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Dolls you forgot you had.

Jun 3, 2022

    1. I've been out of the doll game for about four years and only recently started checking DOA again, mostly because I have dolls that are sitting in a closet doing nothing and they need to move on (not all of them!). So I've been checking the MP to get an idea on pricing and also started going through my feedback to trace transactions. Honestly, I was appalled at how many dolls, heads, bodies seem to have gone through my hands! And there were several I didn't even remember having! Granted, I joined in 2005 but it still seemed so excessive. Anyone else shocked to discover they once owned a certain doll but didn't even remember having them?
    2. Heh, yeah I've had that experience going through my feedback, too! There are certain sculpts that I still see nowadays that make me think, "Maybe I should get one..." and then I suddenly remember that I DID have one and wasn't happy with it. :lol: (I had both a Volks F-16 and a Chris, yet I still find myself yearning for Lucai sculpts haha!)

      I feel like the fact that I don't remember these old dolls well is a sign that I did the right thing by selling them. Obviously they didn't make a deep/good impression. On the other hand, a few times I've forgotten that I own a doll I still have? Even though I love them a lot? :eek: I brought one of my favorite dolls to a meetup, and a whole month later I suddenly was like, "Wait... where is he??" He was still in the bag from the meetup. I went a whole month without even noticing that he was missing. But that's probably just a sign that I have too many dolls! :sneaky
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    3. @overlordu Haha, poor dude! Forgotten in a bag! When I did a doll inventory last month, I couldn't find one of my Tiny Fairy boys. I even started to doubt that I had owned him at all! Then I found him bundled up with a bunch of doll pillows in a storage box on the shelf, just how I had left him after moving to my new place. :roll:
    4. Lol, guilty! Mostly with dolls I've sold ages ago and forgot I'd owned, but occasionally I'll be thinking about my dolls and go "OH MAN, I can't believe I forgot about this one!" I think I'm the worst about remembering my AngellStudio Cain, and I feel bad because he's absolutely gorgeous... but he's also old school French resin, so keeping him shut away in the dark of the doll cabinet is the best for his condition overall. :sweat In his case, he's pretty literally out of sight, out of mind!
    5. Yes, though I didn't really feel guilty about it. The bf and I boguth some 5Stardolls during an event they had so we got one of their yo-sds free. I had him about a month before I felt he'd be better off in a new home. He was a 5stardoll Kane in grey skin and I didn't remember having him until I was transfering pictures off my HD to an external that I saw him in a box opening photo. :doh
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    6. Ahh yeah, I completely forgot about my DollZone Scorpio, who I still have and never painted... In my defence, I moved 3 times since getting him, and entirely left the hobby for about 3 years ^^; I AM looking forward to painting him now that I have an interest in dolls again!
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    7. @Mamo French resin always makes me think of Unidoll!

      @Koma That must have been a surprise! "Who are you and where did you come from?"

      @RainbowMarbles The times I have moved, I end up thinking I have "lost" an item, only because it's not where I thought I packed it. It's always nice to find the "lost" thing once you've completely unpacked. Hello, chess set I thought I must have sold because I couldn't find it!
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    8. That’s definitely happened to me! I took a break of a few years as well and joined DOA in the same year as you actually! (That reminds me that I really need to sell off the dolls I’m no longer interested in…)

      In my case, I also found that I actually already have some of the dolls and outfits that were on my ‘returning to the hobby wishlist’! I’d totally forgotten that I have them already. I had to move a few times during my doll break, and put most of my doll stuff in storage. Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise to find out that I already have some of stuff I really want when I was taking things out of storage!
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    9. I've found floating heads I'd forgotten I had, but not entire dolls - probably because all the actual dolls are out on display all the time.

      The floating heads were mostly in my favourite sculpt from a company tht's not around any more so I've bought them whenever I see they've come up on the secondary market... and squirrelled away the spares. Then last year I decided to marry up as many floatng heads and headless bodies as I could to clear out the "unused" stuff from the stash, and realized how many heads I had accumulated from that company (though not ALL the same sculpt).

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    10. I have forgotten about a couple 45cm dolls and a few extra heads. I purchased them to fill out a diorama for a doll show contest and when I came home I boxed them up and totally forgot I had them. With Covid and no shows or meet-ups I just came across them last week. Fun surprise and quenched my desire to buy a new doll. I will need to do new face-ups as I did 20's era make-up and it is very distinct looking. Maybe switch heads and leave just one floating with that face just incase.
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    11. ....this kind of happened with my first doll :sweat

      After having to make a cross state lines move in a bit of a hurry, I lost interest in my MSD and the hobby for several years. In that span I ended up making another move, settling in and and starting courses for graphic design at the local college. In that time of distraction, I almost completely forgot I had her. It took me searching through some stuff one day to rediscover her (and bjds) again:XD: :kitty2
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    12. Typically, no. I actually keep a list of every doll I’ve ever owned! While I’ve never had more than 39 at a time, I’ve owned hundreds of sculpts, as I buy, sell and trade often. I typically have 13-19 dolls at any given time, so it's very easy to remember what I have. I think the only time I've nearly forgotten that I owned a certain doll was when I got an event head or pet doll that I wasn't interested in, and sold it immediately upon receiving it. But in a way, I feel like they were never really "my" doll.
    13. Even as extensive as my current crew is... and with as many other dolls as I've bought and then sold on... I can't say that I've ever actually forgotten having anyone. 'Not even the dolls who were moved on almost as soon as they got here, or the packed-away residents of the "floating-head box". (Who don't have bodies and never will. They're kept simply for completeness' sake.)

      That said, I sometimes do have to look up the FCS numbers for a few of my Volks dolls.... For some reason, a couple of them have just never "stuck" as well in my mind as the others. (I'm an Old Chick and have always had a better memory for names than numbers, so no surprise there, really. I get my F-35 and F-52's numbers mixed up every time. Every. Time. One is the Sweet Dream version of the other.)

      But even if I *can't* instantly rattle off an FCS number to go with an individual doll, I've never forgotten that I have them. It may take me a minute to recall that Loreley, say, is an F-34 or that Meru is an F-56, but I've never looked at their shelf and thought, "Huh. When did I get you guys?" :lol:
      #13 Brightfires, Jun 5, 2022
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
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    14. There are a few dolls I've sold that I forget I've had every once in a while and then remember "oh yeah I did own you before", but the worst is I constantly forget one of my current dolls in my crew. I have no idea why I'm always forgetting I have a Dollits SooHee because I genuinely love her little face. It utterly baffles me :?
    15. She's the perfect spy - one of those people it's so easy to forget so they can insinuate themselves anywhere without fear of being remembered and exposed...?

    16. It definitely seems that way lololol maybe I can work that into her character. Elite spy :XD: