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Doll size and age chart

Jan 14, 2024

    1. So... i'm not sure if anyone would find this useful, but I want to share in case anyone is interested.

      I want most of my dolls to share the same props and scenarios and had a real difficult time to figure out the scale of things. At first I thought 1/6 would be the right one, as YoSD are 1/6 right? Well... It isn't. If they were adults, yes, but as they are children, the scale is not realistic. All the furniture would be kid-sized.

      So I took a girls growth chart and changed it to a doll's growt chart, using a 33cm/15 years old as a base.


      So, in the end, my dolls are a lot younger that I tought, if they are to follow real world proportions between them:

      Honey 21 Delf is 3-6 years old (4.5 at the 50th percentile).
      Littlefee is 6-9 years old (about 7 at the 50th percentile).
      Teenie Gem and Honey Delf are 7-10 years old (8 at the 50th percentile).
      Honey 31 is 10-15 years old (12 at the 50th percentile).
      Raccoon Girl is 12+ years old (15 at the 50th percentile).

      The 33cm is tall enough to be similar to an adult, so the best room and props scale for them to share is going to be 1/5.
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    2. Thanks for sharing! I do just about the same exact thing- except in 1/3 scale. The standard chunky MSD that is meant to look like a child would be 5’ 5” if they’re 42cm tall at 1/4 scale. But in my mind that size represents children before puberty, more around 9-11 years old. At 1/3 scale, a 42cm doll would be about 50 inches which, looking at your chart, is in the shorter range for 8, 9, and 10 year olds. The trickiest part for me has been finding SDs with 7-8” heads that have or can fit on “true 1/3 scale” bodies. It’s been a journey but in the end I like all my dolls to look like they exist in the same world together.

      Of course some sizes differences can be fudged since it’s all just for our own enjoyment, but I hope this charting/measuring you’ve done helps you to curate the best scale items and will give you more happiness- or at the very least point you in the right direction. :3nodding:
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    3. Too much maths for me. My SD size dolls are mostly children or very young teens so their closer to being half sclae than 1/3 but that's about as far as my calculations go. Frustratingly it means that most of the furniture and props for that size of doll is too small to work as it's intended for adult dolls that height, not child dolls of that height.

      #3 Teddy, Jan 14, 2024
      Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
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    4. I use my ⅙ and smaller dolls with both my MSD's and my SD's both of those for me are late teens/young adult - early twenties. So, the smaller dolls act as younger siblings to whichever group I am using for pictures.

      I use the furniture to scale with either the ¼ or ⅓ dolls depending on which dolls I am using, and the ⅙ dolls use the adult furniture oriented to the ¼ or ⅓ dolls, as I use them as children.

      I seldom use the MSD's and SD's together, because most of my MSD's look to mature to be tiny children. The ⅙ dolls go up and down with age depending which group they are with at the time.
    5. Very cool concept! I tried to do the "in scale" route for a bit but disliked how it limited what sized dolls I was considering. These days I have a little of almost every size.
      /proceeds to pose 73cm giant DV cat anthro next to minifee
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    6. Considering that both mature MSDs and mature 1/6th dolls are both hot markets, hell I had a semi-difficult time finding a childlike girl msd body, I've personally made the observation that doll height and age essentially have zero relation in this hobby anymore. It definitely did exist in the past, and with effort now you can make that work. But given my primary collection is SD or bigger, with hopes to start collecting kiddo msds, I've settled on simply comparing heights between dolls and not even bothering to worry about how tall irl they would be (especially fandom dolls, I want to be delusional in peace :) ) It's a cool graph though, and if you want to go that route, that's cool with me.
    7. Thanks for this, it's very interesting to compare dolls like this, I also know about the difficulty to find dolls in the right proportions, so comparing different companies like this can be really useful !
    8. @Mainframe110
      I'm glad to see others doing this too! I'm not going to follow the chart exactly... My Honey 21's character will be a little older than 6 years old. She'll just be a small girl.
      I had a lot of fun with this hahaha! I enjoy simple math and tables. (though I run from advanced math faster than a vampire runs from holy water)
      So you have two different sets of props and furniture?
      Thanks! It is a bit annoying to limit myself like this, but I do enjoy the 20-35cm range a fair bit. I have others that don't fit in and thats ok.
      I agree that when adding other sizes the table becomes unusable. And that there's no need to care about realistic proportions and just mix & match. I've seen wonderful pictures of SD sized dolls with pukifees!
      I just enjoy having a guiding line to follow.
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    9. I do, especially for the seating. I tend to store the ¼ stuff, even though I have more of it, I don't use it as often. The ⅓ stuff I keep in easy reach.

      Some ¼ furniture, can be lifted up on a platform to go from the smaller to larger dolls, like counters and sinks. A lot of the props can be interchanged, but definitely not all. :XD:
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    10. Very usefull ! I do this kind of thing too and I found easier to have a "realistic" child/adult proportion based on mature slim MSD (minifee in my case) than with SD. Yosd size is perfect to make a child. But tiny size (15-17 cm) is a little odd. Proportionally based on msd size, it would be the size of a 1 years old baby but most tiny bjd seems to be more like 2 or 3 years old. It seems to be no big difference but at this age, a child grow and change a LOT. So I'm a little frustrated because I love the look of tinies...
    11. Since my dolls are all over the place, I just placed them in a world similar to the Never Ending Story. My LUTS Tinies are the same age as my Littlefee and I just can’t see them any differently.