1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Dolls You're Planning to Buy

Oct 8, 2023

    1. I have my own buy list of dolls I'm looking to order once the stars align (i.e have money, waiting for sales); but I'm curious what dolls everyone else is interested in and looking to buy. Feel free to share pics and what made you decide on that specific doll.

      Here's two of mine, both are for OCs I'm shelling and I picked them because they match the characters' personalities well.
      TD Shang Jing

      Ringdoll Lexi
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    2. I just started payment to get my Cat Coco from Shoushou. I've been pretty out of dolls for a few years now, but I happened to see his company photos and instantly fell in love. He has so many head options and comes with so many parts. I got him with the smiling open-eyed head because he is so cute T0T Like you, I usually got a doll to shell out OCS, but this one was unplanned lol! I am struggling to find a character for him. I also never was too interested in anime-style dolls but oop here we are.
      Both of these dolls are the same one, just with different head options:

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    3. He is very cute! I've also never been much interested in the anime style, but I can see how you were tempted, he's lovely and has such an appealing face. I ordered a sculpt I fell in love with recently that I didn't have a character for, so I made a new OC just for him. Now he's one of my favorite characters and I can't wait to customize him when he arrives.
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    4. Hey, Telesthesia! I just finished paying up for one of their boys (this one: Leopard - Xun Jian, 72cm Telesthesia Boy - BJD, BJD Doll, Ball Jointed Dolls - Alice's Collections ) I love how their boys look, just a great combo of looking both manly and pretty!

      He also don't quite have a full character yet. But he looks so great that I'm willing to nab him first (I starting paying during a sale.) I figured that he could take over for another pre-existing character who is just a floating head right now. At least temporarily until I can get a body for the original floaty head. That's my next goal!
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    5. I'm waiting for Respectful Glance Williams, whenever Volks decides to sell him to me! :)
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    6. So nice seeing what everyone's getting :love

      I've been planning to order one of Souldoll's Vito boys, Liam, for over a year and a half now. I've since started having doubts about whether he's right for the character I want to shell (ironic given his sculpt actually inspired said character) but I'm still tentatively planning on ordering him (probably wait for an event first and give myself more time to overthink it, ha).

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    7. One day when I'm financially stable, Granado Gabriel and/or Raccoondoll Celine will make their way home to me :blush
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    8. I seldom follow through with actual plans to buy dolls, since I'm very much an emotionally-connect-in-the-moment buyer, but I'm planning to get a Dokkebi Garion eventually. I just finished paying layaway on a human one, but my tendency to collect multiples of sculpts doesn't care about that, haha! I have a character for my human Garion, and I've got a mental bug for a Dokkebi Garion character, so I'll be on the lookout for a time in the future when Soom releases him again, preferably in a tan or tawny resin.
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    9. At the moment the only doll on my wishlist is the Swallow Fairy by Loong Soul. He is perfect for a character I am wanting to shell.

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    10. I have a few that I'd eventually like to get my hands on for a few OCs, along with some miscellaneous for currently shelled characters.

      When it comes to my already shelled bjds that I'm interested in eventually getting some add-ons/upgrades, most of it involves bodies. I've got my eye on the new Impl Star girl body—I'd love to upgrade Korra from the old one she's on to that one both because it's more aesthetically pleasing, plus a much more appealing poser. Korra's current body has a lack of a thigh joint, which leads to her having more difficulty with sitting properly and limits her leg posing. Miracle doll has this lovely slender female SD body that poses beautifully that would be perfect for Nira that I'd love to eventually get my hands on for her. I've also considered changing my Supia Lina over to one of their newer, curvier SD girl bodies from the one she's currently on.

      There's also some bits 'n bobs—like jointed and non-jointed hands—that I'd like to get eventually for a few of my crew.

      When it comes to new bjds—the one definitive I particularly plan to bring home when the opportunity arises would be Impldoll Plaice/Ransom for a rather pivotal OC I've yet to shell. Not sure which of the two sculpts is more fitting, so I might get both during one of their sales.

      Regarding incoming—I finished paying off Lost Chronicles Alluvial whom I'm hoping with be shipping out soon. I have a couple prospective shells for her, but which one it'll be will be finalized once I receive her:kitty2.
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    11. I'm planning to order a harucasting Maji when the preorder opens in December. And, at some point, a MNF Chloe - but I'm trying to pace myself, so she can wait!
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    12. I’m looking to buy the dolls from volks! I prefer one-off models so it’s too difficult to get I think… they are suiseiseki(or souseiseki) and suigintou.. they are old dolls so I’m looking for one-off dolls And if it is possible, I wanna find and buy DOC dolls from DOD
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    13. I’m planning on buying a nYID Mari from iplehouse once I have the money. Also planning on buying a Minifee one day.
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    14. I REALLY want the new Feeple65 Nuia and I'm going back and forth with myself on whether to get her and if I do do I get the designer fullset and she's sooooo expensive. ARGHHHHH anyone else in the same boat with Nuia or any other doll haha?
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    15. I'm currently getting into bigger dolls of 1/4 scale. And one i'm waiting to go on pre-order is Isladoll's Flor Dor doll. Earlier this year they showed a tan 1/4 scale doll and I'd really love to buy her. I know I mention tan dolls a lot on this forum, but it's just so nice it's becoming a more common option now. :D
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    16. At the moment, I am hoping to be able to save up for Xaga Doll Cyrus.

      I am looking for another 1/4 scale doll, possibly a Resinsoul again, but nothing settled. Cyrus is the only confirmed one in my mind. Hopefully I can do it!
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    17. I'm feeling the exact same way about Nuia! She's so pretty but so pricey. I was seriously considering a long layaway just to get her!
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    18. I'm not buying any more dolls right now, but the next doll I will buy is Luts SSDF Eddy.
      One of my first dolls was Luts, and I've long since sold him with the bulk of my collection. After coming back I really wanted to get another one from Luts, but I had trouble deciding who to pick, since I had sworn off SD+ and boy dolls.
      But since I have terrible discipline and have broken both rules by now, nothing is holding me back from choosing Eddy! I have already planned his name, accessories, and face up changes :cheer
      When I'm ready to buy dolls again, that is. My incomings are overwhelming me a little right now. I think I'll get him next year or the year after.
      It's great to hear about everyone's doll plans without profile stalking haha :love
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    19. My priority is Soom Hyperon, R. Hyperon to be more specific. I have no idea when Soom will release that version of the sculpt again, but I am already setting aside money for him so I'm absolutely ready when the chance presents itself. He's perfect for a beloved OC that I've been wanting to shell as a doll for a very long time!
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    20. Swallow Fairy is one of their sculpts that always catches my eyes. Loong Soul has such beautiful dolls I constantly consider getting one, but I don't yet have a character in mind that will match.

      Luts has such handsome boys; one of the dolls farther down my buy list is a MDF Raven. I picked him out the end of last year when I was planning my MSD collection and he kept getting put off because of the 5 SDs I started planning for. Every time I see him I really want him soon, but it doesn't feel like its time yet. I want to finish the pairs/couples that I have, before starting another set.

      Soom has a lot of nice sculpts, but I wish they weren't all limited, makes getting a specific doll of theirs a pain if you miss it the first time around. I hope your Hyperion shows up again soon.
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