1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollzone Discussion ~ 60 and 70cm ~ Part IX

Nov 11, 2023

    1. Thanks Cloudedmind! The Lucius sculpt is very handsome. :love But, I agree with you; I think the Lucius head would look nice on a slimmer body.

      That new DZ body is gorgeous, but it looks massive. I sometimes have trouble handling my Iplehouse EID boys; they are so big and heavy. I can’t imagine how heavy that 77cm boy is.:doh

      I gotta say the hands look awesome! :thumbup
    2. I asked DZ when my sylvan head with faceup might be ready and they said July. Looking at a 7 month wait at the very least then. Oof! DollZone seems really busy. In the meantime I might pick up another hesd from the latest release before the end of May :lol:
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    3. Aestellica, 7-months isn’t too terribly bad of a wait. I’m still waiting on a 1/4 DZ Scarecrow Hal, and it’s been 11-months, so far. (I haven’t had to wait this long for a doll since my 13-month wait for a Dollshe Saint back in 2012. :doh)

      Oooooh! Are you thinking of getting the Ivan head? Which one? :love
    4. @Rabbit-moon 11 months, ouch! Who did you order through?
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    5. I ordered through Denver Dolls during the May 2023 Discontinuation event. They are the ones who told me DZ is taking up to a year to deliver their dolls.

      I'm not worried though. I've bought bjds from Denver Dolls for years, and they are a great store.
    6. Probably just the normal one! His other head has too wide of a smile for me, unless I wanted to do a very specific character but I don't have anything specific in mind.
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    7. Any one grabbing the jellyfish head? I already have an order from Alice collections so I was waiting for it to go on sale with them but legend doll has them right up right now.

      I like the colors of the more expensive option, but I also love the single tone. Any one have opinions even if you didn't want to get one?

      I can't swing a body with him, but after buying the dragon head as well, I'm gonna see if I can wait out a good deal for possibly multiple bodies other wise they'll be sharing one a 70cm later. XD

      Who would've thought we would have a head that didn't need to be modded for a straight Lovecraft character.
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    8. I am! Just waiting for Alice to get back to me – I'd rather order through her because I've had previous good experiences
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    9. @Vimes - I'm not going to do it, but part of me would like to get that head and put it on this body, just because they're both awesome. :lol:
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    10. That would look so cool! :D
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    11. It would! I've actually ordered the Crystal boy in the 50cm version. I'm very excited to see him in person (which might be sometime in July at the very earliest).
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    12. @Iron_Dog - Nice! Hope you share photos when you do! I've low-key wanted a translucent "ghost" doll for a long time, but I was hoping for a more frosted effect without the bones for that concept. And the character isn't supposed to be a jellyfish either, so... :lol: Darn.
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    13. @Sianserais perhaps contact ResinSoul to see if they could do what you'd like regards the resin effect? He's going to be a character that is more or less clear quartz. He's born from a geode and one of his parents is the God of Crystal & Stone (who was borne from a geode himself).
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    14. I have started my layaway on Jellyfish Man!
      Going for the 70cm body with H0 clear hands and the iridescent head
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    15. @Iron_Dog - Every time I see the great custom colors ResinSoul does, I'm tempted. But getting the right face for a character is important to me, so, that's unfortunately an obstacle. At least more companies have been doing fantasy colors these days! And that sounds like a perfect use for the crystal guy!
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    16. @Sianserais Yeah, I get you on that. Sometimes finding the right combo of head+body shape/height+colour can seem like the mission impossible theme should be playing in the background as you search. When you add in something as unusual as transparent resin, well now you've moved the difficulty into god-mode.
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    17. Congrats Castironteapot on ordering the Jellyfish Man! What a magnificent doll he will be! :D

      Do you have a specific OC for him?
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    18. I had seriously considered that! The financials say it's not in the cards but I would love to see someone do it. It's such a blood borne, becoming a great one vibe. Maybe someone will change their mind and I'll find it second hand a year from now.

      You have no idea how delighted I am for you
      Please post pics when he comes in :D
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    19. Does anyone have an older 60cm DZ girl head, like pre-2015, and the new Impldoll 62cm girl body? I know the body is pretty new so there might not be many out and about, but I'm interested in seeing how DZ's older more stylistic heads might look on a more mature body.
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    20. @Rabbit-moon and @Vimes , thank you! I have a few ideas for him, but most of my dolls refuse any concrete OC ideas, so I'll see what happens when he gets here and work out his character then :thumbup
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