    3. I love the faces, but I guess I'm in the minority here - I think they are too much young looking for the body. To me anyway, they look younger than their previous sd sized girls and should have a less mature body.
    4. They´re both very pretty but on some promo pics I didn´t like the default face-up. Both remind me of this novel...>_<..forgot the title. XD
    5. ***I agree with you---they should have more childish bodies. Get out the sandpaper! I gave Belita a "breast reduction" for the same reason... her face was that of a child, to me. Her new pre-teen body works much better for me.

      I love the faces, but I guess I'm in the minority here - I think they are too much young looking for the body. To me anyway, they look younger than their previous sd sized girls and should have a less mature body.[/QUOTE]
    6. My, they are bolth so lovely! I think Flora is my favorite though. Oh to be poor! :(
    7. They are nice, but I feel their eyes are a little small, surely they need more childish body like SD10 dolls, I don't like very much the DIM girl body.

    8. They are so beautiful! I like younger looking SD-sized dolls, so they very much appeal to my tastes. I think Cordelia is my favorite, though.
    9. yes, it's not only too mature, it's too large. I think these faces need a younger and more petite body. So far I haven't seen anything about that - just that it will match in color. I really am opposed to putting sweet childlike faces on a mature body. M
    10. This is their body, right? It doesn't look too mature to me, but that's just my opinion.
    11. Nymphetish beat me to it, but I feel the same way. My Luts girl looks a lot more "adult" than the DIM body I see in that picture, to me. DIM's girl looks pretty slender. Belita's face doesn't look that young to me, either, nor do Cordelia and Flora. That is, in the sense that most dolls look pretty young to me, and DIM girls seem average in comparison.

      I've noticed that the Belita head is slightly bigger than the Miyu head, though, so I wonder if DIM bodies are just thicker?
    12. I am glad I am not the only one who thought their bodies looked alright :lol: I think they look nice and definately not as mature as some bodies (like cp and the large elfdoll)
    13. you're right, not as mature as elfdoll and Cp/luts, but still more mature than what I think their faces look like.
      I have Belita and Eunbi, and the bodies are ok, but I still thik these new faces would be better with something slimmer and more along the lines of sd10, or happydoll jr, or even something like Dollstown Soph. Just my opinion, and also a desire for more variation in my gang and not all the same body. M
    14. Ah ok :) I think I understand what you mean
    15. I just wish that the doll manufacters would give more choices on the breast and torso size like Volks FCS... most of the bodies are too mature looking for my tastes.
    16. Has anyone received their Flora or Cordelia yet? I really love the faces-any chance the heads will fit an MSD size body?

    17. I didn't think the body looked overly mature from the photo either but when I opened the box---whoa! Being a total geek, I did the mathmatical conversions and the DIM girl body would need a c-cup bra. That's WAY too mature for me. Sooooo.... I got out the dremel and sanding blocks and now have a nice pr-teen sort of body. I'm not a sculptor by any means but I'm happy with the results.

    18. I would LOVE to see pics. I love the DIM girls, but to me their faces are very much pre-teen and I would like the body to match. Plus I already have my Erin (modded DIM Eunbi, my avatar) who is a teen, and I like to have a variety of bodies.