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Dollzone Discussion ~ 60 and 70cm ~ Part IX

Nov 11, 2023

    1. [​IMG]

      I had to move back in October and my sister was holding onto my dolls so I wouldn't have to put them in storage while I found a place to live. I finally got them back and decided to celebrate by talking some pictures.
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    2. YAY! Mr. Leung is back! He looks great! :love

      Zacarias, so glad you got your dolls back! (It's hard for me to even go on vacation because I land up missing my dolls so much. :doh)

      Celebrating by taking pictures of your dolls is a great way to welcome them to their new home. :thumbup
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    3. Congratulations on finding a new place!! Taking your dolls out for photos is a very good way to celebrate. :)
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    4. I've paid of my Lucius with Alice and she let me know that he'll be ready to be shipped out this weekend.:blush
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    5. Wow! Congrats Cloudedmind! That is such a exciting news! :dance

      Can't wait to see your gorgeous Lucius! :love
    6. Ooooh I hope he ships quickly and safely for you! You'll have to share photos for us!
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    7. I found a couple of pictures of Dollzone’s new boy, Evan. He’s on sale until 31 May 2024.

      I like the sculpt a lot. But, the face-up just isn’t my thing.

      Evan Emoticon version

      Evan Regular version
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    8. I like the face-up style but I'm not in love with all the pink tones going on. But I also hate the colour pink so there's that. I think he's a very handsome dude and I love his outfit.
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    9. I like the extra painted eyes personally. It's very biblically-accurate-angel. But I do agree, the pinks need to be toned down a little. :sweat
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    10. I've noticed that a number of companies seem to be in love with the colour pink. My DV Bethel has the default face-up (he came to me this way) and while lovely and very well done, it's PINK!!! So much so that I've actually painted over his horn and all the blushing on his wing parts with a blue-toned dark purple in an effort to minimize all the pink.
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    11. I don't do a lot of doll photography, but is it one of those things where it shows better on the camera then other colors?
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    12. I think they want to mimic the warmth of human skin? It just seems like a lot to me. A fair bit of body blushing seems to lean heavily into the pinks, too. It's one of the reasons I never opt for body blushing. I also really don't like the way companies often target the knees/elbows/belly when they go ham with the blushing.

      In my experience, my knees only get red like that if I've been kneeling for a long time. Normally they're the same colour as the rest of me. I've got nothing for the elbows/belly thing.
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    13. Oh the belly blushing weirds me out. Knees and elbows not so much though.
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    14. My Lucius has arrived! And he's HUGE, and heavy. I have an Idealian75 and I still wasn't prepared. He stands like a rock though. I got him to match Soom peony white, but it's pinker then my Garion. Thankfully, my Garion's faceup hides most of the color difference. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. I had to order a bigger S hook since the one that came with the body is a bit to small to hold onto the ID head back.

      He came with some nice extras. A pair of eyes, a melamine sponge, blue/white tack, 2000 grit sanding paper, and a neck puller. Also, a cute little booklet.

      He's strung pretty tight, but as his chest piece doesn't have any stops it tends to want to slide around if moving the doll in a more horizontal configuration.
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    15. YAY! How exciting!!! Congrats on the arrival of your Lucius! :dance

      Can’t wait to see photos of him! :D
    16. Ooooh congratulations on his arrival!! I bet he's stunning. :D
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    17. Quick pic before I add the rest tomorrow. My Soom Garion head on the new DZ body.
      #157 Cloudedmind, Apr 17, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
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    18. OMG! Look at all those muscles! :aeyepop:

      The Soom head looks great on that DZ body. What is the resin match on him?

      Congrats again! He really looks gorgeous. :love

      But, I’m curious about the Lucius head. Isn’t he destined to have this body?
    19. @Rabbit-moon Thanks! I got the body in Soom peony white to match my Garion's head, but the body ended up being pinker. Which is probably more of a Soom problem then a DZ problem, since if one knows anything about Soom it's that their resin colors can be wildly inconsistent. So, the batch that DZ sampled from was probably just pinker then the batch my Garion came from a few years ago. Thankfully the difference isn't that noticeable with Garion's faceup, and as time goes on the pink will probably fade.

      I had always planned to put Garion's head on the body, so I'm happy that the proportions look pretty good.

      For the time being I'll put Lucius' head on the ID75 body until someone finally comes out with a slim 72cm body with a 12-13cm neck. Not likely to ever happen sadly.

      Here's one of Lucius on the DZ body.

      And, here's a link to more pictures, Soom Garion head on Dollzone 75cm body

      ALSO! I new teaser from DZ. A jellyfish man. XD
      Sina Visitor System

      But not sure if that's the 75cm body or the new 47cm uncle body. The Google translation doesn't really help.
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    20. I love the transparent hands of the jellyfish dude.
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