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Ever Afraid X Sculpt Will Be Discontinued?

Apr 13, 2011

    1. Hmm...seems I need to edit my post to make my question a bit more clear. xD

      I don't mean that the doll is necessarily out of reach, rarity wise. I am aware that there are a lot of Williams around. But if I company was to discontinue the production of a certain sculpt, the price would no doubt sky-rocket (as we've seen before). So although some of us may want a doll very, VERY badly, there are limits to how much one person can spend on one item at one time. Especially because, on the second hand market, some sellers are reluctant to offer layaway plans (and sometimes understandably so), so it's extremely difficult to pay for certain items.

      I hope that makes a bit more sense.... I understand that if you want a doll, you WILL hunt for it, until you find it. But if you have no money at that very second, then what? xD Of course you can try again, when you have the funds to do this, but sometimes the price will just accellerate even further within that time frame. I collect many things, primarily Sailor Moon, which has an ever-changing market. I can't help but wonder what would happen to the prices of limiteds in the second hand market if they were to be discontinued.
    2. Prices won't necessarily sky rocket. A lot of Volks sculpts are discontinued and no longer made, and most of them really aren't any more expensive than they ever were. See all of the no longer produced FCS headmolds. I can only think of one that is in any sort of high demand and even that sculpt, the old F07, is a very niche sculpt and not too difficult to find for decent prices. There will always be exceptions, of course. I am sure if Volks were to announce that Suigintou or Shinku's molds were destroyed never to be redone their prices would sky rocket, but they are already highly sought after sculpts who fetch serious money. Being discontinued doesn't automatically make a doll worth more. If they stopped making El tomorrow, there are already so many Els in existence that I doubt the price for Els would change much. Or they would go up momentarily as people panicked and tried to capitalize and then would stabilize and drop once more.

      As for some sculpts becoming too expensive.....well, them's the breaks. I want a Shinku boy. Is it ever going to happen? Realistically, no, it's not. Sometimes a doll really just is out of someone's reach due to price or rarity, and the person needs to accept it and move on.
    3. THIS

      Plenty of discontinued standards have not seen any appreciation in price and sell for the same price or lower than when they were in production.

      Nagisa has never been a standard. She had two LE releases, along with Midori. The discontinued Volks MSD standards are: Mario, Marie, Hisui, Kohaku, Shinshiya, Miisha and Nasha. I'm sure there are some FCS molds that have been discontinued (that are not specifically those molds above, but I can't remember which.) In the case of all of those molds Volks gave at least 1 month notice.

      I'm not quite sure if LEs can't be semi-discontinued. I think all the molds are owned by Volks but the names are not which can make things a bit muddy. I think it's one reason "Tae" was recently re-released but "Anais" was not.
    4. I'm scared of my wishlist doll just being stopped. Because the company's so small, it could fail, or the doll could just be unpopular, or...

      Definitely scary.
    5. I meant Shinsiya. But yeah, discontinued unfortunetely. I currently don't see one in the MP for sale. Oh well!

      In the case of Shinsiya being discontinued it wasn't very upsetting because she was just one of those dolls that I'd like to own. That just knocks her off my list of dolls I'll one day buy.

      As for a specific doll I've been saving up for, I'd be crushed if it became discontinued. Especially standard Dollfie Dream heads. The reason being the majority of released DDs are limited edition, expensive and not what I'm looking for.
    6. Yes, I worry about dolls I love being discontinued before I can buy them. It happened to me with Dollzone Binli. She was discontinued at a time when I just couldn't get her, and she is a hard to find doll because the sculpt wasn't popular. I found a lovely modded one by accident almost a year later, so it all worked out fine in the end. The doll I got was less than what I would have paid for a new one iirc, but it's not a miracle that I expect to repeat. Because of the modding neither the seller nor I recognized the sculpt at first, so it was just a total fluke that I found this doll that reminded me of my beloved "lost" Binli only to have her turn out to be a Binli. Unless you are looking for something highly sought after and rare (like a Bermann), price probably won't be a killer for your ability to get a doll. Most of my favorite sculpts aren't really popular, so that becomes my main fear rather than price increase. I know a few people who are looking for rare discontinued sculpts still, and I'm always keeping an eye out for them. Williams at least has a pretty good secondary market to start with.
    7. I worry about it sometimes in the back of my mind. I am saving up for a Lu-Wen and sometimes I get scared he will get discontinued. ^^; Volks Cecile is also my grail doll, I'm more in love with the limited versions of him but I worry that even the standard sculpt might go out of production.
      Of course, there is other ways to get the doll you really want in case the company decides to discontinue a sculpt you love. It isn't a scary thought to me, just worrisome.
    8. True. Very true. But even if a discontinued doll is not expensive second hand tracking one down can be a real hunting challenge. Let's say a doll was so unpopular that maybe ten people bought them and you can only think of five owners on DoA, that's so few it's a waiting game to see if one ever gets rehomed. I end up worrying over having money in hand for a hard-to-find doll purchase if the doll I'm after suddenly shows up for sale second hand.

      As far as the popular expensive unattainable limited, I think if a person wants one they can still get it. It is entirely feasible to save money for let's say five years and then buy one, it's not impossible! It would just take a lot of willpower, focus and stamina to keep on your goal until you could get one. Maybe you can't buy one tomorrow or this year but if you think about this hobby long-term, no it is not impossible.

      Right now I am mulling over a purchase I can't really afford. A limited head (limited by sale time period) is getting my attention and I haven't seen anyone showing interest in it. Perhaps nobody on DoA will buy one, maybe a few will sell in Korea - if I don't buy one now it might be like searching for a needle in a haystack later on no matter the price. On the other hand I could get him now and find that he won't work for me and I've spent time and money and perhaps have a hard time reselling because as I said nobody seems interested. What to do? What to do? sigh~
    9. This. I've bought dolls at the last minute because they were standards I'd always wanted, but put aside on my wish list. I grabbed them just before they became discontinued and have barely seen any other owners. There's also been unpopular limiteds which I've really had to wait and scour to get.

      But the popular limiteds are much easier, even if they are more expensive. I waited three years go be able to afford a Woosoo head, and by that time they weren't popular anymore, so there were heaps around, and many for half the price they were selling at their max value. So if you have the patience, you can eventually get and afford what you want, and you might be lucky enough to get it at a far more reasonable price.
    10. Yes very much so. Doll In Mind Archernar. He is one of my dream dolls but he is not very popular at all. I have never seen him mentioned and have only ever seen him pictured in the database. I am currently saving for another doll and one of my current dolls spare heads, but I am so worried that Archernar will be discontinued in that time. I have never had that worry before though. Its probably because DIM has already done this once with a sculpt I adore but wasn't at all popular (granted I never knew of it till I got one second hand and fell in love with it) And I swear since I have heard of DIM in '07 I have never ever seen an Archernar in the marketplace, so chances are slim I would have the opportunity to own one if they were discontinued.

      I may break down and buy one with next paycheck if I don't stop being a twit about this.

      Of course it doesn't help that when I finally got around to saving for a dollshe hound, the whole line was discontinued *traumatized*
    11. There's been a few over the years that I thought of getting but didn't have the funds, and then they were gone. The secondary market here has helped me find several dolls though, like my Liebchen. I still hold out hope I'll find a Salubia one day, but I don't recall the last time I saw one in the MP. I don't know how it would impact the price, but if the price were too high for my abilities I guess I'd just have to let it pass. I've lived this long without certain dolls, and I'll keep on going without them too.
    12. This is the real problem. Most discontinued dolls weren't very popular to begin with, so their price won't sky rocket... perhaps it even makes a nose dive. But it will be harder to find one in the marketplace, since there were so few of them in the first place.
    13. Four years in the hobby has learned me that you don't always have enough time to save up for a standard edition doll and it's not always best to go for the limited dolls and try to get the standard doll later. I have a few non-limited dolls that are now discontinued and one was even discontinued without warning. (Luckily for me after I bought one from the company.)
      A non-limited doll may be produced this year, but how about next year? From time to time companies change their line-up to make room for other molds. Sometimes a company that looked like it was going strong for years, suddenly drops off the earth.

      I can understand the worry about sculpts being discontinued, but you can't influence it. Just go with the flow and if you have to choose between a limited and a standard edition doll, go for the one that grabs you the most.
    14. I am quite fearful of sculpts I like (or want to bring home) getting discontinued,
      because it has happened a lot in the past. Mainly because I love things that are not
      generally seen as “beautiful,” so the lack of sales gets those sculpts discontinued.
      It’s happened with SoulDoll sculpts many times already, luckily I was able to get one of those
      discontinued sculpts. Regrettably for me, I’ll never find the first two, which were the ones
      I wanted the most. It’s kind of “the story of my life,” with many other sculpts as well. ):

      - Enzyme ^ ^

    15. This happened to me with Souldoll once. I was saving up for a SoulDouble Queena in tan skin, and was literally going to place an order for her the next week, when Souldoll announced (without ANY warning) that they were discontinuing tan skin on their standard models, effective immediately. I was crushed. It ended up working out, because I found another doll that would work even better for the same character, but it was very frustrating.

      In the end, though, I'm sure that if I had been truly determined to have the Queena, I would have eventually been able to find one. I wanted a Dollti D for years (had been planning to buy one, but then the entire company disappeared), and recently found one even though I hadn't even been actively looking. It's all a matter of patience (and/or willingness to spend exorbitant amounts of money).

      So no, it's not something I worry about too much. It's in the back of my mind as a possibility, but I don't dwell on it.
    16. I'm afraid that Soom would discontinue Lazule someday. They did that once but I may guess many people asked to return him to stock. You know, people who adore a standard sculpt but are forced to buy a limiteds instead because they love them too))
      Despite of me and my good friend both have Lazules already I would like to see more of this gorgeous, versatile and rather underrated sculpt.
    17. I am always scared of that possibility, Dollzone has already done that to a few dolls I was interested in (yay for market scouring *sarcasm*) and SOOM does it monthly ( Har de Har), there a few I am utterly terrified of not getting at some point, but most of them are already a little older so it's scarey, I really want a Spiritdoll Camphor, I love his lips so darn much! <3 Leeke Mihael (love that pouty face), Luts Dreaming Shiwoo (I think? I love his lovely half eyes) B&G Freya-- He looks so cool! They already discontinued B&G Sunny (which I thankfully found on the MP) and a couple others here and there... though I guess we have a pretty nice MP, but sometimes it just takes for ever to find that discontinued doll (sometimes even the still produced ones) and when they are discontinued, they are limited in a way... and the price goes up and up and up... :P

      Oh well, life.
    18. I panicked when Soom said they were discontinuing some of the super gems ....I wanted Spinel so badly and I managed to get him from Soom too.....but he is still available to this day so I think maybe it was a ploy by Soom to sell more SGs.....Lol :)I have since sold my Spinel so perhaps I really didn't want him that badly after all ???
      I would really love a DZ Yuu though....but I 'll be able to get him in the marketplace when I get the funds, so I'm not worried ;)
    19. I'm not very scared of these things (since I never have the money to buy from the company), this happened to a friend of mind recently actually with Feilan at DollZone
      ((Plus this made me laugh a bit since Doll-Leaves has started carrying dolls named after letters in the alphabet XD))
    20. The closest I have been to this was the time I was going to get BuddyDoll W-Buddy Jiny. When I was up to order her after saving I found out she was suddenly sold out. I was really worried she was not restocked again, as it was not a big company (Nowadays it seems to be closed since a while), so I asked them about her. They told me she was discontinued (without any previous warning). Fortunately they still had the one they used for their store photos and that is the one I own. I have never seen any other Jiny in the Internet, including forums, therefore in this case second hand would had not been an option. Something similar happened to me also with my resin pet, but luckyly I could get it finally as well.