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DollMore Mokashura Mini 40cm discussion part 1

Jun 2, 2014

    1. I should have a normal skin here by the end of this week. I missed out on them during the release and sale but luckily Fabric Friends had one in stock so I just paid for her and an outfit. Putting a suntan one on layaway today as well.

      Dollmore just added some leggings to their clothing page and I'm gonna grab one pair of shoes for now for easier comparison. AG has one bitty twin outfit on sale for $8 so I'll take the plunge and order just as an experiment.
    2. WHA?! *flails* I can't wait for your dollie to come in, please spam us with pictures!!! And a suntan!!! Ahhhh, so exciting!!!!
    3. I paid my girl off today and she's not going to be my Xmas present any more. Can't wait to get her
    4. Wow instock already at Fabric Friends! I ordered mine on the last day of the sale and its not here yet...drat. I hope within a week so I can start working on clothes for her to take to Dollism so she can pick up Aurora at Dollmore's booth..tee hee. I think I'll be saving up my points for another Mokashura in the future as I'm really hoping they do come out with another head sculpt and in the tan..maybe even a boy (wishful thinking)
    5. I still have two months on my layaway and can't pay her off early... so I'm living vicariously through ya'll. Please post many pictures. I am so excited for y'all!
    6. eeek I still need to figure out a name for mine...though when Oakley (my Lusion) arrived her name came to me as I was going to pick her up from the post office...sometimes it just works out that way.. does everyone already have names for their little ones?

      Edit: hrm...got an email back from Dollmore she won't be shipping until the end of the month...sigh...I'll barely have time to make a pattern that will 100% fit, I'll have to just go by measurements and hope for the best that I won't have to alter too much...maybe lots of dress that would be loose around her hips...leave the fitted stuff like pants, ect for later. Plus side they got my request to swap out the wig I really love the blue one they have so crossing fingers they get the order changed I'll buy a blonde one for her in a smaller size elsewhere as the Lusion/Trinity wigs I've been told swim on her.
    7. I decided against trying the Bitty Twin clothing after a closer look at the measurements for them and Bitty Baby. If they are closer in size to the Disney (non Animator) Princess toddler dolls then I am going to look into Sasha doll clothing. I did grab some shoes and leggings from Dollmore just to have a good base to work with when she gets here.

      My incoming girl was shipped to FF&D with a brown wig but I'm not sure on the eye color. It said she has blushing on feet and hands only.

      I started trying to come up with her name today and have been looking at name sites so long I think they're all starting to run together! *_*
    8. My girls' name will be Nikolina or Nik for short. I had considered calling her Nikola or something similar after Nikola Tesla but kinda worked my way to Nikolina. She's going to be a time traveling inventor from a post apocalyptic time. I'm still working on her exact back story but that's the main idea. :)

      This was a little character map type thingy I did up. She's coming with that pinkish wig but I'm going to make her a dark red dread wig and she's keeping those blue eyes... well going to try and get her one gear eye and one blue.

      [​IMG]Nikolina Okin Concept by Call Me Stephanie, on Flickr
    9. I've absolutely fallen in love with these dolls! I can't wait to see everyone's little ones when they arrive! Does anyone have one yet? There don't see to be any pictures other than the company ones on this page.
    10. Keri: They are brand new. A few are about to be shipped so hopefully they will take pictures and share... otherwise we're still waiting. :)
    11. I actually got my girl about a week ago but haven't had the time to take her picture plus I lost my memory card :sweat

      But I can tell you guys she's TOTALLY adorable. And Dollmore did a fantastic job on her custom faceup! Maybe I can get an iphone pic...

      You guys won't be disappointed :)
    12. Oh pleeeasssseeee!!!! Even a "crappy" cell phone picture would be awesome. I'm too excited for words!!! haha
    13. Haha ok :) The lighting is terrible at night I'm sorry! But here she is. I'm surprised she came so quickly with her custom faceup!

      The pics are large so I'm going to link them


      Also, that is her standing next to my toaster oven, lol. She's pretty big!

      Here's a closeup of the faceup Dollmore did, it's SO lovely and looks exactly like what I asked for!

    14. Ahh, you're so great, thank you! She's GORGEOUS!!!! That face up is so lovely!

      Sorry, I'm so full of excitement for this doll, the likes of which I haven't felt for quite a while. I'm going all fan girly over here. haha I wish I could pay mine off right nowwwww.
    15. I'm a big fan of Tesla...very cool idea you have going there...I was hoping mine would come in time for me to make her a steampunk/victorian outfit for Dollism but I might still try just by alter the patterns with the measurements on their site...cross fingers

      omg...she is the most adorable thing...now I wish I had request a custom faceup..I just got mine with the default, she looks lovely in the black wig
    16. Shawnee, she is just beautiful! Congrats!
    17. She is gorgeous Shawnee! Congratulations! :)

      My girl is out for delivery right now!
    18. She is soo cute!
    19. Yay!!!!! :dance
    20. [​IMG]

      Here she is! I'm going to order some glass eyes and a new wig. The one that came with her is way too big for her head. Right now it's sitting over her ears and it still has too much room.

      I can't wait to try on all kinds of clothes for her this weekend and now I'm even more excited for the suntan girl! :)
      • x 1