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DreamOfDoll (Dream Of Children) Discussion (DoC) Part 3

Aug 26, 2013

    1. I love coming to this thread and seeing everyone's lovely dolls~ :D Congrats on your first DOD, solitary agent! He's a cutie~ :3

      I spent a bit of time with my Tender Too, Kei, today... his old eyelashes had gotten really damaged, so I took them off and glued new ones in. ^^ I also styled his wig with wax again as it was being really difficult... now it's a bit easier to keep in check. He definitely looks better with the new eyelashes~ :aheartbea I had a small shoot with him, but unfortunately today is really rainy and gloomy so I didn't get that many good photos. -.-; I hope that I can buy him a new pair of eyes soon... I've been thinking about trying out some Mako eyes for him, I just need to decide which shade of green to go for, haha. xD

      But anyway, here's a photo of him:

      I need to go visit Yenna so that I can kidnap his boyfriend for a while, ahah. :'3 He clearly looks like needs some company, giving such a flirty look...
    2. I was wondering what size eyes other people use for their DOCs.
      I have a DOC Si and he's got 16mm eyes in right now, but from what I've heard, 14mm works just as well, it just looks a little different -- is this the case? Could anyone please share their pictures of DOCs with 14mm and 16mm eyes for comparison? Thank you <3
    3. megpie252, She's a real cute. I love Leyas.

      solitary agent, well, I love Yen's too. But he was my first doll so I'm biased. x3 <3

      parapluie, I definitely use 16mm for all my open eyed docs, who have big eyes (like Si). 14mm makes them easily very starey and I wouldn't use it for anyone but the tender and squinty eyed versions (so Tender Zen, Tender Too, Tender Twing-Key, Tender Bee-a, Ivan, Kirill, Shiny Petsha, Hez, Dustin). My Tender Yen has pretty big eyes too, so I use 16mm on him. I guess it's a taste thing, but with 14mms in big eyes you need to be very precise with positioning if you want to use them.
    4. Agh, sorry I keep coming back with questions and not actually contributing, I'm a bit of a noob to all of this...
      Anyways, I was wondering: do 1/4 Angell Studio clothes fit DOC boys alright? And what about shoes? The measurements seem like they'd be a little small, but I'm hoping I'm wrong D:
    5. I think it's all about taste, like Yenna said. If you want a more mature look, small eyes are better (14mm) or a cuter look (bigger eyes, 16mm). Personally, I love 14mm eyes. I always use a size smaller than the standard size because it looks better for me. The position is important for any size.

      Two of my DOCs used to have 16mm eyes in the beginning but I was never content with them. Here is a picture (the ones on the right are very ancient pictures :lol: my boys looked terrible with those eyes and looks, what a change of eyes/wig and face up can do, uh?)

    6. I also use 16mm eyes for my DOCs with open eyes, and 14mm for tender eyes. My Tender Too, Kei, is wearing 14mm eyes in the photo that I posted earlier. ^^

      Here are my other DOCs, all with 16mm eyes:
      Jae Sun (U) example 1 & example 2
      Riya (Twing-key) example 1 & example 2
      Seiga (Twin-B) example 1 & example 2 (Seiga has 16mm, Kei still obviously 14mm)

      I no longer have my Twin-B, but I thought that I'd include him for comparison's sake. :3 I hope that this helps~

      And about Angell-Studio clothes, I'm not sure how well they fit DOC boys. I have a boys' hanfu by them for Kei (photo), who is a hybrid with a Minifee boy body, and the sash won't close all the way on him... and the MNF body already has a much slimmer waist than the DOC boy body. So I'd be a bit vary when buying from them... I don't have other boys' clothes from AS, though, so I don't know if all of them are too slim at the waist or not. Unfortunately I don't own any shoes from them, so I have no idea about those. .__.; Hopefully someone else will know more. :)
    7. Thanks very much to everyone for answering my questions so fast and so thoroughly!
      Your help has really reduced all the stress of finding the right sizes and stuff - w -;

      I think I'll be going with 16mm -- if I buy 14mm for smaller dolls in the future, then I guess I can try those out on him, but for now, I'd prefer him to look a little younger, and I think the bigger eyes will help that.

      @Yumi and Mizya, thank you for providing the pictures with 14mm/16mm eyes -- it gives me a really good idea of what they look like on bigger-eyed DOCs.
    8. Ughhh, sorry again with my coming back and asking a ton of questions and not contributing to this in any way.

      I was wondering: what about Dollmore? How do the shoes/clothes fit DOC boys? I read that Dollmore clothes fit but I've looked at the measurements and now I'm a bit worried.
      Is there any big list of brands that will fit the DOC boy new body? Sorry, I'm kind of a newb to everything doll-related.

      You guys have been extremely helpful (and tolerant of my peskiness). I would like to thank you profusely for that.
    9. DM shoes should fit most of the time. Their clothes are a bit of a hit or miss. In theory they should all fit, because they're general msd sized but sometimes I think they cut double seam allowances or something because their clothes vary hugely in size. I don't think I've ever gotten the right size of clothes from them, so I've stopped buying their stuff. :P General msd stuff should fit DoC boys, luts kid delf clothes etc.
    10. Ah, a new thread. So i crawl out of my hiding Hole and make a little Si Spam.
      I have him now for over 6 Jears. I changed him so often. Never know what to do with him. I had no Background for him, no Character. Nothing.
      And because of his big Eyes he did not fit in so well with my other Dolls. He always look so childish next to my Unoas and Naraes.
      But he's so cute and i never brought it over my Heart to sell him.


      Oh and the things with clothes. I never had a problem with clothing him. I always go to Ebay and take things there from mybayer or someone else. I never had a fitting problem....nah okay the sleeves and Pantlegs are a little long. But the overall fit is great.
      And i never had problems with shoes from Ebay.
      I bought an outfit from Dollmore. It was a...hm Kung Fu fighter...Martial Arts...Ninja whatever Outfit and it had a good fit too. But not sure about other thins from them.
      And i had (... still have the outfit now for another Doll) an Angell Studio gray Chinese traditonell Outfit and i had absolutely no problem with the fit. Did the Bodies change that much?
      Okay i visited D.O.D. and it looks like the same Body...so i guess i was lucky then with the chinese Dress.
    11. That Si is soooooo cute!!! :D please spam him more! his face up is not from DOD right? it is very beautiful!

      Regular 'MSD' clothes should fit any DOC, dollmore is a hit or miss because they tend to be on the bigger size but I still like it, my favorite is Luts.
    12. No, i made a commission. I gave him hundred of thousand Face Ups and last year i decided to stop this. His head was more on my Desk then on his Shoulders... and because i'm greedy, the Face Up will stay this way till the Apocalypse...I talk to much nonsense:sweat
      I will try to Post more in the future.
    13. My DoC babies are always a rare sight in terms of photo so I thought I should do my twin some justice today...

      • x 1
    14. They are adorable <3 Where did you get their outfits?
    15. Both from Angell Studio. Got the male one in HKDP 8 and I realise they don't sell that particular outfit in the website (Maybe I'm just blind).
    16. WOW~ :D :D they're both strikingly beautiful!!!
    17. @Yumi~ Thank you for your kind words <3

      Actually, I do have another DoC.. Here is the photo of Cheshire <3

    18. Hera, your DOC are sooooo cute!
    19. @Hera is that a Leya? She's so cute! :D
    20. A bit spam for Kirill . It's such a long time since the last I take pic of Kou. 8D
