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Dollzone Baby BB 23cm - 29.5cm discussion part 3

May 22, 2014

    1. I thought I've posted in here before but I guess not. I also have the yoCarter and mine is a girl. Her name is Star. She is on the girl body and it is adorable!

      [​IMG]2017-11-25 16.53.41 by Heather, on Flickr

      As soon as I saw the fullset released I knew I wanted mine to be a girl and she told me her name right away. She is not human but some otherworldly kind of being.
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    2. Oh my gosh all these cute little Yo-Carters! This thread has been so quiet lately, more spam please! :abambi: I shall of course add some more photos of my darling little Valeriana.

      [​IMG]WP_20170101_17_08_20_Rich by Liz, on Flickr
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    3. Hows everyone's lil ones doing

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    4. Omg how cute!! :D
    5. Well, I'm in the process of reshelling a character into a Dollzone BB-Soom Hybrid girl named Tesla. I plan on doing a layaway for her body in the new year. She's the little person in my family.
    6. I have a dollzone BB abby.
      I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have noticed the BB 26 body has a lot smaller feet than normal YOSD.
      Has anyone found any luck in getting shoes for their BB 29cm dolls? Where is a good place to buy? Thanks in advance!
    7. Everyone's Yo-Carter's are adorable! He's such a cute little sculpt. Dropping by with an over edited photo of Shiloh, my Choco. He got a cute, new hairclip a little while ago which was a little freebie from ForMyDoll when I ordered a few wigs from them.

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    8. Admittedly, after a year, I actually recently gave up and ordered a bunch of Resinsoul feet (more regularly sized) for my crew. All shoes I’ve owned have fallen off DZ feet or otherwise looked quite bad. I got tired of fighting it.

      I’d say your best bet is the shoes DZ provide themselves unfortunately!
    9. Aww, he's such a cutie! :D
    10. Dang, I love the feet, lol.
      I would probably have to venture into making my own.

      I was wondering if maybe smaller dolls (pullip/blythe), if the shoes were on the bigger side for them, if they could fit. I guess I can give it a go and see, I have a unattended pullip so it wouldnt be a loss for me to try.

      I'll keep you guys updated on my shoe adventure!
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    11. They are very pretty feet!
      I have found that being so small, they require extra work to balance the doll because there's a lot of weight in the hips. I'm looking forward to the more standard-sized feet for mitigating that problem too.

      If you do find good matches though, I'd love to know!
    12. I lurk this thread all the time, so many cuties and theyre all so different. :D
      Heres a little spam of my Nyu-dont see many of them around anymore!
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    13. @Cydril I love your Nyu! I have one, and I also have the other three that were in the series (Mika, Hiro, and Tengyuan).
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    14. @Cydril - Your Nyu is adorable! :) I did consider one way back when I first got into the hobby, my tastes have changed a lot since then, but I really love looking at other peoples'. Pity there's so few around.
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    15. Heyo! I thought I would join here since I just bought a yo Carter and I'm excited to get him :dance
      Do DZ YoSDs wear standard YoSD clothing?
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    16. Hello, Blackie-Neko! :) I'm a lurker here. I do have an Evan and a Yo-Carter and awaiting Little Snow. Seems that Yo-Carter is soooo popular, he's very cute so no wonder.

      Anyway, I did buy a regular Yo-SD shirt, thinking that it would fit. It does but is a bit tight on the armpit area. I'll post pics.
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    17. I have found some canvas sneakers for Taeyang (Pullip's boyfriend?) that fit really well on the 29cm DZ girl. I have several dolls with the same or similar size feet. Doll Chateau B-01 body, Dust of Dolls Appi, Nobledolls Radicelle, and Orange Tea Dolls Pollet can all share the Taeyang sneakers from Mimiwoo. It looks like they are labeled as fitting Hujoo Berry as well.
    18. I wasn't paying any attention lately to dolls smaller than msd but after just stumbling across Little Rain and Little Snow I think I'm going to have to set them firmly on my wishlist. :sweat Crossing my fingers things go well for a few more weeks, perhaps I'll be able to order one soon :XD:

      I can't wait to see more owner photos of them!
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    19. Welcome to the thread luqura! :daisy

      So glad you discovered Dollzone tinies! Little Rain and Little Snow are adorable! Hope you get to order them soon!
    20. I've admired Valeriana for several years, and brought home Moon of my own in December. This isn't her final look, her face-up was done by her previous owner, and while lovely, doesn't fit the charater I have in mind. Anyway here's Chan-
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