1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dreaming Doll

Jul 10, 2007

    1. ...the eyes are way too close together. Makes me feel very unsettled to look at them. :eek:
    2. hee hee hee...yep, but i bet if you wiped all that silly paint off you could do something interesting with them
    3. Booley looks so much like my dog that it's not even funny :o
    4. I wish they were smaller! I'd love to have some more the size of Catsy :3 Still though, very realistic looking!
    5. ROFL:lol:
      I was wondering........Booley is a boy doggy right? and i noticed he has his paws over his 'wobbly bits' in the nakid pics ........do you think he has 'wobbly bits'? That would be sooooo funny!

      woof woof
    6. They bother me a bit. I don't care for having a siamese(?) head on a white body. And they used the same face for the cat as the dog and just changed the ears. My cat would object to that characterization!

    7. Personally they look a bit odd/off...I think thier heads a a bit to small... They arnt ugly one bit...just different...
    8. maybe it's because I'm not a dog person but I'm not drawn to them... I like the Pipos one better... although.. if they had made fox I might have been all over them
    9. They got nothin' on Pipos... :sweat
    10. I am pretty certain they are both dogs, but you can choose which kind of doggy ears you want ^^

      I think they are adorable, but the concept is too close to Pipos...It seems a bit unoriginal.
    11. It definitely seems like they're just trying to cash in on the popularity of Pipos's dolls :\ The bodies are almost identical, especially the hand-paws. The feet paws are just bigger with different pads on the bottom.
    12. Not unless they also changed the dewlaps on the dog entirely. The cat face is slightly more pointed, and not entirely to my taste, but I quite like the square little dog muzzle.
      The bodies look rather like Pipos.

      Well, no money for me to spend now, so it's all moot.

      Ann in CT
    13. Absolutely, but i wonder if Pipos know?
      I do like Booley's face though - can you imagine him in a tiny top hat and tails? The Fred Astair of the doggy dolly world.
      :lol: :)
    14. I think Chichi is a chihuahua, hence the name ^^
    15. no I dont like them ...the neck is way too long
      they look a bit ...odd
    16. I agree about the neck, too long. Booley's face is not too bad but I don't much care for the bodies. He would make a nice bulldog. Didn't petdoll have a bulldog or pug as their very first dog (before Mori)? I think Chi-Chi looks too much like a cat.
    17. ...i think the heads are just not big enough? does that make sense :sweat
    18. sorry but i think they are creepy
    19. The hounds from hell maybe? :lol:
      Booley is growing on me, he could look good with my George (Baha) with the right clothes etc......they might have a fight though!
      I think the dark head makes them look a bit weirder than they could actually be, maybe if they did'nt have the paint finishing so sharply around the edge of the face it would look better?