1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollzone Baby BB 23cm - 29.5cm discussion part 3

May 22, 2014

    1. @davri - Please don't use Windex! That has a real chance of damaging your doll. As Einnn said, a small piece of magic eraser or a little mild soap (mixed with water) will help.
    2. Has anyone gotten Miyou or Keai on the girl body? I read that Dollzone would accommodate this, but was hoping to see a photo- I also think the sweater is adorable with the fox logo- and while I’m sure it would fit, was wondering if any of the other fullset items wouldn’t work with the girl body’s slightly different dimensions.
    3. @OtakuSquirrel I'm getting them both as fullsets on girl bodies (+ an extra boy body) but my layaway won't be done until a couple months at least. ^^'
    4. I hope you post pictures when you get them! I’ve almost convinced myself to go ahead and order Miyou- I’m mostly hesitating because I just ordered another doll last month- but once I get my tax return...:whee:
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    5. I haven't seen anyone post about the two new girls- Lacey and Neveu! Not sure if their sculpts are too delicate for them to be in this thread, or if this is still the best spot to talk about them. If only I didn't already have three dolls on order... (looks back a couple posts to when I only had one doll on order... that escalated quickly...) :doh
      I adore fantasy themed dolls and have been casually looking for a faun these few months since I've got into the hobby, and Lacey is just wonderful. Anybody else looking at either of these two?
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    6. I love the look of them! But as much as I do, I can’t really find a place in my crew. I am already at my limit for dolls haha, but also their cool stylistic exaggeration in their bodies doesn’t fit among my dolls, not even my other DollZone dolls. I would probably love to see them next to the current 1/6 bodies for comparison though.

      They’re really awesome though. I’m looking forward to eventual owner pictures!
    7. I’m contemplating using Lacey as an attendant/squire for the Snow Fulai that I just ordered- so I think she would be hanging around with her and not my other 1/6 scale dolls (who oddly enough I want to be a D&D type adventuring party...) I like the idea of using Lacey’s delicate build to make Snow Fulai seem like an oversized behemoth. Oddly enough, Lacey has much bigger hooves though.
    8. I'm wondering if Neveu has ears under those ice things? Or interchangeable human/elf ears? The ice frills are clunky and not my thing but other than that her face and bod are AAHMAZZNG
    9. Aww, they're both adorable! I love Lacey's hooves.
      That's a good question @xkelpiex, perhaps it's worth sending them an email to ask? I can imagine they'd be a tad difficult to fit under a conventional wig.
    10. Thanks for the suggestions everybody. Just water didn’t get the mark off, but a few gentle swipes with a magic erasure had it gone!

      I posted the box opening pics of KeAi and some new ones I took of him in his Angell-Studio outfit here. I like the outfit, though it’s a bit bulky looking in the back because the body it’s for has slightly larger shoulders. Though I did have to stich the gold bits on the collar back on because they had been glued on and fell off when it was still in the package!
    11. @davri I saw your box opening and your KeAi is so cute in his Chinese outfit. I love the smiling face so much. He looks so happy!
    12. Little Rain took a break from putting out seeds for the birds. Sorry the pic is so big.
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    13. @davri - Aww he's so cute! And I do love that Angell-Studio outfit on him. :D

      @bajib - Aww! A well earned rest I'd say! :)
    14. My tiny trio has arrived! I made a small box opening post but if anyone wants to know something more specific, just ask!

      KeAi - Daomiao - MiYou. All normal pink skin.


      @OtakuSquirrel I can with confidence say the full set outfits fit on the girl body (B27-004) as well!
      However, while both bodies arms are listed as 9.3cm (shoulder to wrist) that's not correct... the girl arms is 8.5cm shoulder to wrist, 11cm shoulder to finger tips. The boys is 9.3cm/12cm.

      KeAi's shorts, MiYou's undershirt and shorts, MiYou's hoodie, both sock pairs. ^^
      The feet seem to be identical so no problem on the shoes.

      #515 Einnn, Apr 8, 2019
      Last edited: Apr 8, 2019
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    15. @OtakuSquirrel I can with confidence say the full set outfits fit on the girl body (B27-004) as well!
      However, while both bodies arms are listed as 9.3cm (shoulder to wrist) that's not correct... the girl arms is 8.5cm shoulder to wrist, 11cm shoulder to finger tips. The boys is 9.3cm/12cm.

      They're all wonderful! I had my fingers crossed that this would be the case- especially because I went ahead and ordered Miyou just as soon as I got my tax refund... and then ordered another doll after her which completely shot my budget... So very happy that she wont be wearing just an oversized sweater until next year! LOL!
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    16. @Einnn - Aww, they're all so cute! :D
    17. :D I AM IN LOVE!!! Little Carter-1 is soo cute! <3
      Always loved all Carter sculpts, especially the yosd version, but this one definitly wins!
      I'm so sad he is a limited, it gives me a lot of anxiety to rush into ordering expensive things and mainly dolls. (didn't have much luck these past years bonding with dolls i ordered without giving it a good while to think about, like at least half a year. And i really didn't want more dolls, but he is so cute...) It scares me so much that i love him now, but don't know how i will feel 6 months from now when he would arrive... :S
      Giving myself 1 week now, if they didn't hit the 100 dolls limit already and i still love him just as much and am at least a little more sure that he will find his place in my crew, then i will order the fullset.

      How do you guys deal with these kind of rushed decisions due to a doll being limited?
    18. I used to get all anxious and fret about ordering limiteds, then break down and order it, putting myself into debt. Now that I can’t afford bjds, I just feel sad and a pang of regret. I really don’t like limiteds, but that’s what drives this hobby. :...(
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    19. Hi everyone! I just got a B27-004 body for my Dollshe Ru head. I'm going to have to mod the neck on the body and the neck hole on Ru' s head but the proportions are a great match! I really love this body and I'm excited to start collecting and making clothes to fit it.

      I'm curious about shoes, what are some good shoe options? I'd like to get some combat style boots if possible.
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