1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dust of Dolls Krot Discussion

May 9, 2013

    1. Dr. Krow (http://www.flickr.com/photos/krowbar/) knows that he/she wons one of the dolls, but I cannot find the result anywere. I supose that the lucky ones received an e-mail or something like that =(.
    2. Hey guys! I'm suprized no one else knows if they won or not yet :/ I got my number at ten to 12 today and then was told at 2:22 that I won the doll. There are no results posted from what I can see so far on all of the media channels they have, I only found out by email. I just managed to pay for my girl and know she will be shipped next week!

      Edit: They've posted the results now :}
    3. There is a blog-post posted now, with the winning numbers.
    4. Where? I cannot find it in their blog =(
    5. Huh, no, now I can't find it either O.o It was there, but it seems to have been taken down.
      I remember that 7, 78 and 80 at least were winning numbers, I think 57 (or was it 58?) was too, but I can't recall the rest :(

      Anyway, there were clearly so many entries (seeing as #80 won) that if you haven't gotten a mail, it's likely you didn't win :(
    6. Oh wow they've taken it down o-o;

      The other numbers were 33 and 32 but I can't remember the other numbers either. 57 was definitely there too.
    7. Yes, I didn't have luck, but well, I'm glad to read that a basic preorder is coming. I ask them if they can tell us about a more detailed date for the upcoming preorder =)
    8. Im kinda upset, i would have entered had i known the basics were only normal and white =/
      But i was under the impression basic would be tan skin. le sigh~
    9. Unfortunately i didn't win :( "Sniff, Sniff", but am really looking forward to the pre orders and am REALLY inpatient about when they will be!!
      Congrats krowbar​, i am soooooo jealous!!
    10. If I have any answer about the future preorder I will post it here, I'm also so anxious about it >0<!
    11. Well, there is still no news for the pre-order, as the didn't received the samples yet. But they will be as fast as possible with them once they arrived.
      Now is time for the Meel pre-order ^^
    12. Thanks yukari, same here, if i hear any new news i will post it here. :)

      and thanks for the info teteloune. :)
    13. They answer me this about Krot preorder:

      "If everything is ok, just after the Meel&#8217;s preorder wich arrive probably next week or the one after that"
    14. Sorry, does that mean the Meel pre order will be next week or the Krot pre order?
    15. I didn't understand this part either :\. I supose that if they didn't received the Krot prototipes yet, they want to tell that Meel preorder is next week or the one after that.
    16. Yeah they mean the Meel pre-order will be next week since Meel was on display at Ldoll for the next pre-order.
    17. yukari Oh right. I get the feeling that the krots won't go on sale until the new year, still it'll be worth the wait.

      krowbar I meant to ask you, what colour krot were you lucky enough to get?
    18. Does anyone know if the basic version allows you to order a second faceplate?
      I loved the idea of having 2 dolls in one (as well as the caramel skin + beautiful face-ups) but unfortunately didn't win in the draw.

      Also, what kind of clothes fit her and what size wig does she take?
    19. @sushi77: I have a feeling the Krot pre-order won't be till spring next year. The Meel pre-order was meant to happen sooner but I think DoD might have had some delays through their uni work load or not, it's around this time of year that university gets pretty hectic (that's of course if they are still studying, I thought they were but I might be wrong) anyways, to answer your question!
      I was lucky enough to get the pale violet set, even though the krot will be the default face when she gets here I really want to use the arie face instead. I am really glad that they have two faceplates so I can choose!

      @zelle: doubtful that they would allow second faceplates to be ordered since it's not a lottery (basically the second faceplate with the krots was considered as a gift and not part of the standard package that we entered for) and you can choose which sculpt you want with this pre-order. It wouldn't hurt to ask though and it might mean that they will consider including a second faceplate as a gift again or letting you pay for the option.

      So far though from what I have seen, krot's have had custom clothes made for them since they have a unique shape, Kaede has made clothes for her dolls because she is a very talented seamstress but as for standard clothes I am not sure. Wigs, I thought that the size just below pukifee would fit.