1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DOLLITS DKD Mini Discussion Thread

Aug 20, 2015

    1. Following the discussion :)
    2. I'm back already! :sweat
      I had been eyeing Miso on the Dollits website for a while, postponing and postponing my order... and then all of a sudden she was sold out! Such a big, big disappointed. But I got in touch with Dollits and was informed that Miso would be available again soon with an improved body. So today I ordered her ^__^ I also ordered the extra hands, which were previously sold out. Yay! And while I was at it I also got a SooHee head, I have seen her with the same faceup as Miso, making them look like the grumpy and happy version of the same doll, and loved the idea.
      So yeah, I'm poorer today :XD: As some of you already noted, shipping from the company was quite high. Italy is one of those countries where you can only ship via EMS Premium from Korea, so I guess it was particularly expensive. But I'm happy and looking forward to receiving them!!
    3. Congratulations @toletta! I am still on the fence about Miso. Is the new improved body now available? Or is it still to come? Frankly, I don't see how Dollits can improve the body--I love everything about it already.
    4. Ooo, exciting! Hope they post photos of the new body soon (and add a large bust! :p)
    5. The picture of the new body is already up. Basically the only change I see is that now there is a visible slit in her upper thigh on the hip joint. Other than that??? I guess it's meant to make her sitting up more easily?

      And I'm basically in the same boat like you toletta, I've also been eyeing Miso for a long time and was then shocked when she disappeared from the website. I'll make sure to order her in this order period though, before she might disappear for good.
    6. Congrats @toletta !! Miso is such a darling. her smile cheers me up everytime~

      After looking through J.Baek's blog post. The only visible change are the slits in her thigh that help her hold her leg up better??
      The rest were internal, like stabilizing the knee joint, etc.

      I'm excited for the tan skin release!! Does anyone know if there are photos of the tan skin yet? *o*
    7. I was disappointed to see the photo of the new body. I really do hope the thigh slits make the body sit better, because they sure aren't attractive. I haven't seen any photos--or mention--of tan skin. Is there a link to his blog on the website? I didn't see one.
    8. Thanks @fansea! I haven't figured out how to access google translate (I use Firefox). I'll work on it.
    9. So, today was the big day I went and ordered Miso. I don't have much dolly funds at the moment so I actually had to sell another one, but I'm sure it will be worth it. I loved her smile from the very first moment :).
    10. Congratulations @Sharkyra! I'm trying to figure out how to pay for everything I want without having to sell another doll.
    11. Well, I did it, I ordered a Miso head! :D
      I did want to order a whole doll originally, but I realised the head would fit (I hope) on a Souldoll body, so she's going to have to share with another doll for now - funds were a bit tight for the whole thing! Besides, I wanted to wait and see if there will be a choice of bust sizes later, as the artist has said - I want to see the choices before I decide which one!
      I'm really excited though - she will be a 50s style girl, with a blonde wig (which I bought about a year before getting the doll, lol!) And since I already have her body - I can start making her some clothes already! :D I can't wait until she's here!!! Anyone have any idea of the wait time? I ordered her with a face-up, so that might slow things down.
    12. @morganatron, I ordered mine with a face-up as well and I also have no clue, how long it will take until she will be finished. I estimate around 3 months? If she's going to be shipped earlier, I'd be happy though :).

      At least you do have already some plans for her style. I like your idea with the 50s style and am already curious to see her finished :). I hope you are going to post some updates on her clothes soon ^__^
    13. Ah, I'm so impatient for her to arrive, but I guess 3 months gives me plenty of sewing time! :)
      And yes, I'll post photos of her clothes, for sure! :D
    14. Looks like J Baek just posted new photos of his new girl, Somi in tan skin! (on his Flickr!) :D
      I'm so excited for the tan resin~ it looks lovely!
      • x 1
    15. Oh she's lovely!
    16. The tan does look lovely!
    17. Somi is adorable! I hope she'll be around for a while, because I've spent my available doll money.:( The tan is pretty, too.
    18. Hmm, I'm wondering if they'll release Somi and tan skin for the summer event. Last year the summer event was in July.
    19. Oh gosh... she's gorgeous! :D I love her eye shape, especially!