1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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DreamOfDoll (Dream Of Children) Discussion (DoC) Part 3

Aug 26, 2013

    1. Oh squee! Thanks for the hug. *hugs ya back* :hug:

      Kyoshi makes me smile every time I see him. Beautiful photo, yet again! I love the star effects you added, to boot. I'm not good enough with Photoshop to create cool effects like that. :XD: Thanks also for your recommendation! biwecity looks awesome---I'm following their store now. :thumbup So many pretty backdrops that it's hard for me to choose just one.

      Good luck painting your sweet boy this weekend! :D I'm sure he'll look fantastic once you're finished---from what I've seen of your work your face-ups are great! :thumbup I understand why you're nervous, though. I only recently started painting face-ups (IE: a year or so ago) and every time I work on a doll I am worried I'll mess up royally. :sweat I plan to dye the centaur-half of my Soom Pyrol here soon and I'm super terrified of that process, too. :shudder

      I look forward to seeing how you paint him so I hope you'll share photos!
      • x 1
    2. @PeppermintPocky *hugs you tightly again* :D

      Kyoshi is very special to me so every time you tell me that he makes you smile it makes me the happiest girl in the world! he has this effect on everybody, especially on me =D

      I'm not good with Photoshop either :pout: I just do copy and paste and add some layers. For that picture I just googled 'stars vector', found one I could use, pasted it on top of the picture and used the layer 'screen' (or 'multiply' or 'overlay', depending on the colors) for transparency. :sweat

      I wasn't able to paint him, on Saturday was cloudy and I was too busy on Sunday. The only day I really have time to do something with my dolls is on Saturday and I hate it when the weather doesn't cooperate :horror: I have seen your face ups and they are very beautiful! :love I'm nervous with him but at the same time very excited, I hope I can still keep his essence with my work.

      Good luck with dyeing your Soom Pyrol! I bet you'll do great and he will look amazing!:thumbup

      I will share photos as soon as I have Kyoshi ready, also hope to see yours!:D
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    3. I have been enjoying these pictures of Kyoshi so much. Thank you for sharing them, yumi~. Seeing Kyoshi takes me back to my hours of staring at everyone's DoC's and the DOD website before I had my first doll. :D
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    4. I'm so happy to know that my little Kyoshi takes you back to the old good times!! I miss those days when this thread was more active and DOD was almost everywhere but now we rarely see them:atremblin My 2 DOCs will always be my favorites among all the new dolls I get or come out. DOD was the bjd company I first saw and fell in love with and DOD owners are always so nice and lovely :hug: so every time I get a nice comment about my Kyoshi my heart cries of joy!! thank you very much Ophelia!:aheartbea
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    5. OoOoO! Thank you for the vector tip! I'll have to try that out with snowflakes or something when I get around to giving my Petsha a proper photoshoot.

      I hate when the weather doesn't cooperate, too. I hope you're able to paint your sweet Kyoshi soon! :D I empathize with you RE: only able to paint on weekends. Given my current work schedule, I really only have certain evenings free... and by that time it's too dark to do much.

      Do you use MSC to seal your face-ups? I try to stick to ZM Finishing Powder because it gets so humid here... but I've been running low on spray since May and Volks STILL hasn't restocked the product yet. :...( And awww shucks, thanks for the kind words on my face-ups! <3

      (I know he's off-topic for this discussion thread but I totally dyed my Teenie Gem yesterday and he looks fabulous! :whee: So thank you for the encouragement---it helped!!!)

      Same here. :whee:
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    6. @PeppermintPocky

      I want to make him a new wig and I'm looking for alpaca hair but the one I found costs as much as buying a custom wig so what's the point? lol I wanted to save on money... currently the person I like to buy custom wigs from is not taking orders (frappzilla). I will keep looking for cheap alpaca, it seems I will have to buy them raw. His wig is 11 years old, it's time for a new one! =) I'll take my time to finish Kyoshi because he deserves it! I gave him a full body blushing today but I haven't worked on his face up yet because I want to make the wig first.

      I can only use MSC. :( I tried the ZM stuff from Volks but it didn't work for me no matter how many times I tried! it made the surface shiny and the texture grainy (a weird combination). I had to redo two face ups due to this. Also, my pastels and pencils weren't working but as soon as I switched to MSC they started working and I could finish the face ups. I have used other sealants recommended by popular face up artists and none of them worked for me. MSC is my only choice. :(

      I heard about the change of formula in the new MSC sealant, that's why I was looking for another alternative. I had 3 chipped face ups in all the areas I used water color paints and some people have told me that it was the paint or the sealant. Now I stick to pastels and pencils only because I'm afraid of using water color paints again :sweat I still haven't mastered the acrylic paints, I don't know why they are so hard to use! :horror:

      Unfortunately, the ZM one failed me. How do you do it?? I wish I could use it because it is cheaper. Oh Volks has taken a lot of time to restock them! :o you don't like MSC?

      Oooh I want to see pictures of your teenie gem <3 I can only imagine how great he looks! I love teenies, they're my favorite tinies :whee:
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    7. Today I snapped some photos for Lenneth's doll profile so I figured I'd share one here:


      I miss seeing others' DOCs. They aren't too popular these days, it seems. </3
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    8. Oooh the queen!!!:D little Lenneth, I missed you!! but I feel cold seeing her without shoes on the snow XD

      Ditto! I wish DOC owners would spam this thread more often :...(
    9. Long time no see (read? haha)

      I entered DOD's website and I read the notice that orders can't be place since they are updating the website.
      How long has it been like that? They haven't announced a date for the new website, have they?
    10. Thank you, @yumi~! :hug: Lenneth thanks you, too. <3

      Their website has been under construction since July, I believe. I know they had previously posted a notice explaining they were going on vacation, but that was in August or so.

      Their reopening date is still TBA, sadly... unless I missed something. (Totally possible, heh.)
    11. Woah! That's a lot of time for a website update.
      Well... We just need to wait then.
    12. My first was a DoC Twing-Key. Sadly, I sold her to a friend of mine (which I now regret, I loved her a lot).

      I was wanting to purchase a new DoC doll, but I guess I'll have to wait a while until their website is back up?
    13. Yeah... It's been a while since they are working on the website. I hope they don't dissappear, I still want a Zen. :(
    14. Zen is such a cutie; if the D.o.D site doesn't come back soon perhaps you can buy one from another seller. This site has some D.o.D. There don't appear to be D.o.C.'s for sale, but it might not hurt to ask.
    15. Thanks. I search every now and then in the marketplace and there are a few DOD on sale but no Zens. :(
      I guess it's fine... I don't have the money right now...
    16. Alistair is a DoC elf Kirill, and of my five on-topic dolls he is the one who changes the most. I'm always playing around with his wig and eyes to find good combinations. This is one of my favorite looks for him.
      Regarding DoD's website, I've tried to access it multiple times in the past couple of months and the response I get is a page like this. I've heard nothing official, but I do fear the site is gone for good. That's too bad, because I really wanted to order a doll with their gore face up. I've NEVER seen that face up and being a strange person I've always wanted to.
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    17. Your boy is very cute! I have always loved Kirill, and seeing his elf version makes me smile ear-to-ear! :D
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    18. LOL, thanks! His profile is alive and well if you want to take a looksie. I add new photos all the time. DoD really went over the top with that sculpt; the little teeth are exquisite!
    19. Oopsie, I accidentally posted twice! LOL, to keep on topic here's my boy looking like Bret Michaels.
      Unskinny bop, nothing more to say!
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    20. AHHHHH! I love Bret Michaels. :XD:

      Excellent reference, heh. Now I'm going to have to listen to "Talk Dirty to Me" on repeat. :lol: I shall go check out your beautiful boy's profile right away! :D
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