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DollMore Mokashura Mini 40cm discussion part 1

Jun 2, 2014

    1. She's super cute! I think I'll get her eventually to go with my Lusion and Trinity, but I want to wait a few months to see reviews of the french resin and see what they come out with for limited editions. Clothes wise I wonder if she'd fit into some of the porcelain doll or the 1950's 10" ballerina doll dresses. She looks like she'd have similar enough proportions. Good excuse to haul out some of my antique patterns if she does!
    2. I was wondering that too actually. I do a lot of shopping for vintage and antique doll clothes at shows and a lot of it fits my chunkier MSD sized group (Volks, DM and BF) with very few adjustments. If she's shorter and thicker it could fit her perfectly...how cute would that be!!! Omg I'm going to talk myself into one....
    3. I'm not sure why I keep coming back to this thread, Mokashura is strangley fascinating to me... let's just hope I never see one in person, that's what usually puts me over the edge to buying one!

      Fush In the pic you mentioned, it looks like she is standing next to a sitting Lusion, and keep in mind that Lusion is about 80cm, so standing next to each other Mokashura would be slightly taller than half the height of a Lusion.

      VampireAngel13 That would be really cute!! *__* Well if you do talk yourself into getting one, I am looking forward to pics!
    4. Ha I would love too, I've wanted an Alice in Wonderland doll for a couple years now and I think she'd be perfect! But not this year. I have a Dollmore doll I'm ordering this month (two weeks, that's my goal) and he was supposed to be the last this year (other than a head if I can get it). But maybe next year! She'd be so adorable with a blond wig and blue dress!
    5. I don't know what I'd do with mine... which is unlike me. I usually have a million character ideas...

      I could reshell an old character... gotta think about it.
    6. Hopping on the Mokashura train! This girl is just adorable! I collect Disney animator toddler dolls so the bigger, child-like proportions don't bother me. That peach colored wig they displayed in one of her promo pics looks perfect on her!

      Going back to someone's question about layaway, Dollmore does layaway as well; I have two Catish dolls on layaway with them now for 5 months (gonna try to pay it off sooner but the option is there). Just post on their Q&A boards with how long you want the layaway to be. They're really good about responding quickly. ^_^
    7. Oh really! 5ms would be great, especially since I'd qualify for free shipping so it won't be cheaper to order though a dealer. w00t w00t.

      Has anyone actually ordered yet? I'm going to talk to the hubby but I'm sure he'll say yes if I can do it on layaway. I have NO idea what I'd do with her but man... this is the first time in a long time I had that "I ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE THIS DOLL" feeling. In fact, last time was my first BJD, a Dollmore Narsha. I think that's why I love her so much, she REALLY reminds me of my first doll (whom I sadly had to sell at one point. She was French Resin too so I couldn't replace her since the FR one is now sold out. )

      ETA: Just was lurking the Q&A board and noticed someone asking for the pink wig... so someone definitely bought her so far haha Fingers crossed said person gets on DOA and shares <.< >.>
    8. YEESS! Owner pics would be awesome! These next few months are gonna be hell because I'm trying to save for an upcoming cruise but there's SO MUCH dolls I wanna get instead! (BJDs and NON-BJDS) :crushed
    9. I can't get the whole Disney Princess thing out of my head now....young Rapunzel? Or Merida?? I still like Alice, but that's a doll for another year...Knowing they fit other dolls clothes kind of opens up a lot of possibilities.

      On a different yet related note, I saw a Trinity over the weekend for the first time IRL. oijdfomDFLWJFOIweufotu most amazing thing ever!!!
    10. That'd be wicked fun. And now we can get a better idea of the size of these dolls... as well as MAYBE being able to find other avenues for clothes. Maybe people make clothes for those dolls on Etsy? Seem like a popular doll for little girls.

      Jelly! They look like amazing dolls. I stalk the discussion thread.
    11. VampireAngel13, I have a Trinity over here, eep she is ginormous...
    12. I left a message on the Q &A board asking if they have any plans to release her in the "baby skin" in white. If they plan to do it any time soon I'm going to wait for white skin... but if not, I'm going to jump on the normal. White skin would work better for my plans but I don't want to wait forever in the hopes it may one day happen either... 'cause I'm already planning all sorts of things for her and want her NOW! lol

      Had to transfer money to my Paypal but if they say no about the white skin, I'll be ordering in a few days. I'm so excited. I'm going to do a layaway. I may throw some clothes on but we'll see. Not saying the stuff isn't worth it but it's so hard for me to spend $50 on a dress for my doll when I don't spend that on my own clothes LOL
    13. Looks interesting. I wonder if they plan to release more skulpt. The body and size of the head I like but the expression not so much. I could mod her of course but I will wait :D
    14. So, this was the reply to me asking if they had plans to release her in white skin:

      Not interested in "sun tan" so... definitely going to be ordering this version as soon as the money is in my paypal (had to transfer funds). :)
    15. Yay congrats Stephanie! Can't wait to see pics of your girl! I need to wait till after my trip for anymore doll purchases (and even then it'll be tight with the holidays around the corner). Anyone that's purchasing her for the first round picking up clothing for her as well? While one or two of the new clothing items are cute, the rest just doesn't catch my eye.
    16. Dollmore just isn't interested in WS...I've asked about various releases before too and got the same answer. Maybe tan but no WS :\
      Which is sad because DMs WS is my absolute favorite.

      But yay!! I can't wait to see her! Hopefully 5 months will go by fast XD
    17. I've got VERY specific plans for my girls so none really catch my eye either. Kinda considering this set: http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step1.php?number=12855&b_code=B20050505091647&c_code=C20140603031636 Just so she doesn't have to come home naked but that price tag >_< /cheap.

      What a pity, I saw some of their ws and yes, it's gorgeous! Oh well, at least I won't have to wonder if it's the right choice "settling" now since there's not much hope of ever getting ws.

      Do they wait until layaway is paid off before starting the order or? 'cause I'd pay it off when the order is ready to ship, I just hate dropping so much money and having to wait forever haha.
    18. I didn't know there was a thread for these girls already!! I LOVE their adorable big-headedness. They remind me of Lati Yellow's and Pukifees just ginormous ones! haha. I just placed my order (for the normal skin) with a custom faceup. I also ordered some clothes a wig and shoes for her. I'm really excited...I love big dolls. I already have a Trinity who I adore, and I've always wanted a Lusion (Just waiting until they release one I HAVE to have).

      For their measurements, the foot size is listed as 6.4cm.

      These shoes are listed as 7cm, do you guys think they would fit her? I'm hoping they do because it's the ones I bought -_- If they don't I'm sure one of my other dolls will steal them!
    19. Aw yay! I can't wait to see picturesssss

      Not sure about the boots. I think their foot width is 2.8cm so they may be a touch tight or they may not be. Glad you have others who can steal them if they don't fit though.

      Which clothes and wig did you get?!

      I want the baby skin one with that pink wig and those blue eyes... just totally fell in love with her from that look! I plan to change her drastically later (wig, eyes, etc) but for now I want those. I do my own face ups/body blushing though so I'll be doing that.