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DragonDoll 1/3 and 70cm dolls Part 2

Jul 11, 2013

    1. Hello Pandakan! Welcome aboard! Zilong is a handsome choice. Congratulations.;)

      Snowy; I love Tang Yao. I have two of them. One has a factory faceup the second one I painted myself. I also have a Cheng, a Caeser, an Empire Huang, a Bo Yan and a white Ver.#3 body for a hybrid I'm working on.:abambi:

      DarkStars; Wow, thanks for the heads up on the newest, drool-worthy Dragon men. I may have to start saving Dragon dollars for a few new guys around here!
    2. Thank you Grouchy Gnome ^^ wow you have collection of dragondoll:D
    3. @Grouchy Gnome: O.O ... Wowies.... Can I see pic sof your TangYaos? *0* <3 Or from all of your boys?
    4. Happy Valentine's Day! Tam is....well, I'm not sure if this is anything special. He and Silfe seem to be acting entirely normally.

      Valentine too by Redfaery1987, on Flickr
    5. Snowy: I'll see what I've got as far as Tang Yao pix. (I haven't taken any new pix in ages.):doh If you've missed the pix I've already posted, go to page #1 of this thread and check out posts #15 & 16, and page #2, posts #25 & 27. You'll find both my Tang Yao's.

      Pandakan; I'm a total slug when it comes to taking pictures of my boys. But I really should get them all dressed at once and take a group picture. I'll work on it.;)

      Redfaery: Happy Valentine's Day as well, to Tam and Silfe and all the other Dragondolls, from the guys in my Dragon Den.
    6. I got Katarina a Dollheart Fer, I'm in love with this outfit!

    7. Wow she's so pretty, i like your dress up on her :D did you do her face up?
    8. Nope it's actually the dragon doll company faceup!
    9. Crying over all these beauties <33 I've recently started to build a 1/3 collection (having mostly minis) and I already LOVE Dragon Doll (have two of their minis) but am now eyeing Zheng ;3; anyone got any owner photos? I saw a few on Flickr and nnnngghhh want.
    10. Zheng is the next on my Dragondoll list, then Gong Ming before he sells out ;v;
      Zheng is a real beauty, especially yours, Amaterasu!
    11. Haha, I'm not even sorry! x'D Thaanks, I love his tsun face to bits~ <3 He's with me for more than three years now and he's still my favourite. ><
      Your guys are super cute too! *-*

      Thank you so much! *-* His jawline is to die for~ ^.^
    12. Goodness I finally found it! The Dragon Doll thread that is actually alive!

      I've currently got a DD body on order from Alice's collection and have really been trying to scrounge up ideas of what will and will not fit him (all without breaking the bank) it is the DD 70 cm vs 3 body. But there's also so many questions running through my head, owner pictures, body quirks, everything that I just can't seem to find by simply searching for "Dragon Doll body"

      How well do they stand, what's their posing like? How heavy are they, What is the white skin like? etc etc I could go on forever with questions! (and did I really hear correctly that they have a removable "asset"?)

      Any answers would be awesome bc I really want to be best prepared for when my boy's body gets here
    13. I have the DD Uncle V3 body on my doll so I'm totally willing to answer your questions! Except the one about the white skin haha, mine is an old pink skin.

      Let see,

      The V3 has small feet for its size so I found that it had tendency to lean forward when barefoot, but sueding the ankle and hip joints helped a lot. I also keep him in boots all the time for added stability.

      Their posing is really great, seriously one of the best I've seen for guys of that size. Their joint system are very well made, especially at the shoulders where they are notches to make the arms hold better. Elbows are really great too, touching face or the back of the head is not a problem at all.

      They are on the heavy side, I wouldn't walk all day at a con with one in my arm. To give you an idea I have a friend that has iplehouse EIDs and she was impressed by how heavy my DragonDoll is XD

      Also yes you heard correctly! I don't have mine (the previous owner discarded them), but they do come with 3 diffrent shape and size that holds on with a magnet. A lot of people don't put them on tho because they tend to move around

      If you have other questions don't hesitate to ask!
    14. oooh thank you!

      notched shoulder joints? whoo my Luts girl Kairi has that on her arms (she's the type 2 SDF body) and I just love that for the added stability. And wow, heavier than Iplehouse? I used to own a YID Soo Ri (before I gave him to a friend) that was fairly hefty

      And tehehe oooh so many more questions lol, I'll try to keep them on point though,

      Firstly as combined between the Alice's collection and Dragon Doll website I've sort of got an idea of the type 3's measurements, but I'm curious as to what the body's actual height is without a head as I'm going to be hybriding him.

      Second, if he's got slightly smaller feet what size shoes fit him? Can he wear a standard male SD shoe or does he have to have the SD 17 (at least I think that's the class for 70) shoes?

      Third, I'm actually craving some possible height comparisons (though when my boy's body comes in I plan to take reference pics for the hybrid threads and possible size comparisons with my friends SD male dolls and female dolls), I know that the 70 cm class is big but I'm really trying to get an idea of how much taller he will be than my senior delf and my 40 cm msd

      Fourth is it possible to see some pics comparing the size to real life objects? Or perhaps point me to some somewhere that might already exist

      and Finally (for now) what kind of boxes do these guys come with? I'm pretty sure it's not like the Junkyspot yellow bags, but at the same time this is the first time I've gone through a dealer vs buying directly from the company so I'm curious as to what I will be finding myself with, so do they come standard with boxes, carrying bags, etc, and if so what do they look like?

      Again I really appreciate the input, I'm so excited to be counting down the days (in my excel sheet anyways) until the estimated shipping date (of course taking into account my order date, the holiday, the working days of the week, days to ship to Alice's and respectively to me, etc) until I can finally experience a full on box opening in which I will hilariously fall over in stitches if I find a bag or something of magnetic "bits" XD
    15. Ah, I guess that I should have worded that differently. It's not necessarily heavier than iplehouse, although it's similar, but it's heavy for the size of it. I dunno if the resin is very dense or something, but it's definitely heavier than it looks. It's not much of an issue though haha, unless you plan to walk around with it.

      I can measure the body once I'll get home for the body height. uwu

      The feet are 8,5cm long, so some SD shoes will fit and sometimes it'll be 70cm shoes, so check what the inner side of the boots is, my boots are 9cm inner side. It's hard to tell because I've seen companies that their SD shoes are 7,5cm and others it's 8,5cm (which fit).

      I can't really answer third and fourth, hopefully someone will. ;;

      And as for the box, I don't have the best pictures, but here are two from his box opening
    16. Oh I do sorta have a pic of him next to something, it's old, but here is him next to a set of drawers underneath my desk

    17. I have a V3, he fits the clothing available on Alice's collections in the 70cm range. If you want to find me a good reference for what kind of posing pics you want, I will try to get some later. The problem with this guy for shoes is the width of his foot: he generally needs ones that are 9+cm simply because thy are wider. Also he has pretty thick calves so tall boots need thin pants! My huge mistake! That goes for thighs and pants too, the first pair I tried to make for this guy split open as soon as he sits, and the pattern reference should have worked by all dimensional rights. No big, I can reprint the pattern larger and re-lengthen it... As I said, thepleatherpants I got from AC Fit, but tightly. And I just traded for some jeans for him, they have more space but I am afraid I don't know the brand.

      oh, I have full sewing measurements too, once I'm home, including height to shoulder.

      Adding in a link: http://lakefront.iwarp.com/abjd/tutorials.html If you click on the Doll measurements PDF in the middle, you'll see the list of dolls and all their measurements. These were all taken by my sister in the same method, so they are consistent with each other.
    18. Wow a gold box? That's pretty nifty, thanks for all the pics.
      And sewing measurements too? I'm actually in a bit of awe at how big his neck must be if his shoulders to the ground measures 59.8 cm.

      Now I'm planning on probably getting some blue-blood doll jeans, but do you guys know of any company that maybe makes a wide-legged trouser that might save me the possible horror of "ripped pant" syndrome? Or even if a more cotton-stretch denim pant would work better?

      I think in the meantime when the weather cheers up a bit and the wind dies I might be able to re-do my boy's face-up, as if I am not mistaken with my count I can't expect my body any earlier than 3/29/14 having ordered it on the 31'st of January and taken into account the holiday's etc (because Alice's told me production time will be between 30-40 days, which is still better than my wait for my Luts girl)

      Again thank you guys so much, I'm so thankful that I finally found owners I can actually ask questions to!