1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Dollshe Discussion - Part Seventeen

Jan 26, 2022

    1. Good to see Den of Angels thrown under the bus! We were feeling left out. :daisy

      The man owns a Ferrari, I suppose that's part of his healthy lifestyle. He could sell it if he needs the money...
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    2. @idrisfynn Don't quote me on this, but I think Dollstown mentioned either in a comment to someone else or some other post, that Dollshe already did some time ago, when someone else mentioned the same thing.
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    3. Good, he doesn't have the financial skill to afford that kind of luxury item long term.
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    4. Indeed. I'm amazed this man can't seem to learn. But, then maybe I shouldn't be considering his history.
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    5. As if on cue, Mr. Kim is now trying to double dip by selling the casted dolls posted in January, which were supposed to be half of the outstanding orders.....
      Inventory for sale - DollShe craft
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    6. This makes me so upset that he's doing this again. Those papers with the dolls are the invoices. You can partially see the names and addresses. They belong to someone! He has no right...
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    7. There aren't even hundreds of dolls, I counted 8 fashion dolls and roughly 30 SD dolls in all of those photos in total. The photos could be from any day years back. Also, judging by how daylight gets in, if this is how he stores the late orders, they're all gonna be yellowed.
      • x 9
    8. You are right, I thought about editing my previous post because I realized that was wrong... I was taking his word for it but it doesn't seem the supposed 300 orders he says he finished are actually represented in the pictures.

      And the new plan is, tldr, if he can sell one in stock doll, which is someone's order they have already paid for, that sale will pay for the shipping cost for two other unfulfilled orders. What kind of twisted doll roulette :doh
      And claims that this is necessary because he just can't hold onto the inventory any longer... :nowords: I'm at a loss for words.
      • x 6
    9. So in order to fulfill (finally ship) outstanding orders paid in full (doll+shipping) from literally years ago he needs to sell someone's order to another person. But he's offering that new order at 30% off (but with an increase in shipping fees to cover that increased cost?) in order to make the sale to generate funds to ship dolls out to people who've already paid for shipping? So then what happens to the person who's likely been waiting years for their doll now that it's been sold to someone else? How much longer do they need to wait to get what they paid for? What kind of wacky Ponzi scheme is this?
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    10. Reminder: if anyone buys one of these dolls that doll is banned on DoA.
      Only orders placed prior to the banning date are allowed.
      If someone does manage to get their delayed order that is fine to share.
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    11. Someone mentioned that the photos could have come from any time point, which is entirely true as there's nothing in the photos that I can see that would indicate a recent/now date. But... there are several dolls I see in the photos that are in the colours that have been discontinued several years ago. Like the blue, green and espresso resin (which were also the honey resins, which were also discontinued a few years ago due to "difficulty sourcing and casting the resin").

      I could 100% be wrong but given Dollshe's love of spinning a wild tale purely for his financial gain, I'm gonna say this series of photos is from that time period a few years back when those colours were still being offered and not recent as he claims in his effort to continue to scam people for money for product he doesn't have.
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    12. It's not foolproof but, the file names of the photos seem to be automatically generated by the phone/camera that took them, and the file names contain "2024-01-24", so I'm guessing that's when they were taken.
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    13. If the file names/dates are correct, then I'm even more disappointed in his latest scheme. He's trying to dangle completed orders in front of those forever waiting, low-key threatening to sell someone's order out from under them so that other orders can finally be shipped to their rightful owners.
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    14. I can't imagine anybody outside of Korea will buy them (and maybe not even people in Korea), since he's accepting payment via bank transfer only, so I really don't think there's a risk of anybody on DOA actually purchasing.
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    15. From what I heard, he has a pretty bad rep in East Asia too. At least according to some weibo BJD collectors and Korean twitter.
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    16. He doesn't keep his dirty dealing and disrespect for clients just to the non-Asian market then. He's an equal opportunity scammer.
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    17. Exactly. I honestly think he should just be ignored and moved on from. He's never going to fix the problems - which frankly I'm not sure he even can at this point. There's only so far you can go into debt before there's no chance of you ever paying it back. Regardless of the fact that this sucks and it's unfair, should be retribution, etc, there's no changing history. What's done is done.

      Besides, I'd say that he mostly has his just desserts; his career and reputation is completely shot and even Dollstown is no longer helping him. He sold off the ridiculous stuff like the Ferrari (According to Dollstown on insta), so he doesn't get to keep his nice toys either.

      Even a breath of his name brings droves of comments about him being a scammer on any social media, so there's virtually zero chance of any new people being taken in. Maybe his DOA ban could have come sooner, but it came all the same. Even if he somehow made everything right tomorrow, got every single doll sent out and refunded everyone, hell even chucked in a bonus free doll with every order as a gesture of goodwill, he wouldn't be unbanned and not a single soul will ever trust him again. He's absolutely done in the BJD space forever.
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    18. Heheh, @nattherat I think you're giving "everyone" too much credit. It's true that he is reaching new levels of ridiculousness every day, but he's been untrustworthy for years and people continued to order from him. People would comment here on the discussion thread admitting that they read everything and ordered anyway. People who were already waiting years for dolls ordered more dolls.

      I think restricted payment options are the only thing that will get rid of him. Like if he gets his Paypal account reinstated, people are GONNA keep ordering from him. :doh
      • x 12
    19. Maybe, but again, not people on DOA! Not anymore. When was the last time somebody admitted to that? Surely not recently? :sweat And I'd still be surprised, since at this point most people who own Dollshe dolls don't even post them anymore through a combination of survivor's guilt and harassment. There's the huge unmissable notice on the front page of DOA, and hundreds of people online who are always immediately ready to warn anybody off him, I don't think we can really do more than that.

      I was more making a point that I can't see the value in continuing to encircle the same things over and over. It makes absolutely nobody happy, it doesn't change anything about the situation, and it actually make things suck for people who have Dollshe dolls too. I went and checked; the last time somebody posted a picture of their own doll was back on page 12, when we're now on page 18. That's depressing!
      #359 nattherat, Mar 1, 2024
      Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
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    20. I totally understand what you mean. I'm one of the lucky ones who got their order (well, more or less) in 2021 and i'm certainly a little traumatised about the experience :sweat and sure i do enjoy my dolls but i'm not sure people want to see doll posts here
      but i think it's also important that everyone keeps talking about it so everyone stays updated about what's going and have a place to vent about the guy... he really shouldn't get away with what he's doing :/

      but on the other hand, cheers! ;)

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