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Dollzone Baby BB 23cm - 29.5cm discussion part 3

May 22, 2014

    1. I LOVE your faceup for her! She's absolutely stunning!

      I'm super excited because I had wanted yin long so badly but wasn't able to get one then. I just ordered the 18th anniversary version and managed to get the china exclusive transparent tail as well! I love their little feets and wings so much!

      Your faceups are always stunning and I really love how bright and colorful she is!
      #881 SmoteyMote, Feb 21, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2024
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    2. Ah, thank you so much!! And congrats on your order!! I'm excited to see what you do with them! I wish I could have gotten the clear purple tail and purple resin, but since I already have Po in white, I didn't see the point in getting another one. I look forward to seeing yours!
      Blossom actually has a new faceup now (same theme, but a little brighter) as she chipped her old one somehow. I need to take new pics of her!
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    3. Oooh I'd absolutely love to see more photos! There's a surprising lack of photos of the dragons floating around!
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    4. No photos because my phone camera has finally given up the ghost, but my sweet little DZ Moon Valeriana turned 10 yesterday!! :D
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    5. Congrats Quiet and Insane! Ten years! Wow! That's quite a milestone for a dolly. :thumbup
      Happy Birthday to Valeriana! :smallcake:cake::pcupcake

      Hope we get to see a photo of her soon to mark the occasion. :D
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    6. I’ve ordered Po the dragon girl! :love So excited!!
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    7. Oh I'm pleasantly surprised that this thread is a bit active! Congratulations on your incoming @SunshineGirl :D oh and to you as well @SmoteyMote :dance
      the dragon girl really is so cool! I always love yours @IzabethS
      Aw and happy birthday to your Valeriana @Quiet and Insane that's awesome! :aheartbea

      I was finally making some more clothes for my Ami and Ani twins last week. I love them, they are so cute together. I also finally gave them names: Jamie (dark hair) and Beetle (light hair)
      I got them as trade and gift over a year ago. I feel so bad I couldn't decide names until now!
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    8. Congrats SunshineGirl! Po is such a cute sculpt. Hope you don’t have to wait long. :love

      OMG! AlisonVonderland, what a great trade! Your little DZ BBs are adorable! I absolutely love the original DZ 1/6 sculpts! :aheartbea

      Wow! It looks like Ami had her eyes opened. Did you do the mods? She looks great! :thumbup

      #888 Rabbit-moon, Mar 19, 2024
      Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
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    9. Yes @Rabbit-moon Ami has had eyes opened (and honestly thank you for reminding me which one she is because my brain is slowly turning to mush). I can't remember if it was the person who gifted her to me who did that or if it was before them but yeah I enjoy how similar/different the two look this way. And these old sculpts are just so cute. I really like old Dollzone faces :blush
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    10. @Rabbit-moon - Thank you! I hope I can figure out how to get these photos uploaded. My laptop is very old and my new phone, while it takes stunning photos, doesn't recognise my ancient software. :sweat I'm really not great with technology.

      @AlisonVonderland - Thank you!!
      Aww, Jamie and Beetle are just so cute! :D

      @SunshineGirl - Ooh congratulations! I hope she gets to you quickly and safely. :)
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    11. oooh what variations did you get for her? (like fullset? body blushing/faceup? which color tail/skin? etc) I am so excited to see everyone else's dragons when they come in!
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    12. I really wish I got the fullset haha but it was too much for my budget right now, plus she will arrive earlier :) so that’s nice haha

      I got the half eye Po face in moon skin and I plan to blush her myself with very subtle aquamarine highlights. She will have grey hair with aquamarine tips, natural faceup with scales near the horns and on the cheeks, and she will be wearing an elaborate kimono - I’m going to try to make her more like a Japanese youkai to go along with some other dolls I have :)
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    13. ooooh I can't wait to see! That sounds like it will be absolutely beautiful!
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