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Dolls and peripheral vision.

Jul 23, 2016

    1. Do you ever feel like someone's watching you when you are alone with your doll in your room?

      Did you catch some movements from your doll in the corner of your eye and shrug it off. Thinking it was just an imagination? :ablink:

      If you do, tell your story here :shudder

      Just a general discussion topic or is it? Mwahaha :wiggle
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    2. Her eyes are made so it always looks like she's watching me while I'm sewing. Waiting for me to mess up, I bet. Ha.
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    3. The only peripherally observed movement I've experienced is when my posing doll decides to take a suicidal leap off the table. My reflexes are usually up to the job but there have been a few mishaps.
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    4. Hahaha Ikr :mwahaha
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    5. I find it oddly comforting when I have my dolls watching me, it's almost like they're a second pair of eyes to stop something or someone from creeping up on me.
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    6. Over the course of humanity's evolution, we picked up a strange but useful instinct. That instinct is the automatic and involuntary response to having eyes upon us. In the old times, someone or something staring at you normally meant it wanted to kill you, so a quick response to seeing eyes could mean survival over death. This instinct has, of course, carried on into modern man and if you pay attention you'll notice it working every day. Snapping your sight to someone across the street who is staring at you, for example. The feeling of being watched when in public spaces - because you probably are.

      The reason for this long winded exposition? I happen to be of a disposition to find the rush that the body gets when stared down enjoyable. The more jarring a doll's stare is, the more I like it. Every time I move across the doll cabinet I can feel four sets of beady little eyes staring me down and it's rather exciting when it happens. Even though they mean no harm (at least, insofar as I can tell), the fact they're constantly staring at me does give me a twisted sense of comfort.
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    7. @TheFluffyTankFairy , "four sets of beady little eyes"? Are you sure it's not a spider causing that frisson of excitement? :shudder
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    8. What's really fun is when you happen across a pair of eyes that are deep enough relative to the eye-wells of the doll you're putting them in to look "optically correct"... That is, when the combination of depth and pupil position creates the impression of the doll's eyes following you as you move around the room.

      It's just an optical illusion... The eyes stay in a static position the whole time and never really move at all... But it's still enough to make even skeptical people do a double-take. If someone's already in the "freaked out by dolls/victim of the Uncanny Valley"-camp it might just send them scurrying out of the room in horror. :lol:
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    9. Haha if it was a spider it'd be a frisson of joy and happiness. I really like spiders and enjoy raising them as pets in my house. They can get pretty darn big if you feed them and keep them safe.. like this little cutie :love [​IMG]20130913_182036 by Fluffy Tank Fairy, on Flickr

      This is literally the best thing. All of my dolls have it to one degree or another and I love it. They follow me around the room.:D
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    10. I used to be phobic of spiders but one year I had three brothers living in my car and spiders are just big dumb puppies. One of them hid behind my visor until I got back in the car from work and he jumped out to scare me, arms flailing in the air as if to go "boooo!"

      I can't be afraid of things that cute anymore. But I don't like them crawling on me.

      More OT, I have a ton of dolls and since I have bits of paranoia, and have always felt someone watching me, it helps to have something to blame it on. I have seen things move but I'm in a haunted house so that's normal. (Of course, since I asked them to leave me alone I haven't seen anything rly.)

      I kind of like having them watch over me as I watch over them. Though sometimes I can swear their expressions change!
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    11. I feel so at home with dolls that I never really think about it, but I've had several people ask how I sleep in a room with so many eyes staring me down. I've had someone walk into my room then NOPE right back out because the dolls staring made them uncomfortable. Honestly, I find it kind of amusing how weirded out people can get :lol:
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    12. I had never experienced with the peripheral vision part, but I did had one experience when I was playing with my doll. There was a sudden black out and when the lights came back, my doll was no longer at my side. He was there at the foot of my bed staring at me. I freaked out a little but I'm not sure if I accidently kicked him when I was scrambling looking for my phone. >3<
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    13. When I was getting used to my first doll, i'd sometimes forget I place him on my shelf.....so if i turned too quickly he'd scare the bajeebies outta me!

      We're past that now. I fully expect, anticipate and look forward to seeing him there now ^^
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    14. Just a general discussion topic or is it? Mwahaha :wiggle[/QUOTE]
      The funniest doll story like that for here is an old one: I was living with someone that hated m dolls nd wouldn't let me have any in the bedroom. I had a couple in the living room and one was an old gofun boy. Every time this guy would walk in the doll would turn it's head like it was not just watching him but following him through the room. It was weird and creepy but I felt there had to be an explanation, even though it never happened to me. I finally figured out it was the guys weight and vibration of him walking with the floor and the gofuns head was loose from it's body the way the are attached but it freaked the heck out of everyone and he threatened to destroy my doll. That didn't last too long
      #14 Katscauldron, Aug 28, 2016
      Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
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    15. I've only had one doll scare me and it lived in the closet until I could re-homed it.
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    16. Never been scared by this, but it does cause me to do a double take for sure.

      My honey's tiny J-doll was once positioned on one of our shelves with her head turned our way at night. When we went to bed and woke up in the morning, her head was turned the other way, staring in the opposite direction. Lots of things could have caused it, but it definitely confused us. We're not a house that gets creeped out by that sort of
      thing happening, though. XD We like spooky stuff going on.

      I personally like the feeling of my dolls watching me. It makes me feel safe.
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    17. Officially REALLY spooked now - cause, you know, arachnaphobia... I have no problems w/the DOLLS watching me but all the spiders need to just hide where I can't see them EVER (but where they eat all the stupid mosquitoes)
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    18. Hmm, not exactly a peripheral vision thing, but I did experience something odd. When I was putting one of my favourite dolls back in his box for safe keeping, I couldn't help but notice that the lid of his box was slightly raised (about 1cm or 2cm), despite the fact that when I was first put it down, it was firmly down, not a bit of raised space. And of course, he's one of those dolls whose eyes follow you around the room no matter how it's set in his head.
      I teased my boyfriend telling him, "Morose doesn't want to go back in his box. He's trying to escape."
      Logically, I decided it was his pillow somehow bunched up, but sometimes I wonder... :huh?:
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    19. My dolls' expressions can change a lot. This could be explained by the fact that I'm more attracted to dolls whose faces have an 'in between' expression to start with: one side of the face slightly different from the other side, especially the mouth. If I focus on one side more than the other, that expression predominates. But I like to think it reflects what mood they are in, and that's what's leading me to chose one side, not the other one. :3nodding: All my dolls have spirits separate from their resin forms and some spirits here don't have resin forms (yet) and don't care if they ever get one or not. The resin forms are just a way for me to feel that I'm lavishing attention on them, something for me to sew clothes for because that's fun, and so that they can appear in photos in something like the way that I see them. And because dolls so beautiful, are irresistible. :love :3nodding:;)

      Your 3 babies are fine!:3nodding:We love them so much:loveThanks so much for letting us adopt them!:hug:They had a fun Christmas & got presents.:)
      #19 Refashionable, Feb 11, 2017
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017
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    20. Growing up, my mother collected dolls for me. She said it was my hobby, but it wasn't. I was more of a tom-boy, but she wanted that girly-girl daughter. She only ever bought me porcelain dolls, and most of them were baby dolls. I wasn't allowed to touch any of them even though they were scattered on every shelf in my bedroom. No matter where you went in my room, at least one of them was staring at you. I slept in that room every night, so I've never thought twice about a doll (or many) staring at you.

      Right now I have a Dollsbe Mango, and they're known for having this neat eye contraption where you can adjust the eyes without having to even take the head off. I do swear sometimes I'll leave her with her eyes facing one way and when I look again her eyes are facing the other way, but that may be just me.
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