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DollMore Mokashura Mini 40cm discussion part 1

Jun 2, 2014

    1. Loving: Care to share the patterns you have? PLLLease pretty please! <3

      Suntan: Ohhhhh, how mean haha Barely let the first event finish before releasing another. I'm so very glad I'm not into tan or I'd be sad 'cause there's no way I could afford two. I'm very happy with my choice but feel badly for those who'd rather the tan.

      ETA: Looking through the suntan pictures, I'm feeling VERY confident that I'm going to be thoroughly in love with this little girl in the "baby skin". (I don't usually buy new dolls without seeing owner pictures first... been a bit nervous). Feeling even more excited now though!!! <3 <3 <3
    2. I am gathering pattern links that have already been posted as we speak. Once I am sure she is coming home I will make a thread in the sewing area with those and any that I may make up using the Princess dolls. I want her in tan so this means the price jumps up quite a bit and after adding in a few clothes for her and others this will mean I will need a layaway so I don't know how soon I will have her. Do they take the normal 3 months to make? I have already been on the look out for more shoes, eyes, and clothes as well from other vendors.
    3. Did you find out which size Disney Princess she resembles? I am confused by the baby and toddler princesses.

      Edit to say: I am so easily confused :)
    4. Thank you so much!!! ^_^
    5. Has anyone started scouting clothing, wigs, eyes and shoes from other places outside of Dollmore?
    6. My suggestion would be stores like Toys R Us, Walmart, and Target since she is basically traditional child's baby doll sized. Craft stores like Michaels as well carry doll clothing and shoes. I wonder if she could fit anything from the Bitty Twins or Baby line from American girl? Maybe even AG clothes? I'll have to measure my Cecile and my slimmer Magic Attic Keisha.
    7. I hope she fits Bitty Baby/Twins. I have so many baby doll patterns in this size range from when my niece was little. I definitely am going to get this girl as a Christmas gift to myself this year!
    8. Oh if she can fit American Girl stuff... the possibilities! Even if not the clothes persay, the accessories would be awesome.

      I surprisingly didn't collect/play with dolls as a young girl so I don't know anything about anything... but w00t if they fit any non-bjd type clothes. That'd be lovely.
    9. Didn't think to search for a discussion group..lol. Anyway I ordered one in normal the last day they were having the sale and one of the dress sets and shoes..though I'm hoping some of the shoes I have here at home will also fit her. and yep wish I would have waited for the tan version I would have definitely gotten her, but Dollmore has said that there will be more Mokashura sculpts so maybe a future tan one will be in my future. :)
      As for American Girl clothes they are a little bit thicker but I'm sure with some small alterations or even shrinking the patterns down slightly it may work very well...I can't wait until mine gets here so I can test it out. Here is a link to measurements of some other dolls...according to this it looks like Bitty Baby is even wider than the AG dolls. There is a 3" difference in the bust, waist and hip between AG an Moka so they will definitely need some altering. I'm curious if the little glasses/sunglasses will work I know the local Michaels carries them so I'll have to take her in when she gets here.
    10. Yeah. My husband told me that his Toys R Us does have the Toddler Princesses. I checked them out and they are smaller than I expected clothes wise. I mentioned this in the waiting room, but my mom is teasing me because my girls are on a 9 month layaway. She said I should be expecting morning sickness in a few weeks. XD I ordered a normal and a suntan to be twins. I can't wait to see Mina (normal) and Mila (suntan)! XD I think they'll be the first abjds I actually "play" play with. :)
    11. I can't wait to see your twins!
    12. I wanted to do twins as well but decide to hold off I want to see what sculpts they will come out with next..I'm hoping on a boy, but if not I'm totally going to make one of the girl sculpts into a boy. hopefully both in tan. I've been briefly looking around at Monique wigs and such sizes 12-13 because the measurements are right inbetween that so I think 13-14 will be too big or at the least really loose...shoes are iffy I think I'm going to wait until she arrives to start searching for that since I have a slew of shoes at home that fingers crossed will fit.
    13. I'm planning to make her a dread wig and I bought a dress... but not shoes... she'll be shoe less for a while I think. Poor thing haha
    14. I was being nosy and looking in the Q & A... someone's dollie is getting make up and will probably be shipped 8/11 round about... hopefully they are someone on DOA and will do a box opening. I'm too excited but I have a while to wait for my dollie.
    15. I didn't order one, but I do want to see pictures! There may be one in my future.
    16. Not sure if anyone posted yet, if so sorry..I posted on the FB group but not here. Anyway they just came out with a fullset Mokashura. Looks like limited to 20. Here is the website link: http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step1.php?number=13063

      I was just hoping that my girl would ship way before Dollism so I could make her some clothes, I bought one of the clothing sets but really wanted to make her something fun and to match my outfits I'll be wearing...lol
    17. Aw...I like the outfit they gave her. Cute!
    18. Awww, she's adorable! I'm a bit confused about her though... is she a different resin than the basics? The Basics is just called "normal" but she's called "real skin normal". She looks the same as the basic though... but the description talks about the translucent resin like the basic "baby skin normal". Confusing haha

      Every time I see pictures of her (especially in the special "baby" skin or whatever) I'm reassured that I've made the right choice. I'm so excited for her. I almost bought a trunk for her today from Ross that I could transport her in but I wasn't entirely sure it'd be big enough so I didn't... it's fun to look for stuff for dollies, it's like a treasure hunt!
    19. Oh how adorably sweet! I love the pink hues around her eyes in the full set.