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DragonDoll 1/3 and 70cm dolls Part 2

Jul 11, 2013

    1. He's been on the delivery truck since 8am. I'm checking the site when I can from work and gave my parents a heads up to expect him.... I cannot wait. I was never expecting to get to do a box opening with my sister present! He is so getting babied for a while because of this little Crimmas magic.

      Argh it says delivered and mum's not answering my queries to make sure it's at the right place. Delivery people tend to get confused at our place.
    2. Omgg how exciting. *V* Post pictures!
    3. Yay EludyaQuin! I hope he arrived okay!:)

      In the meantime, here's a little spam from my Cheng, the infamous Jean-Claude Cassalle, or better known as just "Cass". Afer trying on every wig I own, and changing his mind a million times, he has finally fallen in love.....with his mirror! :D (IF I thought he was a pain in my butt before......well, there'll just be no living with him now!):doh*_*

    4. Pictures tomorrow, only had enough energy to open the box. Right now I'm working in standing up so I can go to bed. He's gorgeous but there's a technical difficulty.... The s-hook is too big for the head. And he's strung really tight through the torso and legs, but those are issues for tomorrow. He is lovely, the jointed hands look good and the bag'o'dicks is stowed away. And he's dressed for the sake of being dressed.

      EDIT: I didn't wanna double post, but here's the link to the box opening!


    5. Yaaay EludyaQuinn! I'm glad you like him. Hot gluing the hip sockets will fix him from flopping over. If you don't have hot glue, do what I did and smear a generous amount of fluid gloss medium in there and on the hip joints themselves. I mean, really smear them up. It was an experiment I tried on Tam, since I lost the hot glue gun I bought for the express purpose of fixing his floppiness (and I was wary of using it anyhow - me + hot glue = recipe for ouch)

      Standup by Redfaery1987, on Flickr

      I gave Tam's hips a generous coating of gloss medium/varnish, and kept smearing it about while it was drying so it wouldn't just puddle in the well of the socket. He's got a nice thick coating in the socket and on the ball of his hip pieces now, and I must say, he no longer flops over. He still won't stand without a little help - now he just kind of leans, leans, leans....then falls flat on his face. I'm wondering if he needs new elastic, or if I need to give his ankles similar treatment. In the pic, you can see he is standing upright. That's an improvement. But he's resting the back of his scalp against the wall, so he's not totally on his own.
    6. Thanks for the advice! You mean like Liquitex Gloss Medium? I will look into that. He's not too floppy, but he did headbutt my collar bone yesterday while I was dressing him after the measuring session. Also, OW.

      Right now he's headless, my sister had to do the lips for me because I could NOT GET THEM TO STAY >_< In fact, she had to do them twice because after using watercolor pencils to put color on and smoothing the look with water, she was going to attempt putting pastels over his lips to also help blend, but it knocked the watercolor off. She had to redo the pencil! So finally he's got lip color but I need to seal it, however the humidity never dropped below 70% today so I'm settling for leaving him on the bottle until I can seal him.

      I have to say though, while I'm occupied mentally with making clothing for him, I also can't wait to be ready (weather wise) to take him out, spray him and do some tattooing. I never really thought I would want to tattoo any of my dolls but his body screams for extra reasons to show it off!
    7. [​IMG]
      Upon request by Redfaery, I provide a picture of Mort (and his daughter Talulah). Now Tam can converse with Mort again and they can share in their bluish dragon-ness together!
    8. Ah, thank you IzabethS! Tam is grateful for the company. Here is my contribution of Tam spam (Stam, as it is called).

      testing the water by Redfaery1987, on Flickr
    9. You guys are definitely inspiring me to at least blush his body a bit to show off the sculpting. I need better weather. (It was 40 degrees and went from raining to ice balls to fluffy snow and back to ice balls in less than an hour.)
    10. I'm such a bad doll mom. I've had my yingying since October and I still haven't gotten her an outfit yet. She's still wearing a dress shirt from one of my SD17 boys just to cover up. I did end up naming her Katia though.
    11. Yingying is so cute >U<
      I'm sure we'd all love to see pictures of her soon! 8D Good luck on finding her a good outfit~!
    12. Does anyone knows if aside from how the joints are made, there's a significant difference between the Uncle v2 and v3? It's hard to tell from the pictures because of the weird shadowy lighting they used
    13. Next time I get to my friend who has a V2, maybe we can do some comparison shots. I believe it's a little bit narrower in shoulder, for one.
    14. That would be really appreciated! I'm sure others would find it useful too.
    15. [​IMG]
      Shen's new face par DarksStars, sur Flickr

      Shen's head came back today from the faceup artist! I'm really happy to have this big boy back, now I can't wait to go take more pictures of him
    16. Has anyone got a pants pattern that's worked for their guy? I just tried to use the BurdaStyle pattern my sister has and now am worried that it won't work on the other doll I made it for either. They fit him when he's standing.... buuuuuut they bust open when I sit him down.
    17. You could try to adjust an existing pattern with the measurements of your doll body instead. That's what I do with most of my dolls and it works very well.
    18. That's what I did with the Burda Style pants pattern. My sis had a few suggestions, but I think I'm just going to make him some nice roomy Persian salwar pants for now.
    19. Genevieve, That's a really beautiful faceup that you've done on your boy! I'm so used to see dark faceups on these guys, so it's nice to see a light one

      And yeah, sometimes it's not the mesurements but the style of the pants that isn't suitable. Movement certainly is an issue when it comes to doll pants >,<