1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dolls With Orientation Marks?

Nov 20, 2023

    1. Are there other dolls that have orientation marks?
      Recently I discovered DoDollsDream Marionettes, and I really fell in love with them. I noticed that the older models of Teacup and the Petite have little hearts on their legs, and the newer models of Miss and Teacup have hearts on their legs, neck, and back. I thought this was an absolutely beautiful idea, because it can help the doll’s elastic stringing to not get too twisted up. And the marks tell you the orientation (or direction) that body part is meant to either be in, or settle back to, in order to let you know where the doll’s body is meant to be when in a neutral position.

      I’ve had issues with doll stringing getting twisted up, and issues with body parts not staying in a neutral position, in the past. So aside from DoDollsDream, are there other dolls that have such marks or other companies that do this? Also, is there a better term for this? Or is there a term for it already?
      #1 fairyscrolls, Nov 20, 2023
      Last edited: Oct 2, 2024
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    2. I had no idea this was a thing, and after 15+ years in the hobby, have never seen anything remotely close to it!! But it's really cute and does help with that "flopped in every direction, wtf is going on" feeling!
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    3. Ohhh that is cute! I wish more companies did that. Dollmore is really good with marking their limb joints with L and R or . and :, and swivel joints look different on each side (the lower part goes into the upper part on one side and the upper part goes into the lower part on the other) but they don't mark orientation. I wish they did, some of their bodies could really use that info :sweat
    4. I feel like I've seen L and R markings on some other body before but I can't recall which one- maybe it was a Senior Delf? I remember they were inside the limbs, and the only doll I've ever owned and restrung was that Luts girl, so it must have been her.
    5. These are the first marks of this kind I've seen.
    6. Huh. I don't think I've ever seen marks like this, either.

      After being in the hobby for so many years, I just sort of intuit which parts are supposed to face where, based on the shape of the parts compared to all the other dolls I've owned in the past. There are dolls, however, where the parts (especially upper thigh parts, like in those DDD dolls up there,) look sort of the same from both sides, and I think they'd benefit from marks like this. I can see why they'd add the marks to dolls with moveable necks like that, too. Honestly I think Doll Chateau dolls could really use something like this.
    7. I’ve seen a lot of dolls with L and R marked on their arm and leg parts - even going back to old Sooms from the mid-00s. But a more recent one I discovered was that my Simply Meant to Be Dohwee has hearts on the insides of his elbows! I assume it’s as an authenticity check as well as an orientation thing, but to be honest I will never remember which way they’re supposed to point.
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