1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DreamHigh Studio Discussion Thread - Part 2

Oct 27, 2015

    1. You have got to try ultrasuede. I bought a $5.00 bag of scraps and am having so much fun.
      [​IMG]There's nothing like a Harley! by Richila, on Flickr
      I think this is my favorite picture I have ever taken of Richi. The Harley is a Hallmark ornament.

      CathyM that's a really good glowing picture. Glow pictures are notoriously hard to take.
      #41 richila, Dec 4, 2015
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
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    2. that's a great photo. i love crispness of the shot and how you got the angle of the shadow to imply that she is flying down the road. (if you photoshopped out the kickstand , that illusion would be perfect)
    3. My Hiro, Ume and his friend snuggled up to watch TV in their new pj's

      [​IMG]Cosy by Sue, on Flickr
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    4. those look perfect for a cold winters night
    5. Especially so when he has his slippers on.

      [​IMG]Ume by Sue, on Flickr
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    6. yeah, he looks like he's in a time out chair in that shot. what did he do?
    7. Ha ha he so does !
    8. Congrats on the pair, they look adorable. I'm hoping to double up on my layaway later this month so I can finally bring my little one home.

      Such a cute shawl (or vest)! Did you make it?

      I'm going to presume a long exposure because of the nature of it. It's a really nice photo IMHO. She's very clear and you don't really notice the hand the first dozen times you view it. ;)
    9. @MuJa NPS sells freight damaged items, including for USPS.
      @auntbear Thanks. I'm glad you like the GITD photo. It was fun trying to get one photo that looked good enough to post :)
      @Marilyn I actually used my cell phone (iPhone 6+. It has a decent camera). Using my DSLR, I couldn't hold still long enough (lost the tripod...again).
    10. Since I have no camera and my phone is not nice to me lately I cannot make good pictures at the moment.
      I love the glow pictures and I tried it many times but all the times it failed ..........booooo
      Because of the beautiful translucency of Sifra I made her a mostly transparent dress and the shawl was nice on her shoulders.

      [​IMG]On the table full of beads by Murjani K, on Flickr

      And I am happy with the pink mimosa dress too.

      https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8493/8382731337_d07532da25_z.jpg Pink Mimosa by Murjani K, on Flickr

      Sorry for the bad picture
      #50 MuJa, Dec 8, 2015
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2015
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    11. those are really pretty fairy like dresses! did you stitch around the leaf edges by hand on with a sewing machine?

      i don't think you can get good "glow" pictures with a cell phone. i don't think you can get a long enough exposure.
    12. I sew almost everything by hand auntbear. My sewing machine eats it and I have no patience to try it over and over again. Sometimes when the dolls are bigger and the material is more firm I can use the machine but mostly .........just by hand.
      I have painted the mimosa dress first, and cut it and than sew the edges with a .........stitch ( forgot the name of the stitch) this way it will not fry.

      [​IMG]Painting petals by Murjani K, on Flickr
      #52 MuJa, Dec 9, 2015
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2015
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    13. Your work is so beautiful!
    14. Oh that is sweet of you Richila
    15. it looks like a blanket stitch to me. the stitches are very tiny! i do most of my stuff for these little guys by hand too. but sometimes i can machine sew if i stitch before i cut it out.
    16. Ah yes I tried that also but often I already cut the fabric before I even think about the machine. It is a kind of blanket stitch but I make a knot and not only a loop, it is stronger.
    17. do you have a close up of the stitch? that sounds intriguing
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    18. I am not sure if it is allowed to post twice, with a picture ...............if not you can remove it
      [​IMG] this is not the blanket stitch but a buttonhole stitch. Almost the same but you see a knot above the row. I find it better because it protects the very thin edge. Make sure you don't pull to hard.
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    19. the second picture makes sense. i could see your stitches in the first , but not how they were different. i'll have to try that. it would be a nice edging on stuff that would look too bulky with a hem you should also come join us on the sewing thread. there are a bunch of really friendly people there who would love to see the dress you make.