1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Elf El for sale from eluts.com on Oct. 5...

Oct 1, 2004

    1. As seen on the eluts notice board:

    2. T_T I want him, but I need to save for my Tokyo Boy/FCS~~
    3. Hi twigling,

      Would really like to order the El-elf from Luts. I'm at Central Standard Time. Any idea when 12 p.m. October 5th in Korea will be here? :roll:

      Also, re their makeup on that doll, they list 1ea. $600, 2ea$650. Do you know if that means to have both heads made up is $650? Surely not $650 each as they say!

      When I put a trial order in to them, all they offered was wire transfer and no place for paypal.

      Anyone know how to order through paypal for Luts?

    4. Hey Susan, if you need a help with time zone differences you can calculate them here.


      Hope this helps!
    5. You have to manually put in a paypal payment. So what you do is. click on bank transfer. When you get to the payment page, it'll have two bank options... the second one is paypal. Copy their address, log on into paypal. Send your total amount to the address you copied. Be sure to put in your order number so they know it's from you.

      The end. :D
    6. try timeanddate.com For me it will be at 1 PM which is 5 hours from time of writing this edit. For payment info, check the other eluts threads, the eluts noticeboard and Q&A.
    7. Does anyone know if that's going to include the vampire head? ^^;
    8. Nevermind!! ^_^
    9. does anyone know if it's white skin also?
    10. At about 5mins. after 12 p.m. Korean time, with the website still saying El-Ef was out of stock, I gave up and called Korea. I spoke to a nice lady who said they had forgotten to change the website, and to wait "10 seconds."

      Sure enough, the next time I refreshed the page, I could buy him, and boy did I put that order in fast and yes, you could order white skin although I ordered normal skin. Vampires look "normal" after they have finished their "evening meal", don't they?:D

      I hope I paid correctly with paypal; I had to search to find their paypal i.d.

      I tried to post this info for you guys in time, but when I looked again, he was listed as
      "out of stock" again. I'm normally not very lucky, but this time I think I lucked out. Whooee, I hope so! :wink:

      I hope all of you who wanted him, got to order him!
    11. Actually, I didn't see their PayPal address anywhere... I got a confirmation email from them, but I never saw an email for PayPal so I had to email them back asking for it (and I'm still waiting for a reply... >_<;;; I hope I don't miss out!)
    12. any info on paypal address?
    13. The paypal address should be on the second page of the checkout process... when you choose to pay via bank transfer. It's [email protected].

      I received my payment confirmation for my order about half an hour ago... I placed the order this afternoon. So if you don't get any answers straight away, don't worry, it's coming. ^__^
    14. Yes, I got it all squared away now ^_^ I'm kinda bummed 'cause they DON'T in fact have white skinned Elf El left, :crushed and I got an email from Doogi asking if it was alright if he changed my order to normal skin... So I might have him up for sale when he gets here since I have the one from Liria coming as well... We'll see how it goes...
    15. If anyone got an elf el off the luts site and doesn't want him for whatever reason, my roommate got almost all the way through checkout before the cart crashed and she's really crushed about it. Maybe Luts would be willing to transfer that slot to her if you asked? Her email is [email protected] if you'd be interested in helping her out.

    16. I ordered white skin Elf El from Liria, also. {sorry--not planning on selling him!!!}

      I won't quite believe it until he arrives, but so far it was SO much easier than trying to buy one in the 15 minutes they were on sale at eLuts--and she was taking orders for white skinned ones, and 2 make-ups and answered questions about vampire heads, etc.

      Unfortunately, Liria just wrote on her order page that she can't take any more orders for Elf El--that CP told her they were sold out...

    17. Hi,

      What is Lina's order page URL for future reference?

      I didn't know she was selling the El Elf, too. I'm surprised that she had the white skin because someone said if you ordered the white skin from Luts, Doogie emailed you and asked you to take the normal skin tone.

      I was lucky enough to order one (a normal skin) from the Luts site, but I don't think he was even available for 15 minutes! They forgot to update their website (I called Korea in a panic!) and I think they had sold most of what was available before you could order him through the website. Don't feel bad. A lot of people missed out! :(

      Yeah, I will believe I have him when the box comes to my doorstep!
    18. Liria's addy is: http://liria.pooroo.net/ (the site in English, on the left is where she sells Delf dolls)

      The reson Liria could get the BW skins is because she's a direct agent from Cerberus Project. CP make the dolls - Luts is the distributor. It seems Liria gets the pick before Luts does... she makes quite lot of sales and I guess CP allocates he the picks (She also apparently is sometimes allowed to sell all of the Art Delfs!)
    19. Speaking of Elf El, read this! (of course names are witheld)

      "Thank you for visiting us^^

      Sorry that you didn't get your Elf EL.. T_T

      Everything ended in less than 30 seconds. (26 Sec, precisely)
      We were shocked, too.

      We promise to get more for E-Luts from next limited dolls, so please visit us and try again."

      26 sec ?! :o

      popular boy, Elf El was ;)