1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Dreamingdoll Dicussion

Apr 24, 2007

    1. Why did the topic fall down again?( Dreamingdoll have such adorable dolls. :D By the way, I've noticed a new Khan on flickr.com recently)

      Here are some photos of mine. I'm sorry for the poor quality. I can't post the original ones because they are too big.
      • x 1
    2. I have no idea why I never posted here, but I've had my Flore Lisanne for about a year now and I absolutly LOVE her. I've been through all sorts of doll companies and have found the only dolls that stuck around my house were Luts and Fairyland dolls, but I am absolutly in love with my Lisanne. I need to take more pictures of her. she's very sturdy and beautifully sculpted. I'd love to buy more of the Dreamingdoll girls at some point.

      Though I have a question... when I ordered my Lisanne, I ordered her blank with no extras. She came to me with two wigs, two pairs of eyes and a VERY nice Another Space outfit. This was back in April of last year. I contacted them to make sure I was sent the correct order and got a simple "yes" as a response. Needless to say I was delighted at the random gifts. But has anyone else gotten any random "gifts" from Dreaming Doll when they ordered theirs?
    3. I've got a Flore Lisanne for almost one year, she's my first and only SD girl, and I really love her ! :aheartbea
      She also came with random " gifts "( two wigs, a pair of eyes, and a pair of shoes ).

      Some pix of my lovely girl :



      • x 1
    4. Hi, everyone.
      I'm new to DOA, and I came to look at this thread from the Dollndoll discussion (evidently Dollndoll is a Dreaming Doll distributor), and I'm so glad I did. These dolls are truly beautiful.
      I also went to the Dollndoll site to look at them and tried to figure out which one I would buy, if I were buying one, but I don't see how anyone chooses between them. They are all so beautiful.
      How did you ever make up your mind?
    5. I am new to this thread but purchased the Elva body a few months ago from dollndoll. I did not realize that there was a dreaming doll site. Thank you Namika for providing me with that information. I so love this body (poses like a dream) that I ordered another one but from dollndoll. Now do wish I had done my research better as dreaming doll has free shipping - right now. I think I would have ordered Judy and taken advantage of the free shipping. Judy is lovely...darn, why did I not know of this company earlier. I will be ordering other dolls from them ( And sometimes they include free items) - That is so kind of them and I love companies that have such great customer service.:sweat
    6. Love all the photos here..I am definitely ordering mature Judy!

      Here is my Granado Sidonia head on the Elva body. Granado normal pink resin is very close match to dreaming doll normal. The wider shoulders of the Elva body keep the body scale correct with the Granado head too.
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    7. I am researching SD size boys. I don't have any SD's in my collection but wanted to start with a boy. I was going from one site to the other and have a list. But on the list is also Dreaming Doll Elva Haji or Bess. Does anyone have either of these dolls? What can you tell me about the mobility? The Dreaming Doll site has a free shipping option right now. I am really liking these two sculpts. Please tell me more?
    8. Hi Morelle,
      I do not have any of their sd boys but I have two of their female bodies and find the resin color very even, seams smooth and they pose nicely. I am most pleased with their quality.
      Thanks for the info on free shipping..I will go check out the site and see if there is something I really need to add to my collection. There always seems to be..;)
    9. My Dreaming doll body has ended up with my Supia white Rosy head on it. My Rosy arrived with a cracked ankle and I am now waiting for the replacement part. The Dreaming Doll body in white is an exact match for the Supia white and actually the DD body is a much better poser. My Rosy may stay with this body.
    10. Hi!

      I'm thinking of buying a Dreamingdoll Sally head and wonder if the head is normal 'sd' sized. I've recently been buying SD heads and when they arrive, they're so tiny!

      I'm hoping her head is on the large size?

      Any thoughts or help? ^^

      Thanks in advance! God bless!!!
    11. Hey! I'm consediring order mature Judy, but little bit confused on body. Is there any difference with elva body and 16 elva body, except the height? I tried quick search, but didn't find anything. ^^'
    12. Does anyone know how the posing is with 16 elva girls? Also, what are resin matches?
    13. My 16 Elva girl stands beautifully, although I notice that she likes to lean backwards. She sits nicely, and doesn't like to flop backwards when I am trying to make her sit up straight. I haven't really tried any poses other than sitting on chairs or standing. One slight issue I've found is that when I am getting her to stand up, her three piece jointed torso likes to move out of alignment and throw off her balance as I'm shifting her to get her to stand upright. This causes her legs to snap into sitting position. I'm not sure if this issue is with the default elastic from Dreamingdoll or a fault of the torso itself though, as Alys has never been restrung.
    14. Does any body have any owner pics of DreamingDoll Hiro he's high on me wishlist lol ^^
    15. This thread is so quiet ! :(

      : my answer is late, but I just noticed nobody answered you. I would say the head is quite big. It is a lot bigger than my Supia Rosy head, and similar to my Oasis Doll Yao Yue head. I think the Supia Rosy head is considered small for a SD, so I guess the Sally head is more "normal". I hope that helps ! :sweat

      SJFan97 : I find that my Sally poses beautifully, she stands strong and sit straight, but still looks graceful. I am not sure about resin matches... mine is white skin, and she is incredibly white !

      Layn : that's too bad... I never had this problem with mine ! :? I didn't play with her a lot, though.
    16. Hello!

      I'm sorry to bother you people with questions. I ordered my first BJD, a girl in a 16Elva body, but am a bit worried about clothing. As I wish to have at least something for this girl to wear when she gets home (I don't wish her to spend long naked), I'm interested in both buying and making her clothes, so I have two questions:

      What stores sell clothes that fit this body?
      To make some pieces, I wish three measurements DDoll doesn't offer. Would someone please inform the lenght from shoulder to waist, from waist to knee, and from the lower torso joint to knee?

      Thnak you in advance, and again, sorry about the weird question :sweat
    17. I thought this thread doesn't exist :o I saw Dreamingdoll discussion for mini dolls alot.. but for large one this is the first time :)
      I own Elva Mae~ but she's on Elva body..not the 16 one.. so can't help anyone here asking about 16 body :(

      I have question instead xD though this is not an urgent one. I'm just curious.

      I read that the Elva body for Ddoll girls height with head is 58cm, but recently I switched Mae's head with another head from AnS (it match well :D except for resin color- with blush on face-up everything is perfect!).
      I never measure the actual height when Mae use Elva body. But on a whim, I measure the height of the body while using AnS head.. the head size should be around the same. Surprisingly the height only 56cm.

      is the actual height of Elva with its original head really 58cm? if yes, then probably AnS head are shorter or the neck is deeper, made the body shrink for 2cm xD
    18. Does anyone have a Dreamingdoll Kelly here?:3 I'm so alone, I would be really happy if I could talk/meet with other Kelly owners!!:3
    19. Sorry I don't have a Kelly, but a lovely Lisanne ^^


      I love her so much :aheartbea
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    20. Dreamingdoll msd dolls seem to be pretty popular, but I feel a bit sad to find that this thread has been dead for such a long time :(
      The Elva line is so lovely!
      It would be great to see more of them around!

      MNight, you have probably found the answer by now, but DollHeart SD 10/13 has clothes that will fit Elva girls.

      Aivy, I also have a Mae ^^ But mine has kept her own head so far xD
      It's been a long time since you asked, but… I measured the Ddoll body and head, and yes, the height is 58cm.
      Also, Mae's head is quite large; even though the site says her head-size is 8-9", I found it is actually 9-10", as smaller wigs would't fit properly… Even her head cap wouldn't fit right, I changed to a 9-10" one and now it's just right .-. And she has quite a large forehead! So it doesn't surprise me that the doll "shrunk" 2 cm :)

      And Lylyesp, your Lisanne is beautiful! I think Ddoll's pictures don't do her justice, to be honest ^^