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dolls and gender [Just a weird thought!]

May 13, 2012

    1. Hello guys! So I just had this really weird thought and wanted to tell you guys about it. Don't think you think that generally people like to collect dolls from the opposite sex as them?
      Because you can be more creative with a male doll, if you're female vice versa. As you're almost unsure of what to do, that it's interesting to experiment?
      - now I'm not saying that girls only collect boy dolls etc. Because obviously some collectors have really big families with both male and female dolls :)
      Just wanted to know how you thought about this?
      - I am a boy, and generally like to collect girl dolls, for some reason I almost feel like I'd be wasting my money if I had a male doll. I don't know why, just my silly mind!
      But, what doll do you generally choose?
      Boys or girls? :fangirl::D
    2. I'm not sure that this theory will hold water too well ;) I am a girl who collects girl dolls, mostly because I really enjoy dressing dolls up, and it's much harder to find boy clothes that interest me. Most collectors I know have at least one doll of each sex.
      • x 1
    3. You might be interested in this: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/s...ONLY-buying-Male-amp-ONLY-buying-Female-Dolls and the many similar threads like it. Dolls and gender is something this community is obsessed by!

      I only buy male dolls, though I do have at least two girl dolls planned. One of them is a tomboy and the other a child (and they're both dead. I love dead things, apparently) so they're hardly "girly" feminine dolls. I'm not really interested in that aesthetic, personally. My dolls are all Gothic-horror based and I find really girly, pretty-perfect dolls a bit boring to look at, unless they're actually boys which I like as I'm a big fan of androgyny.

      But I don't think it has anything to do with my own gender as female. I'd still feel this way if I were male, I'm pretty sure of that. I'm not a very girly girl and am quite androgynous myself, so it doesn't make a huge difference to me. I don't really care a great deal about it, to be honest!
    4. Nope, people just collect what they like. I have both girls and boys (and a boy who occasionally likes to be a girl).
      • x 2
    5. Well, I'm a girl, and yeah, I've bought boys... Although in my case, I think it's more the novelty of being able to have a nice boy. After some time in this hobby, with my two boys, I find myself wanting girls, too.

      You see.... I like dolls, BJDs aside. I like vintage barbies, I like Monster High, I like obitsus...
      But I haaate male dolls. They're silly looking, ugly, awkward... Even obitsu has awkward male dolls.

      But then there are BJDs, with these gorgeous men, that don't look terrible. I think that's what sold me on getting a boy for my first MSD. Now, my second doll is a character doll... That's the only reason I have two boys right now, and I'm getting another guy at the end of the year. Because after that, I do want to get a girl...

      I feel it can go both ways. Some times I look at Flo, and I wish I could put him in girls clothes... But it just doesn't work for the character he's developing, I can't make the poor dear cross dress... Even though he'd make a lovely girl. xD

      But when I get a girl doll, I'll have MUCH more freedom to dress her, and try new things.
      I can't quite have that much fun with my boys because... Well... Boys have boring clothing, to me. :lol:

      But girls have all sorts of fun styles! So while I keep dragging home boys, an plan to have around four AT LEAST... I do want a girl terribly badly. :sweat
    6. I mostly collect boys. I have 49 boys out of over 70 dolls. I am female, too.I just feel more comfortable about males and though there are more outfit styles for girls, I perfer boys!
    7. I have boys...but there are girls dolls I really want to get my hands on. I'll always find male dolls more interesting than females though. They usually have the cooler looking sculpts.
    8. actually, from what I have seen, lots of people tend to collect mainly doll of the gender they are sexually attracted to in real life!

      it's probably not a concious thing, and it certainly isn't true for everyone. but it's just a little thing I noticed quiet a few times!
    9. I am a girl and I only have girl dolls and I really am not sure why! Honestly! I don't know that I have a good reason for it. All I know is that I will never buy a boy doll. Period. Ever. They are just not my thing. Love other people's but I do not want one. Hhhmmmm... Now you've got me thinking....
    10. This is what I've thought time and time again from things I've read and seen in relation to the hobby. I think what it really comes down to for a lot of people is that there are just certain things we like to see/find attractive in a particular gender that show through in this hobby. After all it doesn't make sense for someone to collect something they don't like on some personal level, especially when it's an expensive one such us BJD's.

      Personally I find myself more captivated by male dolls versus the female ones, even though I don't actually have anything against female dolls at all. I just haven't found as many that appeal to me in quite the same way as I have found in male dolls.

      This topic actually amuses me greatly mostly because I have a friend that has probably never heard of the hobby, but if he could get past the doll aspect, he goes crazy when it comes to women's fashion solely based on what he really likes to see on a woman. Although this may not be a case for some, I've found that it's a prime influence on an individual's collection.
    11. I think people collect their dolls for many reasons, not just because of the gender :)
      But I think the gender may affects it sometimes, but not always!
    12. I collected other kinds of dolls up until getting into BJDs so I know what you mean. I always hated the males counterparts to all the female dolls I had so I only had girl dolls. While I have mostly male OCs I never thought about dollifying them because no decent looking boy dolls existed IMHO. It was just too wonderful to come into a doll hobby where boy dolls were equally appealing. Though I do love men's fashion, all those things meant for slim, straight body lines that I can't pull off.

      I do find that I "bond" (or whatever you want to call it) more with large male BJDs, smaller dolls and girls not as much. I really like a lot of girl dolls I see but I am much much more picky in what will make me happy with a girl doll. So right now I only have two girls but I am planning a third - compared to having 22 boys. >__<
    13. I am a girl and I only have female dolls. I think it's fun because I can put them in clothes I really like but that don't look good on me. I haven't found a male doll yet that I really want, I'm not saying that I never will, it just hasn't happened yet.
    14. I'm a girl, and I have two boy dolls and two girl dolls. I like the balance~!
    15. Female with majority female dolls. They're more fun to dress and imagine for. I have a few boys. I like them but they're not as interesting or exiciting to dress. I want my boys to LOOK like boys which for me is the typical Western clothing for boys and men. I have no desire whatsoever for a crossdresser. I've thought of a guy that is a teacher during the day and a member of a visual kei group at night, but even his vk outfit would be more on the "manly" side of things. I'm straight, so the idea that one collect more of the gender they are attracted to does not apply for me. I grew up with girl dolls and, like some have mentioned, bjd males actually look reasonable. Now that Iplehouse has started offering undramatic and natural/neutral faceups for their guys, I may actually bring some home! XD
    16. I'm a girl, and I lean towards male dolls. Even though I'm going to have both a male and a female doll soon, I find myself liking more of male dolls on sites and in pictures more then the female ones.
      Don't really know why, I'm pretty sure it's just an unconscious thing.
    17. I used to only own boy dolls. Not that I had anything against girl dolls, but I just didn't like a lot of them because they didn't fit my few female characters. I predominantly wrote male characters because I found them more "interesting".

      ... Then I realized that the reason I found them more interesting is simply because I didn't treat my girls right - I didn't see them as character (female) but instead as female characters, which tended to block a lot of them into the background (with the few which were more prominent simply making it there by luck of the draw when I unwittingly treated them differently).

      As soon as I realized that I got a host of new female characters, one of whom I will be getting next (hopefully)

      Granted, I am still ridiculously picky about my dolls, but from now on gender isn't going to matter, only how close the doll is to what I want, and how much I want it. :)

      For anyone curious, while I am female and straight, I am by no means girly or feminine and generally find it easier to relate to men or other women who are, ah, the same as me. However, I love girly girl dolls, feminine women dolls, tomboy dolls, manly dolls, effeminate man dolls, little children dolls and pretty much everything under the sun. They're all interesting to own, in their own ways.

      I don't think the same-gender theory really holds. I think maybe sexuality may be losely related, but... I don't think there's anything more than a lose association. I've known straight women who only own female dolls and gay men who only own girl dolls, so I think it's a matter of aesthetic preference, which may or may not be tied to sexual preference.
    18. I'd like to have both a girl doll and a boy doll. Perhaps even several of each. I think it just depends on the person, their preference and finding that doll that you just HAVE to have
    19. I'm a girl and currently my resins are split evenly on the boy/girl scale. In general I don't really prefer one one over the other because they both have their pros and cons and as far as sculpts go there are almost equal numbers I like on either side.
    20. I'm female and of my current 24 dolls, only 2 are female. Your theory IS true for me---I've never felt like a female, never wanted to be female, never fit the "female" expectations of society.....and I role play my characters, so I enjoy getting to "be the boy" for a change. I love my two girls, but I feel weird role playing them much. The boys just feel "right" to me.