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DragonDoll 1/3 and 70cm dolls Part 2

Jul 11, 2013

    1. Yes, contemplating the problems of the universe! Thanks for the update........still handsome as ever, Mort!
      Now I'll have to get busy and take some pix of Sorin, Morgan, and Quincy.

      Somebody in a previous post wanted to know if anybody had a tan Dragon doll. I forgot, my Beau in post #15
      photo above is a tan or"brown" skin doll. Hope this helps.
    2. There might be a new Dragondoll owner on DoA soon; I gave my friend an invite, and she's very interested in owning a Dragondoll. She's absolutely smitten with Tam. She says she wants one JUST LIKE HIM. I've told her that I'll do the faceup for her if she wants, which makes me feel good, because she's agreed to that. She wants to pay me for it, but I'm trying to convince her not to. It just wouldn't feel right to take money from such a good friend, for doing something I love doing anyway.
    3. That's awesome Redfaery! Always good to convert people to the love that is Dragondoll! I really should work on Mort more, and learn to leather work to make him some awesome armor.
    4. That is awesome. :D
      DoA needs more Dragondolls!
      I hope to add to the count myself, I really want a Gong Ming and a Zheng. >3<
    5. I just completed face ups for three new dolls.( Ignore the others;) the center one is my newest dragon doll, "Morgan Mason". :wiggle
      ( My 2nd Tang Yao.) He's kind of frisky!
    6. Those are some snazzy looking face ups Grouchy Gnome. ;D
      I did a concept faceup on Yu Long, and I gotta say I really really like him. I think a Yu Long is in my future...
    7. GENEVIEVE; That concept face up looks terriffic! :drool He has kind of an unusual face for a Dragondoll. But I really like him.I wish I could work a Yu Long into my budget right now. Maybe after this last layaway I just started......:...(

      If you get him, I want to see pictures! :aeyepop: I love his face. Reminds me of my Fairyland Roke.


      Here's my Sorin Radescu, my first Dragondoll Tang Yao, (poor fangless vampire), sitting on my printer, admiring his girlfriend,
      Tygati's Soom Super Gem, Coral on the computer.
    8. I do love when companies express their sculpting abilities like that. *V* Haha I know that feeling, Yu Long is behind quite a line of others that I want...Maybe by then there will be some owner pics!
      I'm in love with your Tang Yao's profile. That's something I love about my Yu Shun too. XD They have such prominent noses and chins, some of my favorite I've seen.
    9. MUST SHOW THIS CONCEPT FACEUP TO WANNABE DRAGONDOLL FRIEND. I don't think she's decided on a sculpt yet....
    10. Oohhhhh man I'd be so happy if she got Yu Long. *H*
      Tell her that if she needs any other concept face ups for a Dragondoll, I'd be happy to help. :D
    11. Well, don't make it too perfect. I'll be doing the faceup, no matter which sculpt she chooses.... :lol:
    12. [​IMG]

      I realized that I never really posted new pics of my ZiLong aside from when I first got him, so there! He's going to get a new face-up soon so I thought that I should take a few before I get to send his head.
    13. I love his hat! He's very different looking for a Dragondoll - pointy chin and youthful. Most of them seem to be square-jawed and mature.

      I redid Tam's faceup, because his old one was starting to fade. His new one is a tad more refined looking:

      new faceup by Redfaery1987, on Flickr

      Alas, it's unfinished. I ran out of Purity seal just as I was finishing up! I have to be extra-delicate with it until my new supply arrives. Then I can add the final layer and gloss him.
    14. Haha yes, that's why I picked him! The Zi Long is supposedly limited ( I say supposedly because it's still on sale after like 2-3 years), so I guess that's why he has a different aesthetics. I like some of the others as well, but the Zi Long stood out for me.
      Also, his hat is a Christmas Decoration XD I just cut out the little loop of rope that was on top and voila, good winter hat.
    15. Zilong is number limited I think, so it seems possible to me that he just hasn't sold that number yet. *_*
    16. Hello! I'm planning to get an Uncle V3, just wondering what the foot size is if anyone's got one handy to measure? Thanks!
    17. I have one and they are 8cm, very small for it's size. Mine has trouble standing without boots because of it
    18. ELUDYAQUINN; In researching to answer your question, I discovered kind of a mystery. The Shenzhen-Dragondoll website doesn't really have any specific measurements listed for the Uncle bodies. This is strange all by itself; but I then went to Alice's Collections, which list measurement comparisons for the 2nd gen and 3rd gen bodies, BUT,....no foot measurements! :?
      Then, I went back to the Dragondoll website, and after fooling around, getting nowhere by clicking of the tab marked "description", I tried the "attributes" tab and got measurements. However, there were no measurements at all listed for Gen ver.1, even tho it's still shown on the website, and the measurements for versions 2 & 3 were listed exactly the same. It seems neck sizes have gone down from 11.5cm to 11.3cm to 11.cm for V3.according to Alice's measurements, but the only foot size I could find on DD website said 8.5cm. *_*
      A copy of measurements I made when MOC still carried Dragondolls, said 8.5cm. Looking at pictures of the feet, both v2 and v3 look the same. (Nothing like the wide feet of v1.) This has been an excercise in mass confusion! :...(
      Just do like I've done with my dragon dolls, and order boots/shoes with at least a 9cm useable ( don't count the pointy toe part) inside measurement, and you'll be safe. (The old gen v1 feet were the only feet I ever had a problem finding shoes to fit.):nowords:
      I think I'll just shut up now.:eusa_sile
    19. Oof! Why would they give such small feet? Oh well, I have some boots that I think are close to 10cm, I will stuff the toes if I have to!
    20. Wow. I just measured Tam's feet. They're 8cm. They don't LOOK small! I think it's the proportions?

      Tam made a new friend, though:
      dragonling by Redfaery1987, on Flickr

      It's a little stuffed dragon puppet I have. But he seems to think it's a relative...