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DragonDoll 1/3 and 70cm dolls Part 2

Jul 11, 2013

    1. oooh, EludyaQuinn, I feel you. Tam has ONE pair of pants that fit. They came with a Stacy's Pink Ocean outfit, and have an elastic waistband, which I quite frankly hate, since it makes them look like cheap sweatpants. The outfit as a whole is so great that I let it slide, though, and they DO fit. One pair that came with another outfit seemed to fit, but they would just slide down over his hips no matter what I did. Poor Tam has no butt to keep his pants on, and he will be very angry with me for pointing that out....
    2. Why thank you DarksStars! He certainly makes quite the beauty. -//v//-
      Your boy's eyes almost glow :U Are they acrylics? They're quite lovely, I've been looking for a silver pair like that. *H*

      And lol @ Tam's butt uvu Oddly enough Val has quite the butt. That's kind of funny to know about the uncles. x3
    3. Well I ordered pants for him when I bought him, and they ... Fit. But the tight leather is just NOT his personality! So I think I need to cut the dress pants pattern with a bit higher rise, firstly, and maybe a bit more room overall, they came out pretty tight through the legs too. I'm going to seek a lighter fabric to make them from as well, see if that helps.

      honestly he has plenty of butt (I swear my Impl had the smallest bum in my little group, and that's not saying much) but that's part of the problem!
    4. @Genevieve, they are Acrylics I made myself! I just used silver nail polish to get that result XD

      Also, I did say that I would post more pictures, didn't I?

      DSC_0057mod_1 par DarksStars, sur Flickr
    5. I find that these guys have thick thighs compared to my spiritdoll and dollshe.
    6. yeah, they do. I even have a pair of EID pants that doesn't fit my boy because of his thighs
    7. im getting a dragondoll body what clothes should i buy? i thought my SD clothes would fit but now im a little worried *_*
    8. DarksStars: Wooow you made them? 8O How do you make acrylics? I do see those DIY kits on ebay, is that what you mean? That's so clever though with nailpolish, it really works out. :D
    9. Yes, I used those DIY kits! I got mine from Pupa Paradise, although I've seen similar eyes on ebay
    10. killer-chan normal SD clothes will NOT fit a dragondoll. But BlueBloodDoll has a lot of beautiful stuff that does!
    11. Hello everyone.

      Since I couldn't find a waiting room thread and you guys seem to be pretty active and I've fallen hard for Tangyao I was wondering if you could give me an estimate how long production time is?
      I read somewhere between 25-30 days?

      Help would be appreciated -^^-

      Also... Does anyone know if the 70-heads would also fit on the smaller 60-bodies without looking odd? I like two more of the big guys, but am unsure if I want more than one huge SD.
    12. Hey, Snowy. Dragondoll turnaround is pretty fast. I ordered Tam's body in mid-August, and received him a little more than 2 months later. Given that I went through Mint on Card, and there would have been a week or so before the order was actually submitted, it was probably about a month and a half altogether. In fact, it arrived ahead of schedule, with the previous month's batch of orders!

      As to Uncle heads on smaller bodies, I doubt the Uncle head would work on the smaller Dragondoll body. The facial features are too large. It WOULD work on a smaller body from another company, provided the body was nice and stout. I had Tam on an IMPLDoll 65cm body for a little while, and he looked good - wasn't him, but it didn't look in the least bit odd, either.

      Speaking of bodies, Tam's other lover got his body and is whole again. I say "lover" when perhaps "assistant with benefits" would be a better term, but that's a mouthful. Still, he's not a genuine boyfriend like Silfe is. Even "lover" really gives the wrong impression. It's more a relationship of emotional and physical opportunism than love.

      Tam x Fenir by Redfaery1987, on Flickr
    13. @Redfaery: Thanks for the quick info. I just saw Rui and thought he was ... to pretty to be a huge tank in my group of SDs XD But I looked at the blank face by now... Guess once I have my TangYao and am happy with him a second big one might join in. Either Rui or JiaYu. At least that's the status for now.

      I think the bodies and heads - especially of the big guys - are incredible. I'm amazed they sell them for the price they sell them as well. Definitly kicks my 'too expensive for just one doll' hurdle for me.

      Grats on getting the body for your doll ^^
    14. Snowy, it doesn't have to be a tank! The Impldoll body is stouter than most smaller 1/3 dolls, and has a LOT of muscle definition, but you don't have to hunt very hard for clothes, either. Tam's head looked really good on it. I should also mention that IMPL is another of those quality-for-cheap companies.
    15. Oh, they are all so beautiful and bold. The more I see of them, the more I love them <3
    16. &#8203;Hello everybody ^^, i'm a newbie and i have been waiting for my first bjd is Zilong from Dragondoll. Nice to meet you all
    17. @Redfaery: Good to know! Definitly gonna keep that in mind. But for now gotta get my incoming home, then it's finally time for Tangyao *0*
      Already know who's gonna do his face-up -^^- Hopefully. If she has time ^^°

      Oh and I had a Yo-SD from Impl before. They are amazingly sculpted and have great joints. Just the heads are often not my taste ^^° But body-wise definitly got no complains at all. Well, other than the fact that their resin color doesn't seem that constant... But I guess that would belong in the Impl Thread ^^°

      Can't wait for Tangyao >3<
    18. @Pandakan, that's really awesome! I have a ZiLong too and there aren't many around, so it'll be nice to see another one! A perfect choice for a first BJD, I'm sure you'll love it!
    19. @DarksStars: ^^ thank you, i knew that i wil love him when i saw him on you flickr, i really like your design on him so cool.
      Ps: New doll Wolong is handsome :D