1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Excited about dolls!

Mar 5, 2018

    1. Hey guys! What is it about the hobby or your dolls that excites you most? Do you get excited about planning photo stories or visiting cons? How about designing clothes or creating back stories? Tell me about what excites you most!

      Usually, I fall in love with a sculpt. I get excited when I can finally buy it and (of course) when it comes in, but what I love most is learning how the sculpt fits into my story and what kind of person their character turns out to be. I love learning about what clothes they want to wear and how they interact with my other dolls. (Oh, and Mods, please forgive me if this was posted somewhere else. I couldn't find something as inclusive as I'd like for an answer, so I asked this.)
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    2. For me it’s designing how the doll will look, from buying items to sewing, or crafting props. I’m working on a doll right now, and it’s a bit hard as the bust is too big and I’ve ordered a smaller replacement, but it might take a few months to arrive. I really want to finish up making the outfit so bad!! Nothing feels as good to me to see the doll complete. That makes me so happy! :XD:
    3. I love posing and taking their pictures. I am excited about learning to make wigs as well since i can never find wigs that I like
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    4. I've always loved making characters and worlds for those characters. I've been told by friends that I should write a book, so I once tried, but I came to find out that it's the character developing and world building that I like best, not the actual story writing. I'm also crafty and before I got into the BJD hobby I made good quality dollhouse furniture.

      BJD are an accumulation of doing what I already love.
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    5. Finding a doll I love is the beginning but then the actual getting them is just another beginning, not an end, with so many creative possibilities! I like making wigs and clothes and being able to change their looks, swapping eyes around as well as wigs. I'm also really into taking photos and am working on my photography skills (and my posing skills). The next step for me is making more props and sets!
    6. I find creating clothes and props are the most exciting part of the BJD hobby! It adds to my doll's character designs, and helps me bond with them.
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    7. I enjoy role-playing and watching the character unfold, coming up with a personality and their stories. I also have seen a few sculpts that I very much like.
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    8. I don't have my doll yet, but I am looking forward to sewing for her, and making her more eyes.
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    9. Making clothes is definitely my favorite, sewing, knitting, even crochet sometimes. They do have a story, and I keep meaning to take more pictures... but in the end I have the most fun making tiny things, lol.
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    10. At the moment I’m really excited about getting my boys total aesthetic down. I know what characters for me they represent but, I’ve never been able to fully realize how I want them to look.

      I’ve definitely found everything I need to finish them up and I’m pumped! I can’t wait to change wigs and clothes and finally being satisfied!

      I’m also really excited about planning what I want to do next. I’ve been searching around to find new sculpts from companies that I never thought of before and I’m more open to buying a head first and body later. I’m finding so much inspiration that I can’t wait to create new characters just to fit these doll ideas. :D
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    11. I've only recently started the BJD thing. I had doll posed standing upright on a stand partially for aesthetics but also because of poor poseability. Last night I did a moleskin and hot glue suede job (easier than I expected) and I plan to pose in at least sitting position (got some teddy bear chairs on eBay) for now. Will go from there.
    12. I get super excited when I start planning how they'll look (buying wigs, clothes, etc.)! It's so fun to explore all the possibilities (but also damaging to your wallet :sweat). I also really like to make accessories myself for them. I still don't know how to sew well, but I hope to learn someday so that I can make clothes for them!
      Having a doll by your side is always a great feeling. <3
    13. I love participating in events, especially since that’s how I meet friends, get new clothes for dolls, and take pics with other people’s doll with mine! (With their consent of course) Going to an event is like a whole package of experience for me :D
    14. I’m obsessed with designing clothes for them! And their eyes! I haven’t had a chance to participate in many events but it’s fun to watch them!
    15. Buying clothes, hats, accessories for my doll is very excited, I want to see my doll in many outfits.
      I have many ideas in my head , I want to make hats or clothes for my doll but I'm lazy. :lol:
    16. For me, it's a combination. This hobby brings together so many of my other hobbies, like sewing, painting, writing, role play, and making dioramas and tiny props, so all of that excites me! I also love going to meet ups and cons to meet other doll owners and see other sculpts in person. Building a doll as my character is always a thrill for me. I often feel like the creation is more fun than the collection for me, so many of my dolls don't stay here long.
    17. For me personally, I get so excited when I get to build a character! Starting from when I see a sculpt, to buying, then slowly putting all the pieces together for that said doll/character! I get overly excited sometimes after I buy a doll that I am constantly thinking about it:dance
    18. I'm new (2 dolls on order!), and I've been wondering what building a character means. And role-playing also. Is it kind of like the way we played with dolls when we were kids - interacting with them imaginatively, pretending... etc? Maybe I just don't understand since I don't have mine yet. :huh?: I do understand the aspect of making a doll look like the character in a book or movie though.

      So far I've been excited about sewing and knitting for them!
      #18 Bundles, Mar 7, 2018
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
    19. I’m excited by how beautiful they are and how I can get an ok from my brain out in 3d
    20. I fell in love with these dolls the moment I found out you have the freedom to do whatever you please with them, I am in it for the art, creating characters and developing their personalities and everything else that sparks the creative mind! I don't have my own doll yet.. but I enjoy looking over the different SCULPTS and dreaming up what I can do with them!