1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Emotional experiances

May 3, 2012

    1. So for about 5 or more years now i have wanted a BJD sooooo bad and im finally getting one as a gift!! i actually started crying looking at the doll i will be having soon i got so emotional like one of your dreams youv been wanting to have for a long time and you feel like your stepping forward into you most loved hobby.

      I was woundering if anyone else felt this way i feel kind of silly but i think people have had this emotional attachment since im new to BJD outlook i was courious. I hope this post is ok ^^
    2. The most emotional experience I ever had with my dolls was when my boy James arrived. He came at just the right time. My puppy had just passed away about 15 days before and I was utterly heartbroken and miserable. When Boy arrived at my front door it certainly improved my mood a whole heck of a lot.
    3. As an example of what I just went through....I am already paying on DZ Moon(2 more payments), but I really badly want LS Tinboo and RS Pixiu, so much so I was shaking over the thought that if I bought a new labtop (for $111 for 6 months) that I had to get Tinboo over Pixiu, but now that my labtops working again I quickly called my grandma to tell her to cancle the new labtop. I am abit depressed that I am relieved that I can now buy both Tinboo and Pixiu, plus whatever doll I have extra money for...probably HZ Hui Ka....( I will always choose 6 month payments and usually end up finishing them in 3-4 months depending on what money I have left)....think its turning into my OCD like it was with pandas...

      Have any of you had these moments where you cant get your mind off wanting that doll no matter what and trying not to spend money on things you know you will need adventually? does it cause you mental strain?
    4. i used to like BJD when i was 17, found out the price and i had a heart attack lol, then many years later, in university my so called best friend found out i like bjds and asked her dad to buy and my ''friend'' literally shoved the doll into my face, and kept talking about the doll and she knew that i dont have the money to afford(very insensitive eh?) for me money IS a problem in 2010 i decided to buy a doll took me almost a year to save money and buy the doll at 2011...i was SOO HAPPY when i finally got a doll so i somehow know how you feel

      the doll means a lot to me and i am never selling her
    5. @roguegirl9929

      Im sorry to hear about your puppy ;-;....But im glad your doll cheered you up, does he give you a special meaning from that experience? I dont know why but dolls somehow give a special meaning towards things in your life and so do different objects i know my fiance cherishes different things from events in his life that he would never get rid of.


      Oh wow ._.; i have had friends like that too bleh im really sorry she did that though but im happy you finally got your doll ^w^!! Thankfully i didnt have friends who where into the doll movement i was always the weird one out liking odd things to other people so i kinda kept to myself about it. But i dont know something about how youv been in love with something for so long and its finally happening relives you so much! Also that meaning you place towards your first doll when you finally get her/him ^__^!!!!

    6. I do tend to get very excited when a new doll comes home and I usually have a manic creative period making the new kids' clothes and doing their faceups (if needed)...
    7. I always want more than I can afford. So generally I don't get worked up over the ones I can't afford.

      :|I did just about flip out last year when a doll that I had wanted very badly was on sale for like 30% off his normal price... (he's normally $620, and he was on sale for $440) but I had ZERO money. I had literally about $120 in my bank account at the time...
    8. I guess emotional experiences can be both positive and negative? ^^;

      I was saving for my first doll, a Volks Megu, during my first semester of college. I had been saving for several months and had enough to buy her as well as some outfits, eyes and wigs. It was stressful for me to work full time and be a full time student as well. I was really looking forward to getting my girl.

      It was during this time a friend of mine was kicked out of her place with her girlfriend. They were living with the girlfriend's parents who disagreed with their lifestyle. So instead of getting the doll I got an apartment with them.

      I was glad to have my own place in addition to helping my friends. But I was still sad that I didn't get Megu and have always regretted not getting her.

      I now have a YOSD Megu at home and an SD Megu on the way. So good things do come to those that wait! :3
    9. I have! I had wanted a BJD for a few years, but never thought I could afford one, so didn't really even pick out sculpts or anything. Then when I finally COULD get one and started looking, AoD Chen captured my heart! I'd only seen factory ipx, so opsted a request thread on another site (I'd never heard of DoA) and when I saw the first owner pic of Chen, I actually cried! And ordered him immediately. When he arrived, I held him and cried again. It was my first time ever holding resin and he was just so perfect, even bald and faceless and in his underwear...I actually considered calling in to work that day to stay home with him...>.> But I didn't! have to work to buy stuff for the kids! LOL Amir has since been upgraded, and he's still my favorite, 4 years later.

      I also got teary eyed over Cosmos, my Only-Doll YiFeng, because the sculpt was so perfect.

      and most recently, i was having a horrible day and hubby asked what would make it better...I tearfully told him a BlueBlood Draven, not at all seriously expecting it...well.....guess who came home a week later?? This doll will always have special meaning, as my hubby has NEVER just bought me a doll "just because" before. He claimed it was an anniversary gift, but it was a month early, so I was just shocked! Oh, and btw, my Draven is now right up there with Amir when it comes to my favorite dolls. :)
    10. The sound I made when I saw Fairyland decided to make a Littlefee Pongpong... well, I'm surprised all the dogs in town didn't start barking. XD Pongpong has been my (impossible) grail doll because he was always too tiny for me to handle. Now? Oh man. I've completely changed my original doll plans for the summer, given up the idea of a body for my floating head and even decided that I can just go to Chicon semi-broke because I must have him.

      Admittedly, I'm still not going to order him until I see if Fairyland is having a summer event... but he's going to be my first doll with no purpose but 'OH GOD SQUEEEEEEEEE' ever.
    11. My issue is that I'm usually late to the party and discover the doll after it has been discontinued!
      Though right now, I'm only $35.00 dollars away from being able to get a doll that is on my wish list. So close!
    12. Two of the four dolls I currently own, plus the one I have on layaway, were the subjects of repeated dreams. I kept dreaming up scenarios where I would get them, or had the ability to, or something. It caused a fair amount of mental strain. Ultimately, though, I eventually got all of those dolls, so the strain was worth it!
    13. I used to do what you're talking about - I see a doll, and then I spend the next week obsessively changing around my budget to see if I can make room for a layaway, then decide not to get the doll even though I really want her, then I decide to get her but she's gone and I'm the mayor of sadsville. Luckily I now have a job, so I don't have to do it anymore :) (For now, anyway! Hahaha)
    14. @Cinibunny i am a hard core persistent girl when i want something i make sure i get it(only applies to dolls) by all means(as long as its safe and reasonable)

    15. THATS SIMILAR TO ME!!! I've wanted a Luts Soony since like 2000. BJD became like the super secret shameful hobby. None of my friends could know about since i could never afford them anyways. But them my best guy friend went to an Anime Con with me. They had a BJD Pannel. Ofcourse i went and since i couldnt get rid of Klous he went to. Thats when he found out my secret. That christmas he gave me $400 to go twords getting my dream doll. I had to get the rest to afford her. I didnt sleep for almost 2 weeks. But i got the money. I placed the order on my iphone outside a comic book store next to a bank. I almost killed myself. I was so nervous and anxious that i gave myself an asthma attack. I stopped breathing completely. I thought i was gonna pass out before i could get the order in. But i did. I got the order in on christmas day. And she came on valentines day! I was so shocked and happy. She was 2 weeks early. I cried shamlessly.

      Since then i have mangaged to buy the other 2 of my "Grail Dolls" A Luts Shiwoo and a Luts Lu-wen. They're my Dream Team Three. I cried when i recieved each and every one of them.
    16. Some of my most joyous/frustrating moments have involved my dolls. I guess that's just natural for anybody that's passionate about any pursuit, be it BJD collecting, mountain climbing, scuba diving, etc.

      Congrats on fulfilling your dream of getting a doll! May s/he provide you with more reasons to smile. ^^
    17. I think getting a doll after you haven't opened one in a long time is the most exciting. I got my first doll in 2009 and didn't get another until 2011. I was SO excited to open his box up!!! Then I got several more dolls right after that, and it was a much less exciting experience. It was almost disappointing, in a way. And I only just this moment realized why. XD I had been thinking the dolls didn't measure up to my expectations, but I think it was just because it wasn't a new, fresh experience that I wasn't quite as excited.
    18. Yes!!! I'm totally emotional about my dolls. Not sure why - but I totally know how you feel!
    19. i used to like BJD when i was 17, found out the price and i had a heart attack lol, then many years later, in university my so called best friend found out i like bjds and asked her dad to buy and my ''friend'' literally shoved the doll into my face, and kept talking about the doll and she knew that i dont have the money to afford(very insensitive eh?) for me money IS a problem in 2010 i decided to buy a doll took me almost a year to save money and buy the doll at 2011...i was SOO HAPPY when i finally got a doll so i somehow know how you feel

      the doll means a lot to me and i am never selling her

      Wow, if my friend ever did such an immature thing to me and knew of my situation, I'd stop talking to them. :/ But hey! You got one in the end. :)
    20. I have a few dolls I have a SERIOUS emotional attachment to. My Peakswoods Viyol, for example, I sold and then was able to re-buy so she has a special place in my heart. My Souldoll Celina makes my heart quicken whenever I look at her, because I know I'm so lucky to have her (I never expected to get one in my life) and she's so absolutely perfect for my character. My Angell Studio Vera is my pride and joy, even broken in a box right now (the pin in her wrist came out - another emotional experience for me as it was my first time restringing her but I was very brave and didn't cry even though I wanted to!! :XD:) she still makes me smile. Most of my dolls make me feel something, and the ones that don't don't last long :sweat

      @myouyu I have a 'friend' who's a little bit like that, so I can totally sympathise :( *hug*