1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dolls going off the wishlist

Aug 18, 2009

    1. How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Not very often, unless there's a new release that becomes a must-have. I'm usually pretty good at resisting though.

      What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      Acquiring the object of desire. :)

      I probably should remove some, but I don't want to. I'm in the awkward position of owning mostly either huge dolls (80cm) or tinies. Maybe I need to find more in the middle range for the wishlist?

      Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      Yes. I thought I was ordering a Mecha Angel Saiph when the order period opened. Then I happened to see photos of someone's Sabik Elf. He will look better with my Vega; Saiph suddenly seemed too pouty/innocent for the intended character. So I ordered the Sabik Elf instead. (And now the character is an archer. I think. Must be the elf ears.)
    2. Oh, it happens very frequently with me. I see some pretty face on home photoes and think "I need this one, NOW". But in a few days it tirns to "may be next year". And in a week it looks like "why did I ever want it?". I can still love that photoes but I understand it is not "my" doll.
    3. I used to have quite a few on my wishlist, but to keep myself in check, I've narrowed it down to which ones I'm actively thinking about pursuing. Otherwise I'd have no limits! XD;
    4. This is a pretty interesting topic. :abow:

      -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?

      Not all that often.:dance

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?

      When I find a doll that would suit the image I had in mind better... But, if it really was the sculpt that made me drawn to a certain doll in the first place, then, it stays in my wishlist. :kitty2
      Another reason for a doll to go off my wishlist would be negative feedback I guess.

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?

      Only because I found a doll that suits my preferences better.
    5. Hardly ever, $$$ usually I just can't justify the purchase for some reason or barring that I decide on another doll I like a bit better. No, I can't say I have done that. If I save up for a doll I generally get it.
    6. I'm trying to pull the brakes now but I've been going through the "I want this doll, and that doll, and that one..." phase. If I find a doll in the right size (MSD or Tiny) that I love so much that I want to own one, I start thinking of a character. The thing is, while I find a lot of dolls beautiful, the dolls I want to own also have something special to me that instantly gives me ideas for a new character. Some sculpts are just pretty and some have more personality (to me).

      The most common reason for dolls going off my wishlist is simply that I don't want my wishlist to be too long. So I like to keep only the dolls I want the most on there. I don't mind if I forget about a doll. (If I forget it, maybe it wasn't that special, haha.) In any case, there's no need to me to keep track of too many dolls. I'd rather concentrate on the present time and the not so distant future.

      Sometimes I fall in love with a doll, a few days pass by and suddenly the doll doesn't look the same anymore. The feeling is just gone and after some confusion, I take the doll off my wishlist. I've had days where I find a doll I "have to get", plan the character, even let the story intertwine with my other dolls', end up with a lot of crazy plans. If I can afford the doll, I'll think about ordering it right then and there. Thankfully, I haven't made any impulse buys yet, I might have regretted them. I don't want to buy a doll before thinking about it for at least a couple of weeks.

      There's also been some dolls that I didn't like enough from the beginning. Loved the characters but not the dolls. I've found new shells for those characters now, though, so my current wishlist only has dolls that I really love (and desperately need :...().
    7. How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Very often.

      What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      Usually I either find a better sculpt for the character I'm looking for. Or I change the character and therefore, they need a new sculpt. But what has changed my wishlist the most is a huge change in characters when I decided to get rid of a lot of them a few years back. So therefore, their doll sculpt is no longer desired.

      Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      I haven't gotten to this point yet. Most of the time, dolls change before I can try and gather the money for them. Especially because I kind of put this hobby on the back burner for a while after I got my first doll because it was practically impossible to save up money with my situation at that point.
    8. How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      My wishlist is pretty static these days. It's mostly Soom limited editionss I could pick up when they were released, or Soom limited editionss that were released before I joined the hobby. Dolls only get added as I miss new releases, and only get removed as I buy them.

      What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      The only time I remove dolls without buying them is when I buy something equivalent instead. For example, I had Cream White Breccia on my wishlist, and have removed her now because I'm getting a Bronze Breccia and don't buy twins.

      Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      Nope - but then, I don't really save up specifically for any one thing on my wishlist. Because they're all limited edition dolls, they often are quite hard to find second hand. So instead of saving up for this or that particular doll, I simply save a general doll fund, and keep an eye on what's available on the market. I'm also spared a lot of second guessing because I own so many Soom dolls already that I know I like their aesthetics and style.
    9. How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      All the time. My wishlist is very fluid. There are certain dolls that have been on there for ages, but others I am less sure of. I'm always browsing the marketplace and looking at doll websites, so new ones get added as I see dolls that I like, which is often.

      What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      The main reason I take dolls off my wishlist is if they no longer fit into my plans for my collection. For example, I used to have a lot of male dolls on my wishlist, but I have since decided to have an all-female collection, so the male dolls have been struck off. Doesn't mean I don't admire those dolls, I just know they're not right for me.
      Also, as I get more experience owning different types of dolls, I get to know which types of doll/companies I prefer, so types I don't like get struck off as well. I know I don't like Minifees now so all the Minifees I wanted have been taken off my wishlist.

      Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      I don't remember ever doing this. I don't tend to save up for one doll in particular. Instead, I save up money and think about which doll I'm going to buy when I have enough. I try to buy dolls second hand to save money, so it usually depends what's up for grabs in the marketplace at the time.