1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dust of Dolls Krot Discussion

May 9, 2013

    1. Oooo i can't wait :fangirl:. Will you be selling wigs for them as well? as i'd love one of the straight ones that you sold with the limiteds.
    2. I'm sure that you read in the official announcement that they will sell 10 alpaca wigs. About the fiber ones I'm almost sure (for pictures I saw when they are preparing the limited Krots) that they were really long ones and then they cut the wigs to give the short cut. Anyway Krot uses pukipuki size wigs, so I think that finding a good wig for them will not be a serious problem.

      I cannot wait for the preorder opening!!! I need to know the price for these cuties T__T!
    3. I just read in materiel celeste that the price will be 222 EUR, so I think that it's a really fair price and maybe I will go for the two girls. About the skintone...I'm still waiting to take a decission! I cannot wait for the preorder opening, yay!
    4. Thank for the info yukari.

      Three days to go, three days to go :fangirl:...... does a little happy dance :lol:
    5. Yukari, which official announcement do you mean? I didn't see anything other than the photo posted on their flickr with the pre-order dates! I am subscribed to the newsletter but have not received any new one, the last one I received was on January 3rd this year.
      Thank you for sharing the price here, that's very helpful to know!
      yep getting very excited and don't want to miss anything, I would love to try and get an alpaca wig!

      Edit: ah I just read on materiel celeste, that's the only place I saw that they mentioned the 10 alpaca wigs! eep I'd love to get an alpaca wig with my girl, just don't know if I will be fast enough..
    6. Here is the price (is the first post in the page by Nyo): http://www.materielceleste.com/t43690p465-dust-of-dolls-krot-arie-kete-preorder-24-02-14-03
      Yes, they didn't updated the newsletter, I read about the alpaca wigs in their FB if I remeber well.
    7. Does anyone know what time the pre-orders will start?
    8. Ah I am so bummed about the issue with paypal. It means I won't be able to order. I guess I'll just have to hope that I can find them later or they're re-released. :(

      I can't wait to see everyone's cuties! Good luck to those of you who want the wigs!
    9. I think that I read somewhere, that they will still have paypal as payment option also, but also hope to get the creditcard thingie working so that those who are able to can use that option!
      So you should still be able to use paypal.

      thank you Lywann and Lyly Pie, I'm very excited for monday!
      I have a question about the credit card, if you get it working, will Mastercard be accepted too or only Visa? I have Mastercard. If not I will have to use paypal.

      And a general question, does anyone remember what wig size they are?
    10. about credit card, normally it should be working on monday, approximatively in the same time we intended to open pre-order. We hoped the bank could do things yesterday but they don't work on friday >.<
      we will do our best to open at 10am, but it is possible we have a bit of delay due to this.

      For credit card, of course mastercard are accepted :)
      If everything works, the credit card payement allow you to choose between a 2times or 3times layaway (or full payement, of course), this is automatic and charge-free. This means our bank will automatically ask for the later payements to your bank, after 30days. You won't have to do anything.

      We still accept layaways on bank wire too ^^

      For paypal, we have now been in a deep sh*** twice : first time, they blocked ALL the money for 6 monthes. Now, they decided that, because we were cute enough the first time to handle our orders without the money, they'll only keep half the total of each transaction. So, when you send us money through paypal, we can benefit for only the half of it.
      We are still struggling to get back the other-half from the Meel we already send, I think this will take us some weeks... at least.
      What I want to explain is that paypal is really really not welcome for us anymore :( of course for people with no other solution we can accept it. But no layaway, because with 1/4 (or 1/6th) of the price remaining to us, this is not viable >.< I hope you can understand.

      And one last point XD a cute one this time,
      I saw some people talking about "Lywann and Lyly Pie" Well, I'm Lyly Pie, Lywann was my old nickname, but I can't change here on Den of Angel huhuhu &#9829;
    11. Ah no, I totally understand! I think it's horrible that paypal has been so awful to you guys! I remember the whole paypal issues from when I ordered my khol. I think the credit cards will be a much better method for selling for you!
    12. aah this clears up lots, thank you! ah and now I understand about the names, you are Lyly Pie, got it! ;)

      really not a nice situation with paypal (I do not understand where the problem is in their eyes, it's not nice of them), but helpful that you will allow it for people who have no other option.
      now that I know that Mastercard will work too, it's no problem for me to use the creditcard for the payment since it will be easier for you!

      I hope I could catch one of the 10 wigs, I will be around at 10am in case it's on time and you got the creditcard system working.
      I wonder if the photos will be up a little before so we can already see the choices, or if it will only be visible once all the payment options work. It would be helpful but I understand if it's not do-able.

      and by the way, that diorama with the igloo and ice and sea, it's beautiful!

      Edit: maybe it's already been posted in this thread but just in case it hasn't, I found the measurements for Arie and Këte on the page of the limited ones, posting them here:

      &#8226; height &#65279;: 11 cm
      &#8226; head circumference&#65279; : 10 cm
      &#8226; eyes size : 6 for Ärie et 8 mm for Këte
      &#8226; neck circumference : 2,5 cm
      &#8226; chest circumference : 5.5 cm
      &#8226; waist circumference : 7 cm
      &#8226; hips circumference : 9 cm
      &#8226; shoulder to shoulder : 2,8 cm
      &#8226; tigh circumference &#65279;: 4,5 cm
      &#8226; calf circumference &#65279; : 2,2 cm
      &#8226; arm circumference &#65279;: 1,7 cm
      &#8226; torso length (neck to belly) : 2,5 cm
      &#8226; arm length &#65279; (hand included)&#65279; : 4 cm
      &#8226; legs length : 3,8 cm
      &#8226; foot length : 1,2 cm

      they are sooo cute and tiny! &#9829;
    13. Thank you so much for all the explanation Lyly Pie! Now we understand better all the paypal problems (it's terrible).
      An may I ask what kind of future plans do you have after Krots preorder? =)
    14. eeee look everyone, all the photos and krots and options are there, not yet possible to buy of course but there to look at, so amazing: http://dustofdolls.com/en/

      i'm so grateful I can see all the prices and photos today so I can decide!

      i'm compiling my choices and adding up prices (so many cute clothes) and wondered, does anyone remember how much shipping was?

      so in love with these dolls, they are amazingly cute and so are all the accessories! love the faceups too and the wigs! :D
    15. WOAAA, thank you so much for letting us know! I'm really glad to be able to see all the pictures. Now I'm sure that I will order a Këte in normal skin, but about Ärie... oh, such a hard decission.
      I don't remember shipping costs exactly, but in Meël preorder I think that was around 13 EUR for Spain.
    16. no problem Yukari, I was so happy too that I got to figure out what choices I want beforehand! now it's time to go to bed and then it will be Krot time tomorrow! &#9829;
      ah, I wasn't sure if I saw something closer to 45 EUR or 25 EUR in the last pre-order, but hoping for closer to 25 EUR, and if you say you think it may have been 13 EUR for Spain, I'm glad to hear it!

      and I agree, so many nice things, really hard to resist, but I can only get one doll!