1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DragonDoll 1/3 and 70cm dolls Part 2

Jul 11, 2013

    1. Redfaery; I love to see Tam loving his baby dragon! How cute is that? (I really like his new face up. He looks so pensive, but oh so wise!)

      EludyaQuinn; I have been an avid boot-toe-stuffer for a long time now. I use lambs wool, or polyester batting. It also protects the toes from damage.
    2. Oohhh my god the new 72 cm boy Zi Ming is gorgeous.
      Dragondoll you're killing me.

      I think Linglan is pretty too~
    3. Grouchy Gnome - the first pair of shoes I had for my first doll are actually little shoe keychains made with the fur still on the inside to pad them. Protecting feet is highly important!

      Does anyone have the jointed hands? How are they? Because I totally think I'm gonna order some when I get my body... I haven't ordered yet but I probably will soon.
    4. No jointed hands here, but I do have STAM.

      Tam and Silfe chillin'. The title of the photo says it all.

      Lazy Day by Redfaery1987, on Flickr

      I finished Tam's faceup; I had hoped that the gold glitter would look natural, but it is clearly artificial. I think I actually prefer the idea that he wears gold dust eyeshadow...
    5. I finally did it, I placed my order today. Gives me an easy date to remember when it went in by >_> Anyone done ordering from them through Alice's Collections before? How's the wait/process?

      I've decided he's going to have some kind of neck/shoulder/upper arm tattooing. Not sure what yet. But it just seems to suit the mental image I'm getting for him, despite that I also picture him as the suit-wearing sort too. Business and casual, I guess. (My two current dolls are much fussier, Sabine only wants dresses and nice stuff and Chickenlegs is the epitome of surfer dude.)
    6. EludyaQuinn: I ordered my Dragondoll from Alice's Collections and the experience was great. *V* They have such good communication, they always responded to me within a day or two. And I asked a lot of questions, it being my first BJD. XD
      They sent a gift pair of eyes with him and he arrived perfectly. uvu I would definitely go through them again for another Dragondoll.
    7. The littles demanded playtime with Silfe today, and unfortunately, that happened to overlap with Tam's lovey-dovey time with Silfe.

      dolls for dolls by Redfaery1987, on Flickr

      Joren and Bimblesnork brought their dolls along. Tam was surprisingly tolerant, given that he wouldn't hesitate to manhandle both Joren and Bimbles OUT in a less than gentle fashion (he does NOT like Joren, and by extension, Bimbles.) But I suppose the fact that Silfe would not have taken kindly in the least to Joren and her kitty being roughed up restrained him...and on the other hand, he did think that their dolls were kind of cool. I'm not sure Joren is getting that one he's holding back...
    8. Does anyone have the DragonDoll jointed hands? I have a friend who wants to buy some soon, but I've never heard any feedback about them so I was wondering how good they were, how well they posed?
    9. Well, I ordered them but I probably won't have them until the end of January at the soonest.
    10. People, I'm dying here! :doh I want either Zi Ming or Yu Long. :love
      Genevieve, it's all your fault! You mentioned the new guy, and I had to go and look. Now I can't decide which one I like the best.*_*
      It's not as if I needed another Dragon doll. I think I have 6.....or maybe seven already. But I love my Dragon boys, and I truly can't resist them.

      EludyaQuinn; I see that you ordered a Gen.#3 and the jointed hands. I will be interested how that works out for you. I have one #3 body, but it's still in the box, waiting for me to get around to work on a special project. I have two of the hunky, top heavy, broad chest guys, Gen.#1's,
      and the rest are Gen.#2 boys. The new Gen.#3 bodies are supposed to pose much better,and have the hip problem licked. Let us know what's the verdict, after you get him and have a chance to pose him.
    11. Oh believe me, there will be SPAM to rival all previous spam when I get him. The head I'm putting on it is a Simply Divine Alec, which I tried on a body we're pretty sure is a Gen 2, so I think the little bit narrowed shoulders on the Gen 3 will be perfect. I love that their company photos show off so much that this body can do.

      Right now I'm just fighting the urge to spam refresh on Alice's Collections to see how he's coming, if I can even track it there..
    12. Grouchy Gnome: oHOHOO I am not sorry. >:3 I aspire to have such a large Dragondoll collection, I surely have a looong wish list of them. Ohh man if you get either of those handsome guys, be sure to spam them plenty! And truthfully, I can't decide who I like best out of the both of them either. XD And I vote for a group pic of all your dragondoll hunks :U
    13. Well, Genevieve, I bought a new camera this summer, and I've ordered 5 photo backdrops for dolls off ebay. As soon as I get all the boys dressed properly for pictures, take my new camera out of the box, and learn how to fasten it the new tripod I bought at the same time, I will attempt to make a family portrait. (I need the tripod desperately, because my hands shake so bad holding a camera, half the pix come out looking like I snapped them during an eight point earthquake!) But I'll give it my best shot. Just remember, no matter how much equipment you invest in, if the person behind the lens is a lousy photographer,....well...what can you do?:?
    14. Here is STAM of Tam with his boyfriends - or rather, the two men he's sleeping with. I think only Silfe would qualify as a boyfriend...

      more! boys! by Redfaery1987, on Flickr

      Poor Fenir had to borrow HIS OWN old body back for this picture. He wasn't pleased with the alterations I'd made.
    15. Hello everyone! A long time we did not look here. During this time, my Ariel scratched up on the lips and hurt the little finger of the hand. I had to glue it. Small scar still remained. Please tell me what hands the color of the suit Dragondoll. I want to replace it with the time on any other.

    16. Dragondoll sells hands on their website, so you should be able to easily replace them!
    17. Oh man! He's in New York already?! I might even get him while my sis is here this week!
    18. That's awesome Eludya!!
    19. I know, I'm so excited. Now I'm actually happy to still be working this week because until he actually gets delivered it'll make the time go faster. And we can get all the measurements my sis says she needs to make him a proper fitting coat.