1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Dec 6, 2014

    1. Oscar pictures are up on flickr, along with new D.A.D hands! :kitty2 Exciting~
    2. That's one of the most convincing smiling faces I've seen so far. :D
    3. I prefer Hyun and Rey. His smile is too wide for me. He could look clownish with the wrong face up. Well, it's no big deal, I'll wait for another head or just buy the body when I've got the funds.
      #143 Lilla, Jan 15, 2016
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
    4. Oscar looks so mature and grown up, unlike Hyun. I love his smiling face but won't be adding him to my collection. He isn't as versatile as J Baek's other sculpts and I wouldn't know exactly what to do with him é_è
      I'm so excited to see what other collectors will do with this sculpt though! Anyone have plans for him already? :kitty2
    5. Hyun has a very young face. I wish I was sure of Rey's head, but I haven't seen enough pictures of him with custom face-ups to feel like adding him to my crew. I'll attempt the Dollshe/Dollits hybrid at one point unless the resin colour is totally off.
      #145 Lilla, Jan 16, 2016
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
    6. more pictures of Oscar on Mr Baek's Korean blog! And as usual, I cannot link it.:doh

      Google translate doesn't work on it either :(

      He is mentioning 60cm, 65cm and 70cm , so ... new dolls? If he could only update his facebook page!
      #146 Lilla, Feb 12, 2016
      Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
    7. Oscar has finally been casted in resin!


      He looks so mature. I'm still in love with Hyun, though.
    8. Oh good! I had wondered if he had second thoughts. He must be updating his website as I cannot get in. I am going to watch this thread like an hawk.
    9. Today Oscar's sales page came up on Dollits~ It seems Mr. J Baek is starting the sale with only twelve units;
      Welcome to joyful online shopping!

      There are also a ton of new pictures of Oscar on J Baek's flickr, if anyone is interested :3

    10. Slinking into this thread...I'm one of the suckers that fell for Oscar. I love his face...it's so distinct looking. What I appreciate about the sculpt is how unique and quirky he is. I have no clue what I'm going to do with him or even the concept but I think he'll be the joker of the bunch. Plus I love the expressive hands.

      Anyone else order him?
    11. Really interesting! I hope he makes a 65cm body with the same aesthetic - realistic but with a slender, somewhat shoujo manga-esque build.

      I want something to fit SD17 clothes that isn't the SD17 body (unpopular opinion but personally I do not like SD17's sculpt at all; unfortunately for me, it seems universally beloved, emulated, everybody makes clothes for it and all the bodies that fit those clothes look like it).
    12. @mdonline03 Ohhh goodies!! ^^ I'm so glad someone ordered him, just so I can get to look at what you decide to do with his gorgeous smile! :D Did you get the full doll, or just the Oscar head?

      & @Miri, I believe the Dollits heads fit on Ringdoll bodies, and the Ringdoll RGM04 body is around 68cm! ^^ I don't know if that'll do any good for your project, though.
    13. The photos of Oscar have stolen my heart! I have been pining over Hyun for months but now I've switched over entirely to this new sculpt. I'm trying to resist but...alas. Is there layaway instructions somewhere on the Dollits website? Also, does anyone know what the longest timeframe/number of payments for a layaway with Dollits is? Thanks!
    14. Hey @Anante! I've asked Mr. J Baek about layaway back in December when I was planning to place an order on DAD Hyun (in the end I didn't get him because a limited sculpt came out, ruining my 2015 BJD plans ><). Here was his answer in the Q&A:
      It is possible two months split payment.
      320$ 300$ (Only $)
      Layaway is paid the first payment amount point.

      Hope this helps! ^^ The reason he wrote (Only $) is because I asked if it was possible to pay the Korean won price. In the end only USD was possible.
      • x 1
    15. @Dayme Thank you! I was trying to read the Q&A topics that said 'layaway' but they were all locked. Thank you for telling me JBaek's response. ^^ I still love Hyun even if Oscar has stolen the spotlight. I was watching a sales thread for a Hyun head in the marketplace for weeks but end up getting a different head.
    16. @Anante I know exactly which sales thread you are talking about, since I was watching it too! haha
      I've been in love with Hyun since his release, but I keep postponing his purchase for some reason... I really hope I can get him in 2016-2017! "Grail doll" are the perfect words to describe the special place Hyun has in my heart. :whee:

      If you do end up getting Oscar, please do keep us updated! I really really like his beautiful smiling face, so I can't wait to see what his owners decide to do with him ^^
      • x 1
    17. I got the full doll. :whee: I've been intrigued by Dollits/ J. Baek for quite some time now. I ordered him in white skin hopefully (unless he over sold somehow). I think the sculpt is well suited to being a pale type.

      I'm hoping standard 70cm/SSDF clothes will fit him. I'll go look through the thread again - but seem to remember seeing notes about the 70cm stuff from Nine9 & saw the selection on the website, so I'm hopeful. :3nodding:

      Am I the solo Oscar buyer?:sweat....say it isn't so....
    18. Oscar and the gift hands are not limited right? It would be more responsible of me if I got him later in the year than right now. Sad but trying to be an adult about it--ugh but I love him so much!
    19. This is my first order with Dollits so I'm not sure how the release cycles work. My understanding of Oscar is that he isn't limited. I think it's just this first release of him that the quantities are limited. I'm pretty sure you should be able to get him during a future release. :) I don't know about the hands though...but maybe drop a note on the QA board or his Flickr or FB for piece of mind.
    20. @mdonline03 Thanks! Actually I caved in real fast--I ordered him on Sunday in normal skin and no faceup. Plus full payment made...and I got my shipping notification from Dollits today! :celebrate
      I'm very curious how my new guy will look next to my Ringdoll boys. I will be naming my Oscar 'Seren'. I hope he gets to me quickly!!