1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Dollmore Product Review

Nov 3, 2012

    1. * What did you order?
      clothes, wigs, eyes, hooks, dolls, doll heads, doll parts
      * When did you order?
      I did it many times, last one was in february 2018
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Sometimes yes, sometimes no, see below.
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      My experience is mostly positive. But there were some negative details:
      - Once I bougth wig made from natural mohair, but its quality was like wisp of bast, really bad IMHO. (All clothes and eyes that I've ordered are good)
      - Everytime I've ordered dolls they send out order really fast (that's good! I appreciate it). It was possible because they have these dolls avaiable A N D therefore sometimes dolls, heads and parts arrived yellowed. For example, faceplate and headback had different colors. But yellowing was not so heavy so I have not contacted them.
      - Sometimes when they have already send out an order, they do not say nothing about it! So I had no clue that my order was send out and already arrived! This is a great problem for me because my post office sucks and never make a notificarion about arrived parcels. So if I had not messaged Dollmore and asked about status of my order then I would not learned that it had arrived, and in my country parcel is send back to seller if nobody receives it (so you need to know status of your parcet to receive it).
      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Yes! You just need to re-ask them about status of your order, and yellowing was not so bad.
      • x 2
    2. What did you order?
      Two sets of color Eyes and tamiya enamel

      When did you order?
      4/16/2019, Arrived 4/27/2019

      Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?

      Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      For sure! I like them even more in person. They are going to be perfecttt for my faceup designs.
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
      (Note: I did not order the heads. Just the eyes.)

      Were you satisfied with the product?
      Yes, I love them.

      Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      My only negative was how the eye seams were a bit bumpy but I can easily sand that.

      Would you buy more from this company?
      Yes, I plan to :)
    3. * What did you order?
      ezra doll head
      * When did you order?
      February 10th 2020
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      yes the head is nice, quite light for normal skin
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      it was awsome, this is the fastest I have ever received a doll.
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      The shipping is awesome, the doll is nice, pretty good quality, but it would awesome if they offered other skin tone choices other than normal. I had wanted ezra in white skin.
      * Would you buy more from this company?
    4. * What did you order?
      Clothes, Trinity doll, Catish doll

      * When did you order?
      2017, 2018 and 2019

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Yes. The clothes are excellent quality, and the dolls are very beautiful.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Exactly like the pictures.

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Very much. The clothes look great on my dolls, and I love my Trinity and Catish dolls.

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product(optional)
      Trinity doll is stunning, and the clothes very detailed, but she is very heavy and difficult to pose due to her weight. Catish doll is amazing, detailed clothes, and poses incredibly well. Catish are one of the best dolls for posing I've had.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Yes, they make a lot of beautiful dolls and clothes.
    5. * What did you order? Looooots of SD clothing

      * When did you order?
      April 26, 2020

      * When did your order arrive? May 13, 2020

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Yes! The clothes fit well and seem to be of a nicer quality than I expected them to be.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Pretty exact. The only thing that wasn't was a belt (that I didn't know was included, so it was a win-win) but it still was lovely.

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      So much so! They shipped to me almost immediately and I got it in less than a month.

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional):

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Yes! I want to order more doll clothes as they have a really great selection of clothing for SD size dolls.
    6. * What did you order?
      Two outfits, three wigs, one pair of glass eyes.

      * When did you order?
      14 December 2021
      One item was out of stock, and I was contacted within 24 hours about alternative options.
      Shipped out 17 December by FedEx
      Arrived 22 December

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Yes, in terms of both the item quality and item packaging. Their eye boxes are actually higher quality than I would expect at that price point.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?

      * Were you satisfied with the product?

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      • x 1
    7. * What did you order? Dollmore Judith body in white resin, no sanding service, and white heel feet.
      * When did you order? August 8, 2022 (shipped October 24, 2022; arrived October 26, 2022 to the US)
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Absolutely.
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? Yes!
      * Were you satisfied with the product? Very!
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Positives: gorgeous. Resin feels heavy and is toothy. Doll is not at all kicky. You move a part, and it stays put. Jointing is much better than I expected, with double-jointed knees and elbows, mobility thigh joints, and two bust joints (plus a waist joint). Back extension is delightful.
      The doll carrying bag (free with purchase) was much better quality than I was expecting for the price. Stitching is good, and there's a decent amount of batting in there.
      Negatives: doll has the standard "gansta lean" when sitting due to the sculptor's choice for aesthetics over posability (the thigh openings aren't large enough for the doll to sit straight up).
      For an MSD, the s-hook is HUGE. I had to swap it out before I could put a head on.
      The mobility thigh joints are strictly for twisting the legs - there is little inside that could be used to hold the leg in place.
      But these are minor quibbles, and I'm listing them only for other potential buyers. I am absolutely in love with this body.
      * Would you buy more from this company? Already have. I'm a huge Dollmore fan.

      • x 1
    8. * What did you order?
      Acrylic oval eyes

      * When did you order?
      About two years ago?

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      The price was very reasonable.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      I can buy small eyes.

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      I received three wrong deliveries. I don't think I'm taking care of things properly. If I were not Korean, I would be really angry during the delivery period. I got an MSD-sized headband in return for my apologies, but still their inventory management gave me a legendary impression of my life. I think it would have cost 10 times more than the product because it was very cheap.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      No, I don't know what the quality of the doll will be, but I won't buy any other accessories.For example, an acquaintance was surprised that the rubber bands they sold were so loose. Eventually, she had to replace it with another company's. I was replaced by someone else, but the doll got loose and couldn't stand. When I asked him, he said he would use the rubber band of dollmore. He also seemed surprised at the sudden change in quality.
      #28 Change, Feb 11, 2023
      Last edited: Feb 11, 2023
    9. * What did you order?
      Dollmore Eve Lillis Live head only in NS

      * When did you order?
      May 28, 2023

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Not really. The sculpt is old, and the company has done nothing to clean it up for a smoother look, after more than 17 years.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Nope! The company has changed the NS resin to a very pale pink, instead of the more yellowish Peach NS they used to produce, and that's still on their photos.

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Nope! I was planning to put the head together with either a Luts body or DollnDoll body, as the old Dollmore NS would have matched. But no! This new pink NS doesn't match anything except Volks Dollfie Dream semi-white (not 100%).

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Cute, and unusual sculpt. Quite unique.
      I've already listed the negative issues above.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Honestly, this was the only doll that I was planning to get for a number of years, and I am so disappointed now, especially since the company will not remake the head for me in the old colour. They're claiming that this is their NS colour, but I've owned another doll from them in the past, and it's obvious they changed their NS formula.

      One other thing, when I ordered the doll head (no faceup), they emailed me to confirm the order and said it would take 40-50 days (not business days) to get the order prepared. I waited past the 50 day mark, but no shipping notice.
      I got on the Q&A board and asked the status of the order.
      They replied, oh we can make it for you this week!
      So... if I hadn't asked about it, they would have completed it when?

      Dollmore used to be really on the ball in making the dolls quickly and reliably. Not so much now, so I probably won't order a doll there again.
      • x 1
    10. * What did you order?
      Judith hands and flat feet

      * When did you order?
      30th August '23

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Yes! I was a little doubtful when ordering, because the parts were a little more expensive than spare 1/4 hands/feet usually are, but they are really nice resin and surprisingly heavy? Very nice feel and quality so yes, worth the price.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?


      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      I am!

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Positives - great quality, incredibly fast shipping, didn't expect them to have the items in stock already (forever amazed how much pre-casting they've done)

      Negatives - I wish Dollmore Judiths came with flat feet on default.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      • x 1
    11. * What did you order?
      Dollmore Dollpire Adam Rachel Hans LE44 in NS
      * When did you order?
      July 26, 2023 on a 6 month layaway with Denver Doll Emporium; arrived on January 3rd, 2024
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Overall, I'd say yes. Mainly due to the fact that he came with an outfit (w/o shoes though), a wig, and two pair of extra hands (only thought I was getting one pair of extra hands originally) ; that helped the price to be more worth it. If it had not included those then, most likely, it wouldn't have been appropriate for me, personally.
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      For the most part, yes. Only thing that wasn't like the pictures were the tops of his ears (as they covered them in all of his pictures).
      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      In some parts yes, and some parts, no.
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product
      Head: Absolutely beautiful face-up, basically looks just like the photos. His eyes can pull you in. Wonderful yet subtle blushing as well. Headcap on the back can come off and be put back on with ease. Sculpting inside head shows sculpt name, brand name, etc on the headcap and inside the head as well. Nice attention to authenticity detail.

      Arms/Hands: Arms and hands pose beautifully almost 100% of the time. The hands look intricately detailed even though they aren't blushed. Very nice that they included a smaller pair of human hands along with the vampire hands and the normal hands he has currently on.

      Outfit: Even though I haven't opened any of his clothes or the wig (since I most likely won't be using them for his character), they look to be sturdy and well made through the packaging they are in. Very nicely labelled as well.

      Body: Body is strung in a weird manner. Very tight in the chest, neck, and shoulder area whereas the lower half just feels super loose. Unsure if this happens to a lot of new dolls or not but certainly wasn't enjoyable for me. Will kick his chest to the side almost every time I just try to adjust his arms. He even came with wires inside along with the normal elastic (which I heard can help with pose-ability) but the legs and ankles are still lacking even with the wires. Shoulders, unfortunately, were not as wide as I'd have liked for the character I had in mind so he ended up looking a bit too young for what I wanted. I'll most likely have to replace his body and make him into a hybrid. Also, I thought I wouldn't mind his legs being single jointed as well but I turned out to be wrong. It bugs me quite a bit especially with the price-tag being what it was.

      Defects: Dollmore Hard Tag (I assume for authenticity other than the normal COA he came with) was scratched all over the front where it said in green "Dollmore". Unsure if this was Dollmore's issue or Denver Doll Emporium's. Kind of disappointing, even if it does seem like a useless piece of hard cardboard/plastic to me. Another defect was he came with a small stain already on the back of his right thigh towards his knee. Again, unsure of who's to blame on that account. Lastly, the tops of his arms that meet the shoulders already looked shiny like someone had already rubbed them together a lot when I only just opened him for the first time.

      Hidden in Photos: The tops of his ears were hidden fairly well in all of the promotional photos so I couldn't get a full grasp if he had full pointy ears or if his ears were just longer, in a unique shape, etc than the normal human ears. I might've had a second thought when placing my order had I've been able to see his entire face/head (wish they would've included blank head pictures in their photos of him like most other companies tend to do with their sculpts).

      * Would you buy more from this company?

      Possibly, yes. I mainly would be interested in buying their heads w/ face-ups rather than purchasing a full doll from them going forward though. I mostly enjoy their artistic visions with their dolls' faces than their actual bodies, etc (though they do seem to have some nice eye and wig options). So maybe I'll end up purchasing from them in the future, if I'm able to, but would probably keep it to smaller purchases (unless I have the temptation to buy a Lusion... :sweat).
      • x 2
    12. What did you order?
      Shoes, an outfit set, clothes​
      When did you order?
      How was the communication?
      I simply placed an order. I received automated e-mails that acknowledged the order, notified of shipping, etc.​
      How easy was it to pay?
      Paypal, very easy.​
      How long did it take to ship?
      Shipped on 29/04 (Monday) via FedEx. Tuesday evening it was already in France!
      Received on Friday 03/05.​
      Were there any missing or broken items in your order?
      Everything is there and there are no flaws.​
      Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      I was concerned about the higher prices but yes, the quality of the clothes is impeccable. The sewing is immaculate. The shoes are made of cow leather and it's not cheap leather, either.​
      Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Yes! The dress in particular is just beautiful.​
      Were you satisfied with the product?
      Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      I am a bit concerned that the shoes might not fit despite being SD size, as they appear noticeably smaller than other shoes I've got. But that's not Dollmore's fault since they reported the measurements and they did in fact state 7cm as the length of the whole shoe rather than its usable length. So it's a few mm shorter. I'll update this when I manage to try them on.
      Update: they fit Maskcat feet perfectly!​
      Would you order from this company again?
      #32 lutke, May 3, 2024
      Last edited: May 21, 2024
    13. What did you order?
      SD outfits, underwear, stockings, silicone head cover​
      When did you order?
      How was the communication?
      Great! One of the items was no longer available and I received a polite apology e-mail, asking what I wished to do about it. I had an item that was the same weight and price in my wishlist, so I just swapped the missing item out with that one. I received an acknowledgment e-mail and the order was shipped.​
      How easy was it to pay?
      Very easy via Paypal.​
      How long did it take to ship?
      The order was shipped on 21/05 (Tuesday) via FedEx. Received on Thursday 23/05 (lightning fast!)​
      Were there any missing or broken items in your order?
      No flaws or missing items.​
      Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Yes, even accounting for customs fees.​
      Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Yes definitely.​
      Were you satisfied with the product?
      Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Can't think of any negatives. The quality of Dollmore clothing is great. Fabrics feel very nice, everything is well-sewn, and I like their designs very much. Everything I have bought from them fits Maskcat 57 line perfectly. The silicone head cap does its job really well, I can comb the wig while it's on the doll's head and it doesn't budge!​
      Would you order from this company again?
      I have no idea about their dolls, but as far as clothes and accessories go, absolutely.​