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DollMore Mokashura Mini 40cm discussion part 1

Jun 2, 2014

    1. Yes, of course! So sorry, lol! All the PARENTS-to-be (thanks for the suggestion nancy_schroeder_ca)! I'm so glad they're adding more clothing options for her; those shorts and shirts sets are so cute!
    2. Yes, of course! So sorry, lol! All the PARENTS-to-be (thanks for the suggestion nancy_schroeder_ca)!
    3. I am jumping on the Mokushura train also. Deciding if I want normal or baby skin option is holding me back! I love the normal resin and how it photographs, but the "real skin" is so tempting. Very delicate looking. Has DM done a real skin resin before? How did you decide between the two?
    4. Here's a thought: IF DM says their outfits fit the Disney Little Princesses, wouldn't a pattern sized for Disney Little Princess work for Mokashura? I'm trying to decide if I would like to sew for this size.
    5. I think this is the first time for this specific "skin" though they've done French Resin before on the Zaoll and Narsha line. I owned a FR Narsha and just LOVED her resin. I've owned Angell Studio "translucent" skin as well and LOVED it. That's how I decided I wanted "baby skin" for her. Plus, just look at those pictures! It's beyond beautiful and not something you see every day. But it very much is a personal preference.

      Would make sense. It's part of the reason I decided to get her, seems like a great size to sew for. :)
    6. I think the LE Zaoll is the first doll in this resin although they don't call it baby skin for her! She hasn't been shipped yet.

      This is the last day to get the discount!
    7. I think this will be a great size to sew for, also!

      Gah,, must order now, and I think I will flip a coin to decide on the resin! lol.. I love both choices, and have a feeling more of this size will join my home in the future :aheartbea
    8. I so glad to find others planning to sew! I dashed off to look for Disney Princess patterns and learned there are 2 sizes :( Did not know that. So any ideas which size she is? Baby or the 16"? Baby looks too chubby to me and toddler too tall. Nothing like getting obsessed over a doll not ordered yet with a very long wait period........
    9. I love this baby too. I have to re-work my plans now to include her I think. Once all the owner pics start coming in I will be doomed!
    10. I figured we'd have to sew for her when I ordered her (close to the beginning) before they started offering all the clothes... though the idea I have for her I'll have to sew almost everything myself anyway.

      What a pity that it's not so easy... maybe ask them in the Q & A board?
    11. Just made my second layaway payment! There was a problem with my paypal and they kindly set up a thing so I could pay directly with my card... I can't rave about their customer service enough. <3
    12. Yes Dollmore's customer service is pretty good. I'll be making my second payment next week. I won't be able to get her till Xmas so there's no point in me paying her off early.
    13. Yeah I wish I could pay her off early but I'm waiting for something to sell first. Dealing with vacations and a first birthday right now haha

      BUT, what a lovely Christmas gift to yourself! :)
    14. Well my step-daughter is paying for the doll but I make the payments for her (she does pay for it eventually). It's a lovely present though. I'm going to have to see what kind of faceup she's gong to have when she gets here. I am looking forward to crafting her some outfits even though I purchased one of Dollmore's outfits for her.
    15. Making her things is what I'm most excited for. I have about a billion plans (trying to make as much little work for her as possible to keep me busy and not buying more dolls for a while lol)
    16. Yeah I have to lay off buying dolls for a while as well. I really want to make a steampunk outfit for her, Dahlia and Lumie to start with. I have a million plans running around in my head as well.
    17. I'm so glad I haven't been able to order her yet! I was planning to get her later this week and I'm super sure I want her now that she's brown. XD Just gotta wait for payday!!
    18. I am very excited about this girl. I have a few Disney Princess dolls and have seen patterns online. I also have the Animators dolls so I can create clothes while I wait. This will be fun. I am still trying to imagine how big it is. It wears a 13/14 wig! She is just adorable!!
    19. I wish they had released her in tan first as well. No money ... sigh ...