1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DollMore Mokashura Mini 40cm discussion part 1

Jun 2, 2014

    1. Well the width of the shoes is 3cm, so I think they may work out afterall! In fact they might be a little loose in which case I'll just stuff them, lol.

      I actually got two wigs. A long hair and short hair version:



      As for her clothes, I got this dress; http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step1.php?number=12832

      And these socks: http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step1.php?number=12828

      Also got her some basic white panties xD

      I've always planned on getting a "gothic" Dahlia, and I wanted my Mokashura to be similar, so for my custom faceup I asked for a faceup similar to the Bie You Tian Di Fei Ren Jian Dahlia. But with dark brown eyebrows. I think the contrast of her cream white outfit and her dark makeup will be perfect for what I wanted!

      When will you be ordering your cutie? :)
    2. Shawnee: I was worried about if they were measuring the inside of the shoe or the outside... 'cause if the measurement is the outside it may not fit or fit rather snug. I dunno, I don't usually buy shoes (I have two pukis who fit kelly shoes and a fairy with fantasy feet) so I don't have a lot of good experience with buying shoes. The few times I had didn't end up great >_<

      Awwwww, I love the things you picked out for her and she's going to look amazing in that face up. I was looking at that bob wig as well!

      I can't wait to see pictures of her with your Trinity! I love the Lusion and Trinity dolls but could never spend that much on a doll right now nor would I ever have the room for them yet.

      I'm waiting for the funds to transfer to my paypal. It'll probably be Monday. So excited. I haven't been this excited for a doll in a while. <3
    3. Ooh right. Yeah, I'm not really sure. I think they are measuring the outside. I guess we will just have to see if they fit! >.<

      Thanks <33 Dollmore said they couldn't replicate an existing limited faceup (Which I didn't even ask for, I said similar not exact) so I had to explain myself differently. Hopefully they get what I mean and she turns out fabulous! I thought that bob wig was just too cute x3

      That's really exciting! It's tomorrow x3 I'm excited that YOU'RE excited, lol. I hope more people order her because I'd love to see her around! I'm not looking forward to the months of waiting :c
    4. Hopefully, fingers crossed!

      Awww, I'm sure she'll be beyond beautiful! :)

      Thankfully I have a while before the sale is over but I"m sure the money will transfer soon. I see a lot of questions about her on the Q&A so I'm sure she's being ordered. I just hope they post a lot of pictures! ^_^


      Just ordered:

      [TABLE="width: 612"]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: left"][TABLE]
      [TD]]Mokashura Doll - Duyou (Baby Skin Normal)[/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: right"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, colspan: 8"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: left"][TABLE]
      [TD]SD - Shape Steel Lensless Frames (Black)[/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: center"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: right"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, colspan: 8"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: left"][TABLE]
      [TD](13-14) Lusion Doll Size -Head Make Up Protection Mask[/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: center"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: right"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, colspan: 8"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: left"][TABLE]
      [TD]Mokashura Size - Sanavoda Dress Set (Black)[/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: center"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: right"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, colspan: 8"][/TD]
      [TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF, align: left"][TABLE]
      [TD]Mokashura Size - CA-01 Rasolle Stocking (Ivory)[/TD]

      I asked for a 5 month layaway (I was told in the Q&A that I could take a 5m with the "baby skin" version). For my wig/eyes I asked for the pink and blue in this picture (http://www.dollmore.com/shopimages/dollmore/082003000012.jpg). As soon as another doll I have sells I plan to pay her off but for now I need the layaway. I hate paying up front 'cause that makes the wait worse for me haha But I'll definitely be paying her off as soon as she's ready. I'm so excited I could squeal. ^_^ Gotta wait for them to send the invoice so I can pay the first payment. ^_^

      ETA: First payment made! So exciteeedddd
    5. Hello!

      I've never ordered from Dollmore before, but at FIRST GLANCE of Mokashura doll - Duyou I am totally IN-DOLLY-LOVE with them BOTH!! :aheartbea I think she is PERFECT size, I LOVE the BIG head and slightly-chubby "little girl" body, as I've been wanting a BJD with the SAME sweetness and innocence of LaTi Yellows, but BIGGER....much bigger...and Dollmore appears to have captured that with Mokashura Doll - Duyou!! :D
    6. Hello! I hadn't noticed this girl but I got a notice from DM today about her sale and now I'm doomed ...... My Alex took over 3 months with a face up. Are wait times still running that long? Is it quicker without a faceup? I've only ordered from DM the 1 time so I didn't know if that was normal. Thanks for any advice!
    7. I can't advice sorry, first time I ordered from them was about 5 years ago and as I remember it was a quick order... but that was ages ago so I'm not sure about recent orders.

    8. Hello!....and Congrats on your order of Mokashura! :) I've never ordered from Dollmore before, so not sure of their layaway terms....Do they begin making the doll as soon as first payment is received? Or do you have to pay off layaway in full before they start on the doll? Thanks for any help.
    9. well I see I'm not the only one on this slide.
      I order the normal skinned one. the red dress,
      red stockings, the white panties, and the red shoes
      anyone else going to slide down this road with me??

      later brad
    10. Congrats for getting your order in animefan! I was hoping to get in on the June special price, but only a few days left. Did you order yours with a face up?
    11. I'm getting mine through Iris and I
      got the works for her.

      later brad
    12. Dollmore has really gone all out providing things for this little one!
    13. Man... I'm almost annoyed... why couldn't they release all the clothes at one time?! I mean, yay options but... I don't want to add a bunch of things to my order but I swear every few days they add more and I want more LOL

      I almost regret the dress I picked out for her, I settled 'cause at the time there wasn't many options and a week later there's tons more! I wonder if they would change my order for me... I'm sure they would. Probably ask me to cancel and just redo it... I've never seen a company release so much like this!

      ETA: Gotta say though, not hating all the extra pictures of them. <3 Just reminds me more that I made the right decision. <3

      Brad: I got one in the baby skin with a few extras but I got mind blank. :)
    14. of course they had to
      they didn't have any
      clothes that would look
      good for her at the time

      later brad
    15. Well, They didn't release any clothes for Alexia when they released her! They never have released much! I wonder if she would be more popular if there were clothes available.

      It is nice to see all the cute clothes for this little one!
    16. Congrats to all the soon-to-be moms of this adorable girl! I'll probably order her around Christmas time as a present to myself. Gotta bring home my cat girls first :kitty1
    17. MOMS?!? how about all us
      daddies out the too?!?! J/K

      later brad :)
    18. Haha that's what I was thinking. Not all collectors are female.

      I don't want to sound like a stalker, but I lurk the Trinity/Lusion threads and I can't wait to see what you do with her Brad after seeing what you do with your other girls! :D
    19. I will congratulate all the Dads-to-be! Maybe we should say parents-to-be! I'm fascinated by this little one, but I think I'm going to wait a while!
    20. yes we do forget about the men here.
      I know quite a few.
      Cannot wait to see owner pics.